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A minimalistic blockchain written in Pharo

Quick Start


You can install Blockchain by executing the following load scripts:

Metacello new 
	repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-Blockchain:main/src';
	baseline: 'Blockchain';

Use the blockchain

| blockchain |
blockchain := Blockchain new.
"Add some data"
blockchain addNewBlockWithData: 'First Block'.
blockchain addNewBlockWithData: 'Second Block'.
self assert: blockchain isValid.

"Manipulate the data"
blockchain chain second data: 'Manipulated'.	
self deny: blockchain isValid


The Blockchain class represents individual blocks in the chain. Each block has:

  • an index
  • a timestamp
  • data (which can be any object)
  • the hash of the previous block
  • its own hash

The Blockchain class manages the chain of blocks. It includes methods to:

  • initialize the chain with a genesis block
  • add new blocks
  • validate the integrity of the chain