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Deleted branch

Deleted branch

update packages

avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 627b622…6af3c52 • 

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • df70931…7ffe660 • 

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • ee19970…df70931 • 

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • be18dde…26fd5d9 • 

updated tailwind v

avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 95c56a2…627b622 • 

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • 8f2879f…be18dde • 

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • 3b1dc3a…ee19970 • 

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • 5cd999f…8f2879f • 

fix lock file issue

avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 01f1f53…95c56a2 • 

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • 52bff87…3b1dc3a • 

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • 8d27dbd…5cd999f • 

Deleted branch

update next

avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 800ce8f…01f1f53 • 

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • 950fe15…52bff87 • 
5 days ago

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • 113d2e6…8d27dbd • 
5 days ago

Bump react and @types/react

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • 07c0a40…950fe15 • 
5 days ago

Bump tailwindcss from 3.4.15 to 4.0.14

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tailwindcss-4.0.14 • 488d7d2…6138889 • 
5 days ago

Bump eslint-config-next from 15.0.3 to 15.2.2 (#82)

Pull request merge
avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • c8dd760…800ce8f • 
5 days ago

Bump @radix-ui/react-select from 2.1.2 to 2.1.6 (#85)

Pull request merge
avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 7143842…c8dd760 • 
5 days ago

Bump @radix-ui/react-select from 2.1.2 to 2.1.6

Bump tailwindcss from 3.4.15 to 4.0.14

dependabot[bot]created dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tailwindcss-4.0.14 • 488d7d2 • 
5 days ago

Bump react and @types/react

dependabot[bot]created dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-317f60dc3a • 07c0a40 • 
5 days ago

Bump eslint-config-next from 15.0.3 to 15.2.2

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom

dependabot[bot]created dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-76432ee86b • 113d2e6 • 
5 days ago

Deleted branch

Bump next-themes from 0.3.0 to 0.4.4 (#69)

Pull request merge
avalynndevpushed 1 commit to main • 788bbb1…7143842 • 
7 days ago