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Function Signature
all [Promise a] -> Promise [a]
assemble { k: ((...v) -> v) } -> (...v) -> { k: v }
assembleP { k: ((...v) -> Promise v) } -> (...v) -> Promise { k: v }
assocWith String -> ({ k: v } -> a) -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
assocWithP String -> ({ k: v } -> Promise a) -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }
backoff { k: v } -> (a... -> Promise b) -> a... -> Promise b
batch { k: v } -> ([a] -> Promise [b]) -> a -> Promise b
combine ({ k: v } -> { k: v }) -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
combineAll [({ k: v }, ...) -> { k: v }] -> ({ k: v }, ...) -> { k: v }
combineAllP [({ k: v }, ...) -> Promise { k: v }] -> ({ k: v }, ...) -> Promise { k: v }
combineP ({ k: v } -> Promise { k: v }) -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }
combineWith (c -> b -> d) -> (a -> b) -> c -> d
combineWithP (c -> b -> d) -> (a -> Promise b) -> Promise c -> Promise d
convergeP (b -> c -> Promise d) -> [(a -> Promise b), (a -> Promise c)] -> a -> Promise d
copyProp String -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
copyPath [String] -> [String] -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
evolveP { k: (v -> Promise v) } -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }
juxtP [a... -> Promise b] -> a... -> Promise [b]
mapP Functor f => (a -> Promise b) -> f a -> Promise f b
move Number -> Number -> [a] -> [a]
normalizeBy String -> [{ k: v }] -> { v: { k: v } }
onSuccess (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> b
onSuccessP (a -> Promise b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> Promise b
overP Lens s -> (a -> Promise b) -> s a -> Promise s b
promisify ((a..., b -> ()) -> (), c) -> a... -> Promise b
reject a -> Promise Error
rename String -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
renameAll { k: v } -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
renamePath [String] -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
renamePick { k: v } -> { k: v } -> { k: v }
resolve a -> Promise a
tapP (a -> Promise b) -> a -> Promise a
unlessP (a -> Promise Boolean) -> (a -> Promise a) -> a -> Promise a
useWithP (a -> b -> Promise c) -> [(d -> Promise a), (e -> Promise b)] -> (d -> e -> Promise c)
validate Schema -> a -> Promise a
validateWith Joi -> Schema -> a -> Promise a
whenP (a -> Promise Boolean) -> (a -> Promise a) -> a -> Promise a



all :: [Promise a] -> Promise [a]

Returns a single Promise that resolves when all of the promises in the list have resolved or when the iterable argument contains no promises. It rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects. Just a bound version of Promise.all.

See also reject, resolve.

all([ Promise.resolve('a') ]) //=> Promise ['a']



assemble :: { k: (v -> v) } -> v -> { k: v }

Creates a new object by recursively applying a nested map of transforms to an input value. Primitive values on the transform map are treated as constant functions.

assemble({ foo: add(1), bar: { baz: add(2) }, bat: 1 }, 1) //=> { foo: 2, bar: { baz: 3 }, bat: 1 }



assembleP :: { k: (v -> Promise v) } -> v -> Promise { k: v }

Creates a new object by recursively applying a nested map of async transforms to an input value. Primitive values on the transform map are treated as constant functions. Waits until all transforms complete before resolving.

assembleP({ courses: getCourses, profile: getProfile }, userId) //=> Promise { courses: [], profile: {} }



assocWith :: String -> ({ k: v } -> a) -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Accepts three (3) arguments: a property, a function and an object. Sets the property on the object to the result of the function.

assocWith('foo', always('bar'), {}) //=> { foo: 'bar' }



assocWithP :: String -> ({ k: v } -> Promise a) -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }

Accepts three (3) arguments: a property, a promise-returning function and an object. Sets the property on the object to the result of the function when it resolves.

assocWithP('foo', always(Promise.resolve('bar'), {})) //=> Promise { foo: 'bar' }



backoff :: { k: v } -> (a... -> Promise b) -> a... -> Promise b
Option Type Default Description
base Number 250 base delay in ms
tries Number 10 max number of tries
when a -> Boolean R.T only backoff if this returns true

Accepts an options object, and then wraps an async function with a full jitter exponential backoff algorithm. Useful for recovering from intermittent network failures. Will retry for caught errors that pass the when predicate until the number of tries is reached.

const { propEq } = require('ramda')

const fetchImage = data => { /* async, and might fail sometimes */ }

const opts = {
  base: 500,
  tries: 5,
  when: propEq('statusCode', 429)

backoff(opts, fetchImage)
//=> a new function that tries at most 5 times before rejecting if the error is `429 Too Many Requests`



batch :: { k: v } -> ([a] -> Promise [b]) -> a -> Promise b
Option Type Default Description
inputKey a -> String generates input key to match results with inputs
limit Number Infinity max length of each batch
outputKey a -> String generates output key to match results with inputs
wait Number 32 max wait before throttling batches

Accepts an options object, and then wraps a batched async function. Returns a throttled, unary async function that batches the args of successive invocations and resolves each individual promise with the matching result. Useful for cutting down IO by combining requests.

const { batch, evolveP } = require('@articulate/funky')
const { composeP, prop } = require('ramda')

const createMedia = batch({ limit: 128 }, require('../data/createMedia'))

const asset = composeP(prop('id'), createMedia)

// will create new media records for each entry in the object by batching
// them in a single request, and then store the new ids on the result object
const convertMedia = evolveP({
  audio: asset,
  image: asset,
  video: asset

If both inputKey and outputKey are supplied, then result-matching is enabled. Useful for third-party API's that don't return results in the same order requested. Will resolve an individual call with undefined if no matching result is found for a particular input value.

const { assocWithP, batch, evolveP } = require('@articulate/funky')
const { identity, prop } = require('ramda')

const { getCharges } = require('../services/thirdParty')

// accepts individual ids, batches them into a single request,
// then resolves with result objects matched by their `id` properties
const getSub =
  batch({ inputKey: identity, outputKey: prop('id') }, getCharges)



combine :: ({ k: v } -> { k: v }) -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Accepts a function & an object. Merges the results of the function into the object.

combine(always({ foo: 1 }))({ foo: 2, bar: 3 }) //=> { foo: 1, baz: 3 }



combineAll :: [({ k: v }, ...) -> { k: v }] -> ({ k: v }, ...) -> { k: v }

Accepts a list of functions & an object. Merges the results of all the functions into the object left-to-right

combineAll([ always({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }), always({ bar: 3 }) ])({ foo: 4, baz: 5 }) //=> { foo: 1, bar: 3, baz: 5 }



combineAllP :: [({ k: v }, ...) -> Promise { k: v }] -> ({ k: v }, ...) -> Promise { k: v }

Async version of combineAll

  always(resolve({ foo: 1, bar: 2 })),
  always(resolve({ bar: 3 }))
])({ foo: 4, baz: 5 }) //=> Promise { foo: 1, baz: 5, bar: 3 }



combineP :: ({ k: v } -> Promise { k: v }) -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }

Async version of combine

Accepts an async function & an object. Merges the results of the function into the object.

combineP(always(resolve({ foo: 1 })))({ foo: 2, bar: 3 }) //=> Promise { foo: 1, baz: 3 }



combineWith :: (c -> b -> d) -> (a -> b) -> c -> d

Accepts a merging function, a transformation function, and an value. Uses the merging function to merge the results of the transformation function into the value.

combineWith(multiply, add(2), 3) //=> 15
combineWith(mergeDeepLeft, always({ foo: { bar: 1, bip: 2 } }))({ foo: { bar: 3, baz: 4 } })
  //=> { foo: { bar: 3, baz: 4, bip: 2 } }



combineWithP :: (c -> b -> d) -> (a -> Promise b) -> Promise c -> Promise d

Async version of combineWith.

Accepts a merging function, an async transformation function, and an value. Uses the merging function to merge the results of the transformation function into the value.

combineWith(multiply, compose(resolve, add(2)), 3) //=> Promise 15
combineWith(mergeDeepLeft, always(resolve({ foo: { bar: 1, bip: 2 } })))({ foo: { bar: 3, baz: 4 } })
  //=> Promise { foo: { bar: 3, baz: 4, bip: 2 } }



convergeP :: (b -> c -> Promise d) -> [(a -> Promise b), (a -> Promise c)] -> a -> Promise d

An async version of R.converge that accepts Promise-returning branching and converging functions.

Accepts a converging function and a list of branching async functions and returns a new async function. When invoked, this new function is applied to some arguments, and each branching function is applied to those same arguments. The resolved values of each branching function are passed as arguments to the converging function to produce the resolved value.

See also juxtP.

const getCourse = convergeP(assoc('course'), [ fetchByCourseId, identity ])

const addCourseLesson = composeP(addLesson, getCourse)



copyPath :: [String] -> [String] -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Quickly copy one path on an object to another path.

  ['user', 'id'],
  ['payload', 'userId'],
  { user: { id: 'abc' }, payload: { name: 'Bob' } }
) //=> { user { id: 'abc' }, payload: { name: 'Bob', userId: 'abc' } }



copyProp :: String -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Quickly copy one property on an object to another key.

See also rename.

copyProp('id', 'courseId', { id: 'abc' }) //=> { id: 'abc', courseId: 'abc' }



evolveP :: { k: (v -> Promise v) } -> { k: v } -> Promise { k: v }

An async version of R.evolve that accepts Promise-returning transformation functions.

Creates a new object by recursively evolving a shallow copy of an object, according to the transformation functions. All non-primitive properties are copied by reference. A transformation function will not be invoked if its corresponding key does not exist in the evolved object.

See also mapP.

evolveP({ author: getProfile }, { author: 'abc' }) // Promise { author: { name: 'joey', ... } }



juxtP :: [a... -> Promise b] -> a... -> Promise [b]

An async version of R.juxt that accepts Promise-returning branching functions.

Applies a list of functions to some values, and resolves with a list of their resolved values.

See also convergeP.

const deleteCourseAndLessons = juxtP([ deleteCourse, deleteLessons ])



mapP :: (a -> Promise b) -> [a] -> Promise [b]

An async version of that accepts a Promise-returning function.

Takes an async function and a list, applies the function to each of the list's values, and resolves with a list of the resolved values.

See also evolveP.

mapP(getProfile, ['abc','def']) //=> Promise [{ name: 'joey' }, { name: 'fella' }]



move :: Number -> Number -> [a] -> [a]

Moves a list item from one position to another.

move(3, 1, ['a','b','c','d']) //=> ['a','d','b','c']



normalizeBy :: String -> [{ k: v }] -> { v: { k: v } }

Normalizes a list by building an object, with the IDs of the list items as keys and the items themselves as the values. List items will be normalized by the specified key, so make sure it is unique.

normalizeBy('uid', [{ uid: 'abc' }, { uid: 'def' }]) //=> { abc: { uid: 'abc' }, def: { uid: 'def' }}



onSuccess :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> b

Takes two functions f1 and f2, and input argument a. Calls f2 with a only if f1 called with a completes without error. If f1 throws an error, f2 is not called. Returns the output of f1.

let x = 10
const addOne = num => num + 1
const setX = num => x = num
const result = onSuccess(addOne, setX, 1)
// result === 2 && x === 1

let x = 10
const addOne = num => { throw 'Error' }
const setX = num => x = num
const result = onSuccess(addOne, setX, 1)
// 'Error' is thrown && x === 10



onSuccessP :: (a -> Promise b) -> (a -> Promise c) -> a -> Promise b

An async version of onSuccess that accepts Promise-returning functions.

Note: Does not require f1 and f2 to both be promise returning.

Takes two functions f1 and f2, and input argument a. Calls f2 with a only if f1 called with a completes without error. If f1 fails, f2 is not called. Resolves the result of f1.

let x = 10
const addOne = num => Promise.resolve(num + 1)
const setX = num => x = num
const result = onSuccessP(addOne, setX, 1)
// result === Promise 2 && x === 1

let x = 10
const addOne = num => { throw 'Error' }
const setX = num => x = num
const result = onSuccessP(addOne, setX, 1)
// result rejects 'Error' && x === 10



overP :: Lens s -> (a -> Promise b) -> s a -> Promise s b

An async version of R.over that accepts a Promise-returning function.

Returns the result of "setting" the portion of the given data structure focused by the given lens to the result of applying the given async function to the focused value.

const headLens = lensIndex(0)
const asyncToUpper = compose(resolve, toUpper)
overP(headLens, asyncToUpper, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) //=> Promise ['FOO', 'bar', 'baz']



promisify :: ((a..., b -> ()) -> (), c) -> a... -> Promise b

Takes a function which accepts a node-style callback and returns a new function that returns a Promise instead. Will also bind it to an optional context object.

const upload = promisify(s3.upload, s3)



reject :: a -> Promise Error

Returns a Promise object that is rejected with the given reason. A bound version of Promise.reject, but also wraps non-errors with Error for a consistent interface.

See also all, resolve.

reject(new Error('bad guy')) //=> Promise Error('bad guy')
reject('bad guy')            //=> Promise Error('bad guy')



rename :: String -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Easily rename a property on an object to be a different key.

See also copyProp, renameAll.

rename('id', 'courseId', { id: 'abc' }) //=> { courseId: 'abc' }



renameAll :: { k: v } -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Rename multiple properties on an object to have different keys.

const orig = { user: { first_name: 'Miles', last_name: 'Callisto' } }
renameAll({ user: { first_name: 'firstName' } }, orig)
//=> { user: { firstName: 'Miles', last_name: 'Callisto' } }



renamePath :: [String] -> String -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Rename a deeply nested path on an object to have a different key.

const orig = { user: { first_name: 'Miles', last_name: 'Callisto' } }
renamePath(['user', 'first_name'], 'firstName', orig)
//=> { user: { firstName: 'Miles', last_name: 'Callisto' } }



renamePick :: { k: v } -> { k: v } -> { k: v }

Pick and rename multiple properties off an object to have different keys.

const orig = { user: { first_name: 'Miles', last_name: 'Callisto', email: '' } }
renamePick({ user: { first_name: 'firstName', last_name: 'lastName' } }, orig)
//=> { user: { firstName: 'Miles', lastName: 'Callisto' } }



resolve :: a -> Promise a

Lifts a value into a Promise. Just a bound version of Promise.resolve.

See also all, reject.

resolve('a') //=> Promise 'a'



tapP :: (a -> Promise b) -> a -> Promise a

An async version of R.tap that accepts a Promise-returning function.

Runs the given function with the supplied value, and then resolves with that value.

tapP(a => Promise.resolve('b'), 'a') //=> Promise 'a'



unlessP :: (a -> Promise Boolean) -> (a -> Promise a) -> a -> Promise a

An async version of R.unless that accepts Promise-returning functions.

Tests a value with an async predicate. If the predicate resolves truthy, it resolves with the original value. If the predicate resolves falsy, it resolves with the result of calling the supplied function.

See also whenP.

// only send an email if not already sent
unlessP(checkEmailAlreadySent, sendEmail)



useWithP :: (a -> b -> Promise c) -> [(d -> Promise a), (e -> Promise b)] -> (d -> e -> Promise c)

An async version of R.useWith that accepts Promise-returning transformer and original functions.

Accepts a function fn and a list of transformer functions and returns a new curried function. When the new function is invoked, it calls the function fn with parameters consisting of the result of calling each supplied handler on successive arguments to the new function.

See also convergeP

const getCourseAndAuthor = useWithP(pair, [ fetchCourseById, fetchAuthorById ])
getCourseAndAuthor('course-id', 'author-id') //=> Promise [ course, author ]



validate :: Schema -> a -> Promise a

Validates a value against a Joi schema. Curried and promisified for ease of use.

Note: For validation to work, requires Joi to be installed as a dependency of the consuming application.

const schema = Joi.object({
  id: Joi.string().required()

validate(schema, { id: 'abc' }) //=> Promise { id: 'abc' }
validate(schema, { id: 123 })   //=> Promise ValidationError



validateWith :: Joi -> Schema -> a -> Promise a

Like validate but validates using a user-provided Joi object. Useful when working with Joi's extend().

Note: For validation to work, requires Joi to be installed as a dependency of the consuming application.

const Joi = require('joi')

const schema = Joi.object({
  id: Joi.string().required()

validateWith(Joi, schema, { id: 'abc' }) //=> Promise { id: 'abc' }
validateWith(Joi, schema, { id: 123 })   //=> Promise ValidationError



whenP :: (a -> Promise Boolean) -> (a -> Promise a) -> a -> Promise a

An async version of R.when that accepts Promise-returning functions.

Tests a value with an async predicate. If the predicate resolves truthy, it resolves with the result of calling the supplied function. If the predicate resolves falsy, it resolves with the original value.

See also unlessP.

// only send followup email if a previous email was sent
whenP(checkEmailAlreadySent, sendFollowupEmail)