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Releases: aws/eks-anywhere


02 Feb 22:21
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EKS Anywhere v0.18.6 release

Tool Upgrade

  • EKS Anywhere v0.18.6 Admin AMI with CVE fixes for runc
  • New base images with CVE fixes for Amazon Linux 2
  • Bottlerocket v1.15.1 to 1.19.0
  • runc v1.1.10 to v1.1.12 (CVE-2024-21626)
  • containerd v1.7.11 to v.1.7.12

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.19.0 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”


26 Jan 18:58
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EKS Anywhere v0.18.5 release

Tool Upgrade

  • EKS Anywhere v0.18.5 Admin AMI with CVE fixes for Amazon Linux 2
  • New base images with CVE fixes for Amazon Linux 2

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.15.1 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”


16 Jan 18:12
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  • Nutanix: Enable api-server audit logging for Nutanix (#2664)


  • CNI reconciler now properly pulls images from registry mirror instead of public ECR in airgapped environments: #7170

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.15.1 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”

Weekly Release 2024-01-04

04 Jan 23:44
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This is the weekly bundle and EKS-A CLI release from main.

Date: 2024-01-04
Build-tooling repo commit: d9f413e8b515aab703ea5a4b564fd290ca735815
CLI repo commit: 64326c0

Weekly Release 2023-12-28

28 Dec 23:45
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This is the weekly bundle and EKS-A CLI release from main.

Date: 2023-12-28
Build-tooling repo commit: a65be376fb99ee832346cf478455f85fca7204a0
CLI repo commit: 4e3c720


20 Dec 03:56
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  • CNI reconciler now properly pulls images from registry mirror instead of public ECR in airgapped environments: #7170
  • Waiting for control plane to be fully upgraded: #6764


  • Check for k8s version in the CloudStack template name: #7130

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.14.3 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” _ βœ” β€”


11 Dec 21:58
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  • Etcdadm: Renew client certificates when nodes rollover (aws/etcdadm-controller#56)
  • Include DefaultCNIConfigured condition in Cluster Ready status except when Skip Upgrades is enabled (#7132)

Tool Upgrade

  • EKS Distro (Kubernetes):
    • v1.25.15 to v1.25.16
    • v1.26.10 to v1.26.11
    • v1.27.7 to v1.27.8
    • v1.28.3 to v1.28.4
  • Etcdadm Controller: v1.0.15 to v1.0.16

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.15.1 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”


24 Nov 07:24
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  • Image Builder: Correctly parse no_proxy inputs when both Red Hat Satellite and Proxy is used in image-builder. (#2664)
  • vSphere: Fix template tag validation by specifying the full template path (#6437)
  • Bare Metal: Skip kube-vip deployment when TinkerbellDatacenterConfig.skipLoadBalancerDeployment is set to true. (#6990)


  • Security: Patch incorrect conversion between uint64 and int64 (#7048)
  • Security: Fix incorrect regex for matching curated package registry URL (#7049)
  • Security: Patch malicious tarballs directory traversal vulnerability (#7057)

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.15.1 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”


13 Nov 21:00
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Tool Upgrade

  • Cluster API Provider CloudStack: v0.4.9-rc7 to v0.4.9-rc8

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.14.3 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” _ βœ” β€”


09 Nov 18:08
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Tool Upgrade

  • EKS Distro (Kubernetes):
    • v1.25.14 to v1.25.15
    • v1.26.9 to v1.26.10
    • v1.27.6 to v1.27.7
    • v1.28.2 to v1.28.3
  • Etcdadm Bootstrap Provider: v1.0.9 to v1.0.10
  • Etcdadm Controller: v1.0.14 to v1.0.15
  • Cluster API Provider CloudStack: v0.4.9-rc7 to v0.4.9-rc8
  • EKS Anywhere Packages Controller : v0.3.12 to v0.3.13


  • Bare Metal: Ensure the Tinkerbell stack continues to run on management clusters when worker nodes are scaled to 0 (#2624)

Supported Operating Systems

vSphere Bare Metal Nutanix CloudStack Snow
Ubuntu 20.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” βœ”
Ubuntu 22.04 βœ” βœ” βœ” β€” β€”
Bottlerocket 1.15.1 βœ” βœ” β€” β€” β€”
RHEL 8.7 βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” β€”
RHEL 9.x β€” β€” βœ” β€” β€”