Contributors are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and we give credit to them.
This document aims to explain the current roles in the Great Expectations Airflow Provider project. For more information, check the contributing guide.
A contributor is anyone who wants to contribute code, documentation, tests, ideas, or anything to the Great Expectations Airflow Provider project.
Great Expectations Airflow Provider contributors are listed in the GitHub insights page.
Contributors are responsible for:
- Fixing bugs
- Refactoring code
- Improving processes and tooling
- Adding features
- Improving the documentation
Committers are community members with write access to the Great Expectations Airflow Provider GitHub repository. They can modify the code and the documentation and accept others' contributions to the repo.
Check contributors for the official list of Great Expectations Airflow Provider committers.
Committers have the same responsibilities as standard contributors and also perform the following actions:
- Reviewing & merging pull-requests
- Scanning and responding to GitHub issues, helping triaging them
If you know you are not going to be able to contribute for a long time (for instance, due to a change of job or circumstances), you should inform other maintainers, and we will mark you as "emeritus". Emeritus committers will no longer have write access to the repo. As merit earned never expires, once an emeritus committer becomes active again, they can email a maintainer from Astronomer and ask to be reinstated.
General prerequisites that we look for in all candidates:
- Consistent contribution over the last few months
- Visibility on discussions on the Slack channel or GitHub issues/discussions
- Contributes to community health and project's sustainability for the long term
- Understands the project's contributors' guidelines
Astronomer is responsible and accountable for releasing new versions of the Great Expectations Airflow Provider in PyPI, following the milestones. Astronomer has the right to grant and revoke write access permissions to the project's official repository for any reason it sees fit.