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File metadata and controls

527 lines (484 loc) · 31.2 KB

SNIP-722 - Extension of SNIP-721 for Badges, POAPs, and Non-Transferable NFTs

This document describes several optional enhancements to the SNIP-721 specification. Contracts that support the existing SNIP-721 standard are still considered SNIP-721 compliant. Clients should be written so as to benefit from these SNIP-722 features when available, but provide fallbacks for when these features are not available.

The features specified in this document enable a SNIP-722 compliant contract to be used for badges and POAPs as well as non-transferable tokens.


The primary update for Badges/POAPs is the addition of a token_subtype field in the Metadata Extension struct. This field is intended to be used by applications in order to differentiate NFTs that are used as Badges/POAPs so that they can be displayed as such because they will be used for things like trophies, achievements, proof of attendence, etc... An example of the definition of Metadata and Extension as used by Stashh is included below.


This is the metadata for a token that follows CW-721 metadata specification, which is based on ERC721 Metadata JSON Schema. The reference implementation will throw an error if both token_uri and extension are provided.

	"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
	"extension": {
		"...": "..."
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
token_uri string Uri pointing to off-chain JSON metadata yes nothing
extension Extension (see below) Data structure defining on-chain metadata yes nothing

The reference implementation will throw an error if both token_uri and extension are provided.


This is an on-chain metadata extension struct that conforms to the Stashh metadata standard (which in turn implements Urls should be prefixed with http://, https://, ipfs://, or ar://.

	"image": "optional_image_url",
	"image_data": "optional_raw_svg_image_data",
	"external_url": "optional_url_to_view_token_on_your_site",
	"description": "optional_token_description",
	"name": "optional_token_name",
	"attributes": [
			"display_type": "optional_display_format_for_numerical_traits",
			"trait_type": "optional_name_of_the_trait",
			"value": "trait value",
			"max_value": "optional_max_value_for_numerical_traits"
			"...": "...",
	"background_color": "optional_six-character_hexadecimal_background_color_(without_pre-pended_`#`)",
	"animation_url": "optional_url_to_multimedia_file",
	"youtube_url": "optional_url_to_a_YouTube_video",
	"media": [
			"file_type": "optional_file_type",
			"extension": "optional_file_extension",
			"authentication": {
				"key": "optional_decryption_key_or_password",
				"user": "optional_username_for_authentication"
			"url": "url_pointing_to_the_multimedia_file"
			"...": "...",
	"protected_attributes": [ "list", "of_attributes", "whose_types", "are_public", "but_values", "are_private" ],
	"token_subtype": "badge"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
image string Url to the token's image yes nothing
image_data string Raw SVG image data that should only be used if there is no image field yes nothing
external_url string Url to view the token on your site yes nothing
description string Text description of the token yes nothing
name string Name of the token yes nothing
attributes array of Trait (see below) Token's attributes yes nothing
background_color string Background color represented as a six-character hexadecimal without a pre-pended # yes nothing
animation_url string Url to a multimedia file yes nothing
youtube_url string Url to a YouTube video yes nothing
media array of MediaFile (see below) List of multimedia files using Stashh specifications yes nothing
protected_attributes array of string List of attributes whose types are public but whose values are private yes nothing
token_subtype string token subtype used to signify what the NFT is used for, such as "badge" yes nothing


Trait describes a token attribute as defined in

	"display_type": "optional_display_format_for_numerical_traits",
	"trait_type": "optional_name_of_the_trait",
	"value": "trait value",
	"max_value": "optional_max_value_for_numerical_traits"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
display_type string Display format for numerical traits yes nothing
trait_type string Name of the trait yes nothing
value string Trait value no
max_value string Maximum value for this numerical trait yes nothing


MediaFile is the data structure used by Stashh to reference off-chain multimedia files. It allows for hosted files to be encrypted or authenticated with basic authentication, and for the decryption key or username/password to also be included in the on-chain private metadata. Urls should be prefixed with http://, https://, ipfs://, or ar://.

	"file_type": "optional_file_type",
	"extension": "optional_file_extension",
	"authentication": {
		"key": "optional_decryption_key_or_password",
		"user": "optional_username_for_authentication"
	"url": "url_pointing_to_the_multimedia_file"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
file_type string File type. Stashh currently uses: "image", "video", "audio", "text", "font", "application" yes nothing
extension string File extension yes nothing
authentication Authentication (see below) Credentials or decryption key for a protected file yes nothing
url string Url to the multimedia file no


Authentication is used to provide the decryption key or username/password for protected files.

	"key": "optional_decryption_key_or_password",
	"user": "optional_username_for_authentication"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
key string Decryption key or password yes nothing
user string Username for basic authentication yes nothing



ImplementsTokenSubtype indicates whether the contract implements the token_subtype Extension field. Because legacy SNIP-721 contracts do not implement this query and do not implement token subtypes, any use of this query should always check for an error response, and if the response is an error, it can be considered that the contract does not implement subtypes. Because message parsing ignores input fields that a contract does not expect, this query should be used before attempting a message that uses the token_subtype Extension field. If the message is sent to a SNIP-721 contract that does not implement token_subtype, that field will just be ignored and the resulting NFT will still be created/updated, but without a token_subtype.

	"implements_token_subtype": {}
	"implements_token_subtype": {
		"is_enabled": true | false
Name Type Description Optional
is_enabled bool True if the contract implements token subtypes no

Non-Transferable Tokens

Non-transferable tokens are NFTs that can never have an owner other than the address it was minted to. In order to provide the owner of a non-transferable token a way to get rid of an unwanted NFT, non-transferable tokens must always have the ability to be burned (see here). Also, it should be noted that setting royalties for a non-transferable token has no purpose, because it can never be transferred as part of a sale. Because the intent of VerifyTransferApproval is to provide contracts a way to know before-hand whether an attempt to transfer tokens will fail, the reference implementation has modified VerifyTransferApproval to consider any non-transferable token as unapproved for transfer.


The following are examples of how the reference implementation of non-transferable tokens provides the ability to specify whether an NFT should be transferable at the time it is minted.


MintNft mints a single token.

	"mint_nft": {
		"token_id": "optional_ID_of_new_token",
		"owner": "optional_address_the_new_token_will_be_minted_to",
		"public_metadata": {
			"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
			"extension": {
				"...": "..."
		"private_metadata": {
			"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
			"extension": {
				"...": "..."
		"serial_number": {
			"mint_run": 3,
			"serial_number": 67,
			"quantity_minted_this_run": 1000,
		"royalty_info": {
			"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
			"royalties": [
					"recipient": "address_that_should_be_paid_this_royalty",
					"rate": 100,
					"...": "..."
		"transferable": true | false,
		"memo": "optional_memo_for_the_mint_tx",
		"padding": "optional_ignored_string_that_can_be_used_to_maintain_constant_message_length"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
token_id string Identifier for the token to be minted yes minting order number
owner string (HumanAddr) Address of the owner of the minted token yes env.message.sender
public_metadata Metadata (see above) The metadata that is publicly viewable yes nothing
private_metadata Metadata (see above) The metadata that is viewable only by the token owner and addresses the owner has whitelisted yes nothing
serial_number SerialNumber The SerialNumber for this token yes nothing
royalty_info RoyaltyInfo RoyaltyInfo for this token yes default RoyaltyInfo
transferable bool True if the minted token should be transferable yes true
memo string memo for the mint tx that is only viewable by addresses involved in the mint (minter, owner) yes nothing
padding string An ignored string that can be used to maintain constant message length yes nothing

Setting royalties for a non-transferable token has no purpose, because it can never be transferred as part of a sale.

	"mint_nft": {
		"token_id": "ID_of_minted_token",

The ID of the minted token should also be returned in a LogAttribute with the key minted.


BatchMintNft mints a list of tokens.

	"batch_mint_nft": {
		"mints": [
				"token_id": "optional_ID_of_new_token",
				"owner": "optional_address_the_new_token_will_be_minted_to",
				"public_metadata": {
					"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
					"extension": {
						"...": "..."
				"private_metadata": {
					"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
					"extension": {
						"...": "..."
				"serial_number": {
					"mint_run": 3,
					"serial_number": 67,
					"quantity_minted_this_run": 1000,
				"royalty_info": {
					"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
					"royalties": [
							"recipient": "address_that_should_be_paid_this_royalty",
							"rate": 100,
							"...": "..."
				"transferable": true | false,
				"memo": "optional_memo_for_the_mint_tx"
				"...": "..."
		"padding": "optional_ignored_string_that_can_be_used_to_maintain_constant_message_length"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
mints array of Mint (see below) A list of all the mint operations to perform no
padding string An ignored string that can be used to maintain constant message length yes nothing
	"batch_mint_nft": {
		"token_ids": [
			"IDs", "of", "tokens", "that", "were", "minted", "..."

The IDs of the minted tokens should also be returned in a LogAttribute with the key minted.


The Mint object defines the data necessary to mint one token.

	"token_id": "optional_ID_of_new_token",
	"owner": "optional_address_the_new_token_will_be_minted_to",
	"public_metadata": {
		"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
		"extension": {
			"...": "..."
	"private_metadata": {
		"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
		"extension": {
			"...": "..."
	"serial_number": {
		"mint_run": 3,
		"serial_number": 67,
		"quantity_minted_this_run": 1000,
	"royalty_info": {
		"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
		"royalties": [
				"recipient": "address_that_should_be_paid_this_royalty",
				"rate": 100,
				"...": "..."
	"transferable": true | false,
	"memo": "optional_memo_for_the_mint_tx"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
token_id string Identifier for the token to be minted yes minting order number
owner string (HumanAddr) Address of the owner of the minted token yes env.message.sender
public_metadata Metadata (see above) The metadata that is publicly viewable yes nothing
private_metadata Metadata (see above) The metadata that is viewable only by the token owner and addresses the owner has whitelisted yes nothing
serial_number SerialNumber The SerialNumber for this token yes nothing
royalty_info RoyaltyInfo RoyaltyInfo for this token yes default RoyaltyInfo
transferable bool True if the minted token should be transferable yes true
memo string memo for the mint tx that is only viewable by addresses involved in the mint (minter, owner) yes nothing

Setting royalties for a non-transferable token has no purpose, because it can never be transferred as part of a sale.



SNIP-722 adds a transferable field to the NftDossier response of SNIP-721. NftDossier returns all the information about a token that the viewer is permitted to view. If no viewer is provided, NftDossier will only display the information that has been made public. The response may include the owner, the public metadata, the private metadata, the reason the private metadata is not viewable, the royalty information, the mint run information, whether the token is transferable, whether ownership is public, whether the private metadata is public, and (if the querier is the owner,) the approvals for this token as well as the inventory-wide approvals for the owner. The implementation may choose to hide royalty recipient addresses. See here for a description of how the reference implementation determines who is permitted to view royalty recipient addresses.

	"nft_dossier": {
		"token_id": "ID_of_the_token_being_queried",
		"viewer": {
			"address": "address_of_the_querier_if_supplying_optional_ViewerInfo",
			"viewing_key": "viewer's_key_if_supplying_optional_ViewerInfo"
		"include_expired": true | false
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
token_id string ID of the token being queried no
viewer ViewerInfo The address and viewing key performing this query yes nothing
include_expired bool True if expired approvals should be included in the response yes false
	"nft_dossier": {
		"owner": "address_of_the_token_owner",
		"public_metadata": {
			"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
			"extension": {
				"...": "..."
		"private_metadata": {
			"token_uri": "optional_uri_pointing_to_off-chain_JSON_metadata",
			"extension": {
				"...": "..."
		"display_private_metadata_error": "optional_error_describing_why_private_metadata_is_not_viewable_if_applicable",
		"royalty_info": {
			"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
			"royalties": [
					"recipient": "optional_address_that_should_be_paid_this_royalty",
					"rate": 100,
					"...": "..."
		"mint_run_info": {
			"collection_creator": "optional_address_that_instantiated_this_contract",
			"token_creator": "optional_address_that_minted_this_token",
			"time_of_minting": 999999,
			"mint_run": 3,
			"serial_number": 67,
			"quantity_minted_this_run": 1000,
		"transferable": true | false,
		"owner_is_public": true | false,
		"public_ownership_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
		"private_metadata_is_public": true | false,
		"private_metadata_is_public_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
		"token_approvals": [
				"address": "whitelisted_address",
				"view_owner_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"view_private_metadata_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"transfer_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"...": "..."
		"inventory_approvals": [
				"address": "whitelisted_address",
				"view_owner_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"view_private_metadata_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"transfer_expiration": "never" | {"at_height": 999999} | {"at_time":999999},
				"...": "..."
Name Type Description Optional
owner string (HumanAddr) Address of the token's owner yes
public_metadata Metadata (see above) The token's public metadata yes
private_metadata Metadata (see above) The token's private metadata yes
display_private_metadata_error string If the private metadata is not displayed, the corresponding error message yes
royalty_info RoyaltyInfo The token's RoyaltyInfo yes
mint_run_info MintRunInfo The token's MintRunInfo yes
transferable bool True if this token is transferable no*
owner_is_public bool True if ownership is public for this token no
public_ownership_expiration Expiration When public ownership expires for this token. Can be a blockheight, time, or never yes
private_metadata_is_public bool True if private metadata is public for this token no
private_metadata_is_public_expiration Expiration When public display of private metadata expires. Can be a blockheight, time, or never yes
token_approvals array of Snip721Approval List of approvals for this token yes
inventory_approvals array of Snip721Approval List of inventory-wide approvals for the token's owner yes

The transferable field is mandatory for SNIP-722 compliant contracts, but because SNIP-722 is an optional extension to SNIP-721, any NftDossier response that does not include the field can be considered to come from a contract that only implements transferable tokens (considered equivalent to transferable = true)


IsTransferable indicates whether the token is transferable. This query is not authenticated.

	"is_transferable": {
		"token_id": "ID_of_the_token_whose_transferability_is_being_queried"
Name Type Description Optional Value If Omitted
token_id string The ID of the token whose transferability is being queried no
	"is_transferable": {
		"token_is_transferable": true | false
Name Type Description Optional
token_is_transferable bool True if the token is transferable no


ImplementsNonTransferableTokens indicates whether the contract implements non-transferable tokens. Because legacy SNIP-721 contracts do not implement this query and do not implement non-transferable tokens, any use of this query should always check for an error response, and if the response is an error, it can be considered that the contract does not implement non-transferable tokens. Because message parsing ignores input fields that a contract does not expect, this query should be used before attempting to mint a non-transferable token. If the message is sent to a SNIP-721 contract that does not implement non-transferable tokens, the transferable field will just be ignored and the resulting NFT will still be created, but will always be transferable.

	"implements_non_transferable_tokens": {}
	"implements_non_transferable_tokens": {
		"is_enabled": true | false
Name Type Description Optional
is_enabled bool True if the contract implements non-transferable tokens no