Azure Form Recognizer is a cloud-based Azure Applied AI Service for developers to build intelligent document processing solutions. Form Recognizer applies machine-learning-based optical character recognition (OCR) and document understanding technologies to extract text, tables, structure, and key-value pairs from documents. You can also label and train custom models to automate data extraction from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured documents.
Form recognizer comes with a selection of prebuilt models. It is also possible to build and train your own custom model for your specific needs. In the following challenges you will try out the different options you have when using Form Recognizer.
- Deploy the service using Azure CLI
- Operate the User Interface (Form Recognizer Studio), the SDK and Rest API
- Utilise Form Recognizer's prebuilt models
- Build custom models
Before we can start using Form Recognizer, we first need to deploy the resource in Azure. We will do this using the Azure CLI.
Like in the challenges before, open the cloud shell in the Azure portal. To ensure you are using the correct Azure subscription, type az account show
and to change the subscription type az account set --subscription <NAME OR ID OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION>
Next copy the following command, edit the needed information and paste the command into your cloud shell.
az cognitiveservices account create --name <RESOURCE-NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> --kind FormRecognizer --sku F0 --location westeurope
Hint: In case you have already created a Form Recognizer resource with the free tier (F0) previously, change the sku to "S0".
Now we need to get the key and endpoint of our resource.
# Get the keys for the form recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account keys list --name <RESOURCE-NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME>
# Get the endpoint for the form recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account show --name <RESOURCE-NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> --query "properties.endpoint"
Copy the one of the keys and the endpoint and paste it into a notepad in order to use them later.
As mentioned before, Form Recognizer has a selection of models you can leverage. In the following, you will get to try out a few of them.
The Form Recognizer Read Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Model extracts printed and handwritten text from PDF documents and scanned images. It detects paragraphs, text lines, words, locations, and languages. The read model is the underlying OCR engine for other Form Recognizer prebuilt models like Layout, General Document, Invoice, Receipt, Identity (ID) document, in addition to custom models.
You will be trying out the Read OCR model using the User Interface - Form Recognizer Studio.
- Go to the Form Recognizer Studio and click on Read.
- In the pop-up window, select your Azure subscription, resource group and Form Recognizer resource.
You can analyse the sample document or upload your own sample.
Select the Analyze button.
It is also possible to utilise the Form Recognizer APIs using the SDK or RestAPI. In the following, you will be leveraging the Prebuilt Invoice Model using the Python SDK.
The Form Recognizer invoice model combines powerful OCR capabilities with invoice understanding models to analyze and extract key fields and line items from sales invoices. Invoices can be of various formats and quality including phone-captured images, scanned documents, and digital PDFs. The Form Recognizer invoice model combines powerful OCR capabilities with invoice understanding models to analyze and extract key fields and line items.
You can reuse the Jupyter notebook created on day one of the AI College for Developers. First of all, create a new Python 3.8 - AzureML
notebook in your Jupyter notebook. For this challenge, we will be using Form Recognizer's Python SDK.
In the first cell, install the Form Recognizer SDK:
pip install azure-ai-formrecognizer==3.2.0
Then import all necessary libraries:
# import libraries
import os
from import DocumentAnalysisClient
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
Find out the API key and endpoint of your Form Recognizer resource using the Azure CLI:
# Get the keys for the form recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account keys list --name <RESOURCE-NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME>
# Get the endpoint for the form recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account show --name <RESOURCE-NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> --query "properties.endpoint"
Afterwards, copy one of the two keys and the endpoint and paste them to the following script. Then paste the script into a new cell in your jupyter notebook:
endpoint = "<YOUR-ENDPOINT>"
key = "<YOUR-API-KEY>"
Finally, paste the following code in a new cell to analyse the invoice. Feel free to use the sample invoice or analyse your own invoice if you prefer. You can do this by editing invoiceUrl
def analyze_invoice():
invoiceUrl = ""
document_analysis_client = DocumentAnalysisClient(
endpoint=endpoint, credential=AzureKeyCredential(key)
poller = document_analysis_client.begin_analyze_document_from_url(
"prebuilt-invoice", invoiceUrl)
invoices = poller.result()
for idx, invoice in enumerate(invoices.documents):
print("--------Recognizing invoice #{}--------".format(idx + 1))
vendor_name = invoice.fields.get("VendorName")
if vendor_name:
"Vendor Name: {} has confidence: {}".format(
vendor_name.value, vendor_name.confidence
vendor_address = invoice.fields.get("VendorAddress")
if vendor_address:
"Vendor Address: {} has confidence: {}".format(
vendor_address.value, vendor_address.confidence
customer_name = invoice.fields.get("CustomerName")
if customer_name:
"Customer Name: {} has confidence: {}".format(
customer_name.value, customer_name.confidence
customer_address = invoice.fields.get("CustomerAddress")
if customer_address:
"Customer Address: {} has confidence: {}".format(
customer_address.value, customer_address.confidence
invoice_date = invoice.fields.get("InvoiceDate")
if invoice_date:
"Invoice Date: {} has confidence: {}".format(
invoice_date.value, invoice_date.confidence
invoice_total = invoice.fields.get("InvoiceTotal")
if invoice_total:
"Invoice Total: {} has confidence: {}".format(
invoice_total.value, invoice_total.confidence
due_date = invoice.fields.get("DueDate")
if due_date:
"Due Date: {} has confidence: {}".format(
due_date.value, due_date.confidence
billing_address = invoice.fields.get("BillingAddress")
if billing_address:
"Billing Address: {} has confidence: {}".format(
billing_address.value, billing_address.confidence
billing_address_recipient = invoice.fields.get("BillingAddressRecipient")
if billing_address_recipient:
"Billing Address Recipient: {} has confidence: {}".format(
shipping_address = invoice.fields.get("ShippingAddress")
if shipping_address:
"Shipping Address: {} has confidence: {}".format(
shipping_address.value, shipping_address.confidence
shipping_address_recipient = invoice.fields.get("ShippingAddressRecipient")
if shipping_address_recipient:
"Shipping Address Recipient: {} has confidence: {}".format(
print("Invoice items:")
for idx, item in enumerate(invoice.fields.get("Items").value):
print("...Item #{}".format(idx + 1))
item_description = item.value.get("Description")
if item_description:
"......Description: {} has confidence: {}".format(
item_description.value, item_description.confidence
item_quantity = item.value.get("Quantity")
if item_quantity:
"......Quantity: {} has confidence: {}".format(
item_quantity.value, item_quantity.confidence
unit = item.value.get("Unit")
if unit:
"......Unit: {} has confidence: {}".format(
unit.value, unit.confidence
unit_price = item.value.get("UnitPrice")
if unit_price:
"......Unit Price: {} has confidence: {}".format(
unit_price.value, unit_price.confidence
item_date = item.value.get("Date")
if item_date:
"......Date: {} has confidence: {}".format(
item_date.value, item_date.confidence
amount = item.value.get("Amount")
if amount:
"......Amount: {} has confidence: {}".format(
amount.value, amount.confidence
total_tax = invoice.fields.get("TotalTax")
if total_tax:
"Total Tax: {} has confidence: {}".format(
total_tax.value, total_tax.confidence
amount_due = invoice.fields.get("AmountDue")
if amount_due:
"Amount Due: {} has confidence: {}".format(
amount_due.value, amount_due.confidence
if __name__ == "__main__":
The Form Recognizer receipt model combines powerful OCR capabilities with deep learning models to analyze and extract key information from sales receipts. Receipts can be of various formats and quality including printed and handwritten receipts. The API extracts key information such as merchant name, merchant phone number, transaction date, tax, and transaction total and returns structured JSON data.
Please not that the receipt model does currently not support German language receipts.
This time we will perform simple Rest API calls to utilise the API. To receive a response from the API, there are two requests necessary - POST request to send the receipt and receive the resultId and a GET request to receive the analyse result.
- To perform the POST request go to the Swagger.
- Scroll down and select your resource region, e.g. West Europe.
- As Host Name select
and as modelIdprebuilt-receipt
. - Paste the Form Recognizer API key in
. - Paste a link to an image of a receipt into the Request body, for example:
"urlSource": ""
- Hit
- Copy the
from the response. This is the resultId, which we need for the GET request. - Go to the Swagger to perform the GET request and select your resource region again.
- Select
- Type
in modelId. - Paste the previously copied
in resultId. - Input the resource's API key again.
- Hit Send
You should now receive a JSON response showing the information on the receipt.
With Form Recognizer, you can use prebuilt or pre-trained models, of which we have introduced you to some previously.
Moreover, you can train standalone custom models. Custom models extract and analyze distinct data and use cases from forms and documents specific to your business.
We will train our own custom model using the Form Recognizer Studio.
- Download some sample training data from here and unzip it or use your own sample forms for training.
- Go into the studio and Select
Custom model
. - Select the
Create a project
button. - Provide a name for your project and select
. - On the next step, choose your Subscription and Form Recognizer resource.
- Select or create a Storage account.
- Review your project settings and select
Create Project
. - Next you want to label your data. To start labeling your dataset, you first need to upload the sample data by selecting
Browse for a file
. - Now, you need to label the sample data as shown in the screenshot below:
Do not label one of the documents and delete it. We will need this file for testing purposes.
- Hit the
button, enter a model name and selectTemplate
as Build Mode. - After a few minutes, the training should be completed and you can see how high the accuracy of your model is. The more training data you use, the higher the accuracy will get.
- Select
and upload the file which you didn't use for training. - Hit the
button and check out the result.
Now that you have tried a selection of Form Recognizer models, you might be wondering which is the right one for your use case. This table will give you an overview of which model to use.
- We deployed Azure Form Recognizer using Azure CLI.
- We tried out different models using the Python SDK, Rest API and Form Recognizer studio.
- We trained a custom Form Recognizer model using the UI.
In a next step, we want to see how the cognitive services can be embedded into an application.
⚡ Let's go to AI Developer College Day 2 - Cognitive Services Kitchen Sink App!
Remove the sample resource group at the end of the day. Don't remove it for now as you will be reusing the resources in the next challenge.
$ az group delete -n <yourResourceGroupName>