- Fix derpibooru filter loading
- Add @connect userscript header tags (which are now required by Tampermonkey)
- Update b4k.js
- Remove unneeded "no Greasemonkey" alert
- Update Vocaroo player URL
- Fix tumblr processor
- Fix default swf embed dimensions not being applied correctly
- Fix derpibooru filters not working after the recent derpibooru update
- Change main derpibooru domain to derpibooru.org (as per the api documentation)
- Derpibooru filters can now be loaded from either derpibooru.org or derpiboo.ru
- Each domain will be checked in that order, the first logged in domain found will be used to load the filter
- Fix e621 SWFs not being expandable
- Add support for Appchan X
- Fix script not running at all when using Appchan X
- Fix settings button not being displayed anywhere when using Appchan X (it will now be added to the header)
- Note: Appchan X's styling breaks the settings menu, this will not be fixed. Disable Appchan X if you want to change the settings properly
- Fix fileinfo not displaying for e621 and tumblr images
- Major code refactoring
- Direct links to e621 images with md5 filenames will now be resolved to the post page (similar to derpibooru links)
- Fix vocaroo embeds having incorrect dimensions
- Fix the inline extension's post menu not opening on posts with embedded links
- Fix dimensions displaying as
for e621 webms, they are not provided by the API so they should not display - Fix scores not displaying at all when they were
- Add tags and score to e621 link file info
- Fix derpibooru regexp not matching some full direct image urls
- Update b4k.js
- Fix settings button not being present in the 4chan catalog
- Always show all filtered tags instead of only the first one found
- Use specific asset versions in @require scripts
- Settings dialog will now use correct background colors according to the current theme when using the native extension
- Remove timeout for loading derpibooru filters (will now be loaded on every page load)
- Ignore derpibooru filters if the user is not logged in
- Add tags and score to derpibooru file info
- Update metadata
- Use a metadata-only (.meta.js) file to check for updates
- Fix an issue with the settings functions that caused the script to fail on a clean install
- Derpibooru processor now uses derpiboo.ru instead of derpibooru.org
- Add "Load Derpibooru Filter" option to the Derpibooru processor
- Automatically loads the current filter from Derpibooru and uses it to filter images
- Filter is redownloaded and applied on each page load, with a minimum delay of 10 minutes between reloads
- Must be logged in to derpiboo.ru, other domains (derpibooru.org, etc.) will not work. If not logged in, the default Derpibooru filter will still be used
- Derpibooru filtered images will now have a "Filtered" tag in the file info, hovering over it will display the filtered tag
- Update b4k.js
- Fix *.media.tumblr.com images sometimes not loading
- Rewrite settings storage (settings will be reset, sorry!)
- Support for derpibooru.org/images/ links
- Enable script on the fg.b4k.co archive
- Improve accuracy of inline expansion scrollback position
- Fixed hover expansion displaying a broken image while loading on Firefox
- Added a "reload" button to the settings menu to re-process all posts
- Improved image load state detection for inline expansion
- Tumblr posts with multiple images will now display the first image in the post
- Minor bugfixes
- Fixed thumbnail placeholding
- Fixed text fields in the settings menu sometimes not being saved
- All settings will now update without having to reload the page, including text field settings
- Images won't be updated after closing the settings menu unless a setting has changed
- Fixed vocaroo processor
- Code cleanup
- Bugfixes
- Sorry
- Fixed some cases where the 4chan X header button wasn't added
- Improved inline expansion
- Updated the settings menu button added to the 4chan X header
- Now uses a FontAwesome icon (
) instead of text - Is now placed alongside the rest of the buttons (placed on the right of the updater/thread stats, if these are enabled)
- No longer supports non-seaweedchan forks
- Fixed text input fields in the settings menu being too small when using OneeChan
- Fixed Tumblr thumbnails sometimes not being detected correctly
- Generic processor will now ignore www.dropbox.com/s/* URLs since they can't be loaded directly
- Updated imgur processor
- Now always links to an image's imgur page, regardless of the link matched (imgur.com or i.imgur.com)
- Better handling of .gifv links
- Improved Inline Expansion and Hover Expansion
- Updated the position calculation on hover-expanded images
- Moved the vocaroo_player.swf to files.b4k.co
- Added Tumblr processor
- Loads images from tumblr posts
- Currently only works on single-image posts, ignores all other post types
- Example: blog.tumblr.com/image/123456 or blog.tumblr.com/post/123456/post-text
- Updated b4k.co archive url
- Fixed a possible issue with URL truncating in links
- Fixed hover-expanded images being layered under the 4chan X header instead of over it
- Fixed some issues with the youtube and 4chan processors
- File extension is now shown on 4chan images
- Fixed hover-expanded images being positioned incorrectly due to the mouse position not being detected
- Update b4k.js
- Image data cache is now preserved when the script restarts
- Fixed an undeclared variable causing the script to not run on Firefox
- Fix/update b4k.js
- Code refactoring
- Improved loading of derpibooru and e261 image data: if loading fails, the script will try again after 3 seconds (up to 5 times)
- This should make derpibooru images fail to load less often when the servers are being slow
- Static derpibooru image links (derpicdn.net) are now recognized and embedded as normal derpibooru links
- Script will no longer try to load WEBMs from e264 as normal images (shows the e264 video thumbnail for now)
- Fixed detection of links that were replaced/embedded by other extensions (ex: 4chan X youtube link titles)
- Updated menu links to link to the new repo
- Move to bakugo/4chan-imgur
- Made "auto scroll back to post" more accurate when using 4chan X (now takes the header height into account aswell)
- More fixes to the generic URL regexp
- Fixed generic processor ignoring URLs where the filename has more than one period
- Fixed 4chan thumbnails sometimes failing to load
- Settings button in 4chan x's header now displays properly in some other forks
- Fixed hover expansion sometimes not working at all
- Fixed hover images sometimes being positioned too low until the mouse was moved (position is now updated when the image begins loading)
- Force https on media.tumblr.com again, always use 1.media.tumblr.com to avoid bad certificates
- Minor update to fix hover expansion
- Improved inline expansion
- Added swf inline expansion (for 4chan and e621)
- Added a new thumbnail for swf files
- Fixed thumbnails not working on 4chan links to boards with a number in their name
- Changed @require scripts domain
- Middle mouse click no longer expands images
- Fix some whitespace issues with post comment parsing
- Removed autogif option from derpibooru since thumbnails are already animated (wow, that was dumb)
- Fix vocaroo embeds not working
- Fix derpibooru duplicate images with redirects causing errors
- More code cleanup
- Fix 4chan x's index search sometimes causing multiple thumbnails in the same post
- Fix menu link sometimes not being added to 4chan x's header bar
- Fix the script trying to load imgur.com/gallery/ urls
- Script no longer forces https on media.tumblr.com links
- The media.tumblr.com domain sometimes has a bad https certificate, preventing the images from loading (blame the idiots in charge of that site)
- e621 SWF files can no longer be expanded and break the script
- (maybe I'll add actual swf expansion in the future)
- Image format and dimensions are now displayed for derpibooru and e621 images
- Filesize is also displayed for e621 images only
- Vocaroo embedding now works in https (mirrored player.swf on a domain that supports https)
- Long image filenames will now be truncated and expand on mouse hover
- Added new error/loading/placeholder images
- Added autogif option to 4chan, e621
- Removed tiny thumb option from imgur since it was pretty useless
- When closing the settings menu, if any setting has been changed, all thumbnails will be regenerated with the new settings applied
- Changed menu link in 4chan x's header to be in the same style as the other buttons on it
- When an expanded image is closed, automatically scroll to the post the image is in
- For example, when you expand a large image and scroll down to see more of it, when you close it you won't be halfway down the page
- Removed code that imported settings from old versions
- Page can no longer be scrolled when the settings menu is open
- Added tag blacklist for derpibooru
- Comma-separated
- Any images with a blacklisted tag will not be auto-loaded
- Add e621.net embedding
- Better fix for inline extension breaking click events
- Parse posts using the post itself instead of the blockquote element
- Automatically add wildcard to tumblr.com allowed domain imported from previous version
- Major code rewrite
- Now uses jQuery
- Script will not run if it's not installed in Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey
- Implemented userscript thing from b4k.js
- Settings are now saved using GM_setValue and all in the same value (using JSON)
- Settings from previous versions will automatically be converted
- Settings will no longer be different when browsing with http or https
- Added GM_xmlhttpRequest wrapper for jQuery.ajax() to allow cross-domain requests
- HTTP requests are now made with jQuery.ajax()
- Fixed derpibooru embedding not working on Chrome
- Fixed deleted derpibooru images causing an error
- Prevent the native 4chan extension from breaking click events (inline expand, etc.)
- Fixed incorrect vocaroo embed size
- Updated 4chan regexp for new image urls (i.4cdn.org, no /src/ or /thumb/ folders)
- URL black/whitelist fields now allow wildcards (* and ?)
- When browsing with HTTPS, images are also loaded over HTTPS
- Improved style adding
- Completely changed menu layout
- Now compatible with different themes/user styles
- Added changelog link
- Probably a few more changes that I forgot I even made
- Note: vocaroo embeds currently do not work on HTTPS due to the vocaroo site having an invalid HTTPS certificate.