This repo is deprecated by our documentation consolidation in artsy/README
Thanks for stopping by though.
Updated versions of these links can be found in artsy/README
in our
recommendations section.
A bunch of links for Engineers by Engineers.
- what is Artsy?
- [give me just one article to read on Artsy]> (
- [what is it like to be an engineer at Artsy?]> (> rs-3c994a001007)
- where is our jobs page?
- Venice Bienale 2017 360° videos
- Venice Bienale 2015, if anything watch this video
- a video series about the art market in partnership with UBS
- 2015 in the art world
- 2014 company report
- 2013 company report
- our Engineering blog
- a list of our open-source projects
- artsy tech stack circa 2017
- open-source
- open-source artsy iOS app
- [a video of @orta code-reviewing our open-source Apple TV app]> (
- 12mm$ stuffed shark
- [the supermodel and the brillo box]> (
- [tribal leadership]> (
- open engineering jobs
- lunch and learn
- how we run lunch and learns
- happy hours
- open standup
- show and tell
MIT License, see LICENSE for details.