We want to ensure high quality of the packages. Make sure that you've checked the boxes below before sending a pull request.
- I have read the Contribution Guidelines
- I have read the Maintainers Note
- I have read the Quality Standards
Not every repository (project) will require every option, but most projects should. Check the Contribution Guidelines for details.
- The repo documentation has a pkg.go.dev link.
- The repo documentation has a coverage service link.
- The repo documentation has a goreportcard link.
- The repo has a version-numbered release and a go.mod file.
- The repo has a continuous integration process that automatically runs tests that must pass before new pull requests are merged.
- Continuous integration is used to attempt to catch issues prior to releasing this package to end-users.
- forge link (github.com, gitlab.com, etc):
- pkg.go.dev:
- goreportcard.com:
- coverage service link (codecov, coveralls, etc.):
- The package has been added to the list in alphabetical order.
- The package has an appropriate description with correct grammar.
- As far as I know, the package has not been listed here before.
Note that new categories can be added only when there are 3 packages or more.
Packages added a long time ago might not meet the current guidelines anymore. It would be very helpful if you could check 3-5 packages above and below your submission to ensure that they also still meet the Quality Standards.
Please delete one of the following lines:
- The packages around my addition still meet the Quality Standards.
- I removed the following packages around my addition: (please give a short reason for each removal)
Thanks for your PR, you're awesome! 😎