- Original Author(s):: @otaviomacedo
- Tracking Issue: #507
- API Bar Raiser: @corymhall
New L2 constructs to allow for greater control over VPC design. Among other
things, these constructs allow users to create and configure subnets in
ways that are not currently possible with the Vpc
The VpcV2
is a new construct, that creates an AWS VPC. Compared to Vpc
it makes fewer assumptions and allows for more control over how you
structure your VPC, subnets and related resources, such as NAT Gateways and
VPC Endpoints. VpcV2
also implements IVpc
, which allows you to switch
from one implementation to the other without affecting other resources that
reference an IVpc
With VpcV2
, in addition to the mandatory primary IP block, you can have one or
more secondary IP blocks, by providing them in the CIDR format:
const vpc = new VpcV2(this, 'vpc', {
primaryAddressBlock: IpAddresses.ipv4(''),
secondaryAddressBlocks: [
// The secondary address blocks must be in the same RFC 1918 range as
// the primary address block
Or by providing an IPAM pool with a netmask length:
const ipam = new Ipam(stack, 'ipam');
const pool = ipam.publicScope.addPool({
addressFamily: AddressFamily.IP_V4,
provisionedCidrs: [''],
const vpc = new VpcV2(this, 'vpc', {
primaryAddressBlock: IpAddresses.ipv4(''),
secondaryAddressBlocks: [
ipamPool: pool,
netmaskLength: 20,
You can also add secondary IPv6 address blocks, in three different ways:
// 1. Using an Ipv6 address block. Because IPv6 addresses are all publicly
// addressable, they must come from an address pool that you own and brought to
// AWS (BYOIP). So you must also provide the pool ID:
cidr: '2001:db8:1234:1a00::/56',
// The pool of IPs you own. Not to be confused with an IPAM pool ID
poolId: 'my-ipv6-pool-id',
// 2. Using an IPAM pool:
ipamPool: pool,
netmaskLength: 64
// 3. Using an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block:
You can define your subnets with SubnetV2
, which implements ISubnet
const subnet = new SubnetV2(this, 'subnet', {
cidrBlock: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
availabilityZone: Fn.select(0, fn.getAzs()), // or directly, 'us-west-2a'
// When you create a subnet, it attaches itself to the VPC, so you q
// By default, subnets are isolated, until you add a custom route table to it
vpc.isolatedSubnets.includes(subnet); // true
When you create a subnet, it attaches itself to the VPC, so you query the
object for the subnets it contains. Subnets are isolated by default,
until you add a custom route table to it (see more details below). For example:
const subnet = new SubnetV2(this, 'subnet', {
vpc.isolatedSubnets.includes(subnet); // true
If you add more than one subnet to the VPC, the framework validates that there is no intersection between their address blocks. In addition, if all VPC IP address blocks (both primary and secondary) are provided as CIDR strings, the framework validates that each address block of all subnets is within one of the address blocks of the VPC.
If you have added a secondary IPv6 block to your VPC, you can then add subnets with IPv6 ranges as well:
const subnet = new SubnetV2(this, 'subnet', {
cidrBlock: new Ipv6Cidr('2001:db8:1234:1a00::/60'),
availabilityZone: Fn.select(0, fn.getAzs()), // or directly, 'us-west-2a'
To define a public subnet, create a route table with a route to an Internet gateway:
const internetGateway = new InternetGateway(this, 'igw');
const publicDefaultRoute = new Route(this, 'publicDefaultRoute', {
destination: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
// targets implement IRouter
target: internetGateway,
const publicRouteTable = new RouteTable(this, 'publicRouteTable', {
routes: [publicDefaultRoute],
const publicSubnet = new Subnet(this, 'publicSubnet', {
routeTable: publicRouteTable,
cidrBlock: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
availabilityZone: Fn.select(0, fn.getAzs()), // or directly, 'us-west-2a'
You can place a NAT Gateway in this subnet:
const elasticIp = new ElasticIp(this, 'eip', {
domain: Domain.VPC,
const natGateway = new NatGateway(this, 'NatGateway', {
subnet: publicSubnet,
eip: elasticIp,
To define a private subnet with egress-only access to the Internet, you need a route to the NAT Gateway that was placed in the public subnet:
const privateDefaultRoute = new Route(this, 'privateDefaultRoute', {
destination: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
target: natGateway,
const privateRouteTable = new RouteTable(this, 'privateRouteTable', {
routes: [privateDefaultRoute],
const privateSubnet = new Subnet(this, 'privateSubnet', {
routeTable: privateRouteTable,
cidrBlock: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
availabilityZone: Fn.select(0, fn.getAzs()), // or directly, 'us-west-2a'
For IPv6 traffic, to produce this pattern, you have to use an egress-only internet gateway:
const egressOnlyInternetGateway = new EgressOnlyInternetGateway(this, 'gw');
const privateDefaultRoute = new Route(this, 'privateDefaultRoute', {
destination: new Ipv4Cidr('::/0'),
target: egressOnlyInternetGateway,
To route traffic through gateway VPC endpoints:
const dynamoDbEndpoint = new GatewayVpcEndpoint(this, 'endpoint', {
service: GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB,
const route = new Route(this, 'route', {
destination: GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB.name,
target: dynamoDbEndpoint,
const routeTable = new RouteTable(this, 'routeTable', {
routes: [route],
To create a route table that sends traffic through interface VPC endpoints:
const subnet1 = vpc.addSubnet(/*...*/);
const subnet2 = vpc.addSubnet(/*...*/);
const dockerEndpoint = new InterfaceVpcEndpoint(this, 'EcrDockerEndpoint', {
service: InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,
subnets: {
subnets: [subnet1, subnet2],
const route = new Route(this, 'route', {
destination: InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER.name,
target: dockerEndpoint,
To route traffic to a VPN Gateway, you can explicitly add a route to the route table, or you can enable route propagation (or both):
// Because VpnGateway doesn't do much
const vpnGateway = new VpnGatewayV2(this, 'VpnGateway', {
const route = new Route(this, 'route', {
destination: new Ipv4Cidr(''),
target: vpnGateway,
If you have another VPC that you want to use in a peering connection:
const route = new Route(this, 'route', {
destination: new Ipv4Cidr(''), // The peer VPC CIDR
target: anotherVpc,
Other targets include carrier gateways, transit gateways and network interfaces. The API to create routes to them follows the same pattern as above.
From these building blocks, you can assemble any VPC pattern you want and
encapsulate them in custom higher-level constructs (L3s). For example,
suppose you create a new construct called MySubnetGroup
with the public
and private subnets above (and their ancillary constructs such as route
tables etc.) You can then replicate this group across all availability
// This filter does a lookup and produces a list of availability zones
// according to your deny-list
const azs = AzFilter.excludeIds(['use1-az1']);
const ipProvider = IpAddresses.ipv4('');
azs.forEach((az, i) => {
new MySubnetGroup(this, `group${i}`, {
// This value is passed to the availabilityZone property of Subnet
// You can call ipAddresses.allocateSubnetsCidr() to get chunks of this
// space allocated to each subnet
ipAddresses: ipProvider,
Consider the publicSubnet
object created above. Then the following two
statements are true:
vpc.selectSubnets({subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC}).includes(subnet);
Note that, once you access .publicSubnets
or selectSubnets()
, you are no
longer allowed to create a subnet in this VPC. Otherwise, the same query
would return different results in different parts of the application, a
surprising behavior, that can cause confusion.
When you create a component that needs to be placed in a subnet, you can
provide a subnet selection, which informs the Vpc
construct which
actual subnet to pick. For example, to create an ApplicationLoadBalancer
const subnet1 = vpc.addSubnet(/*...*/);
const subnet2 = vpc.addSubnet(/*...*/);
const lb = new elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer(this, 'LB', {
vpcSubnets: {
subnets: [subnet1, subnet2],
Ticking the box below indicates that the public API of this RFC has been
signed-off by the API bar raiser (the status/api-approved
label was applied to the
RFC pull request):
[X] Signed-off by API Bar Raiser @corymhall
A new set of L2 constructs that allow more control over subnets and related concepts, such as routes and route tables.
With this new API, you'll be able to:
- Define your own route tables if the "each subnet has its own table" strategy doesn't fit your use case.
- Add secondary address ranges to the VPC.
- Define an address block per subnet. As a consequence, you will also be able to create asymmetric VPCs, in which different subnets of the same type have different sizes.
- Control whether instances launched in public subnets should receive a
public IPv4 address. In subnets created automatically by the
construct, they always do. - Control in which availability zones specifically your subnets will be placed.
Network design is complex, even with the abstractions provided by AWS. There are many decisions that beginners struggle to get right, or don't even care about in the first place.
The Vpc
L2 construct was designed to lower this entry barrier by exposing a
simple interface to users, and doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes. By
creating a Vpc
with no additional properties, for example, the framework
synthesizes 33 CloudFormation resources of 9 different types. This default
behavior incorporates recommended VPC design practices (e.g., one NAT
gateway per availability zone). And, to a certain extent, this behavior can
be customized: number of availability zones, types of subnet groups and
subnet size within a group are some of the things users can control.
While this is ideal for beginners, more advanced users need a level of control that the construct doesn't afford. We have an open GitHub issue to track this theme, which has received 116 reactions so far. In the top-rated comment in that issue, one user complains: "CDK should follow the cloud-formation interface! Do not tie our hands, let us build. If you want to add a 'convenience' wrapper, do so, but do not force this on us. CDK is a tool not a prescription for how to build", a point that was further elaborated by another user: "I have been given a design brief that details out exact subnets, IP address ranges, NACL, Routing etc. CDK does not allow the user to follow such a brief".
This API is for advanced users, who need to override the default configuration provided by the framework, and understand the consequences of doing so.
An argument against implementing this API is that it would give users a tool that allows them to implement bad patterns, from a security, availability and cost standpoints. For example, users might accidentally add an internet route to an otherwise private subnet, exposing sensitive resources, such as databases, to the outside world.
We have considered an
alternative API, in which
most of the constructs are created by calling VpcV2
methods (e.g.,
- Implement the whole API described in this document.
- Launch it in a separate construct library, in Developer Preview mode.
- When it meets the exit criteria (3 months bake time, at least 2000
stacks and no P0 bugs), move all the new API over to the
For large experimental APIs like this, it's a good idea to clearly mark them
as such. Although we have other mechanisms for this, like adding BetaN
prefixes, this intention is better by a separate module marked as
Experimental or Developer Preview.
The current constructs are very opinionated, with a lot of behavior
defined in the constructor (which makes it impossible to turn those
behaviors off), and with an API that is hard to add to without making
breaking changes (e.g., Subnet