.. php:namespace:: Atk4\Ui
.. php:class:: Accordion
Accordion implement another way to organize your data. The implementation is based on: https://fomantic-ui.com/modules/accordion.html.
Demo: https://ui.agiletoolkit.org/demos/accordion.php
Once you create an Accordion container you can then mix and match static and dynamic accodion section:
$acc = Accordion::addTo($app);
Adding a static content section is pretty simple:
LoremIpsum::addTo($acc->addSection('Static Tab'));
You can add multiple elements into a single accordion section, like any other view.
.. php:method:: addSection($name, $action = null, $icon = 'dropdown')
Use addSection() method to add more section in an Accordion view. First parameter is a title of the section.
Section can be static or dynamic. Dynamic sections use :php:class:VirtualPage
implementation mentioned above.
You should pass Closure action as a second parameter.
$t = Accordion::addTo($layout);
// add static section
HelloWorld::addTo($t->addSection('Static Content'));
// add dynamic section
$t->addSection('Dynamically Loading', function (VirtualPage $vp) {
Dynamic sections are based around implementation of :php:class:VirtualPage
and allow you
to pass a callback which will be triggered when user clicks on the section title.:
$acc = Accordion::addTo($app);
// dynamic section
$acc->addSection('Dynamic Lorem Ipsum', function (VirtualPage $vp) {
LoremIpsum::addTo($vp, ['size' => 2]);
Accordion class has some wrapper method in order to control the accordion module behavior.
.. php:method:: jsOpen($section, $action = null) .. php:method:: jsToggle($section, $action = null) .. php:method:: jsClose($section, $action = null)
For example, you can set a button that, when clicked, will toggle an accordion section:
$button = Button::addTo($bar, ['Toggle Section 1']);
$acc = Accordion::addTo($app, ['type' => ['styled', 'fluid']]);
$section1 = LoremIpsum::addTo($acc->addSection('Static Text'));
$section2 = LoremIpsum::addTo($acc->addSection('Static Text'));
$button->on('click', $acc->jsToggle($section1));
It is possible to change Accordion module settings via the settings property.:
Accordion::addTo($app, ['settings' => []]);
For a complete list of all settings for the Accordion module, please visit: https://fomantic-ui.com/modules/accordion.html#/settings