All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- (deps) bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 - (34dc07e) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 - (793d8c5) - dependabot[bot]
- correct output for terragrunt - (bfafe5e) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 - (d615b3c) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1 to 2 - (776800a) - dependabot[bot]
- Upgrade to artifact v4 - (8232684) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 - (c9c83fc) - dependabot[bot]
- Fix the cog installer - (6911b64) - Billie Thompson
- Revert "fix: Fix warning about explicit install of export" - (fd54239) - Billie Thompson
- Use python -m to reference pip - (8b8e292) - Billie Thompson
- Fix warning about explicit install of export - (21974a9) - Billie Thompson
- Support pipelines without branch protections - (dea374c) - Rory Grieve
- (deps) bump hashicorp/setup-terraform from 2 to 3 - (b62a4eb) - dependabot[bot]
- Correct cache key's python version - (f09ce45) - Billie Thompson
- Remove unneeded print - (2d05e1d) - Billie Thompson
- Cache the poetry venvs - (8637fdb) - Billie Thompson
- Add caching to cog install - (19aed01) - Billie Thompson
- Correct how we get the achitecture - (a99ea57) - Billie Thompson
- Correct version location - (3e3d564) - Billie Thompson
- Cache terragrunt binary - (a6c0b84) - Billie Thompson
- Ensure the arch is in the cache key - (a91cddf) - Billie Thompson
- Cache poetry venv - (4f7fb1f) - Billie Thompson
- Make poetry building a requirement of the release - (540e1fc) - Billie Thompson
- Add some docs for poetry - (8fa8607) - Billie Thompson
- Correct install path - (b786f3a) - Billie Thompson
- POETRY_VERSION is already used in the install script - (2bc1ba5) - Billie Thompson
- Rename step - (7f431d8) - Billie Thompson
- Add poetry pipeline to main pipeline - (a821d93) - Billie Thompson
- Renable dependabot now cycle is resolved - (d5e21c2) - Billie Thompson
- Add a install poetry action - (edcf373) - Billie Thompson
- Bump versions in composite actions on release - (aba1222) - Billie Thompson
- Bump versions in all workflows on release - (5b3acf5) - Billie Thompson
- Don't automatically update references to itself - (2ef05b2) - Tom Oram
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.7 to 0.16.8 - (1714004) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.6 to 0.16.7 - (3fe77b0) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.5 to 0.16.6 - (6363bb8) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.4 to 0.16.5 - (4b42d89) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.3 to 0.16.4 - (f14d8ff) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.2 to 0.16.3 - (d3d27ff) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2 - (42850db) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1 - (edc4056) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.15.12 to 0.16.0 - (b637b3d) - dependabot[bot]
- Set the non-interactive flag - (b22fc90) - Billie Thompson
- Change scan type to config - (f41f918) - Billie Thompson
- Correct the scan type to FS - (b87c4c4) - Billie Thompson
- Inputs should be scan-ref for trivy - (58d724c) - Billie Thompson
- Add linting for terraform for security vulnerabilities - (dea8f59) - Billie Thompson
- Formatting for terraform docs resources - (69a409d) - Billie Thompson
- Remove checks that require secrets - (bb904cd) - Billie Thompson
- Add explicit call to terragrunt - (0cff781) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.15.8 to 0.15.12 - (8ba996d) - dependabot[bot]
- Print the commands we are running - (977ae43) - Billie Thompson
- Check that terragrunt is there as the last step - (b7959d1) - Billie Thompson
- Switch back to this being a string - (35c003f) - Billie Thompson
- Try string cast trick again - (31069a1) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.15.5 to 0.15.8 - (9df8473) - dependabot[bot]
- Double check boolean-ness - (7504633) - Billie Thompson
- Correct inverted true and false in terraform wrapper - (3a3962f) - Billie Thompson
- Disable terraform wrapper if terragrunt is being installed - (5b72a7e) - Billie Thompson
- Standardise use-terragrunt check - (0a0ae49) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.10 to 0.15.5 - (aa39016) - dependabot[bot]
- Use non-local path - (e68fb18) - Billie Thompson
- Correct input read location - (fd40103) - Billie Thompson
- GitHub does not handle booleans in workflows - (9dd844a) - Billie Thompson
- Linting - (780e142) - Billie Thompson
- Allow the usage of terragrunt, currently it is always disabled - (531df52) - Billie Thompson
- Add a note about the terragrunt action - (d20db07) - Billie Thompson
- Remove the preceeding "v" from the version number - (657db06) - Billie Thompson
- Add test for the version output - (15780ab) - Billie Thompson
- Correct name of command in pipeline - (c4495ce) - Billie Thompson
- Add a terraform linting workflow - (8bb224e) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.9 to 0.14.10 - (df3c22f) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.8 to 0.14.9 - (b49050a) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.7 to 0.14.8 - (e22730a) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.5 to 0.14.7 - (3e7278b) - dependabot[bot]
- Handle the initial release where there is no existing version - (de7b461) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.4 to 0.14.5 - (e2ad913) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.3 to 0.14.4 - (6dc9a75) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.14.0 to 0.14.3 - (0dc3ff4) - dependabot[bot]
- Don't error when check-conventional-commits is run with only non-bumping commits - (7f4b075) - Tom Oram
- Move artifact downloading to after checkout - (9934f54) - Tom Oram
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.2.0 to 0.14.0 - (6f7f501) - dependabot[bot]
- Add outputs to check-conventional-commits workflow - (dbfc6c5) - Tom Oram
- Add outputs to check-conventional-commits - (f79b605) - Tom Oram
- Add ouputs to tag-and-release workflow - (02a8bd1) - Tom Oram
- Add version-prefix input to release-and-tag workflow - (5d42c24) - Tom Oram
- Download release artifacts - (db01de0) - Tom Oram
- Add release notes - (8b8d65f) - Tom Oram
- Allow uploading of artifacts to releases - (9a988d6) - Tom Oram
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.10.4 to 0.10.5 - (bfd7b2a) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.10.0 to 0.10.4 - (8abfda3) - dependabot[bot]
- Add a name for the lint action - (2df72ed) - Billie Thompson
- Add a name for the lint pipeline - (9a48074) - Billie Thompson
- Add pipeline lint pipeline - (316ead8) - Billie Thompson
- (deps) bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 - (c9f3fba) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.8.1 to 0.10.0 - (1bdce42) - dependabot[bot]
- Remove job to merge dependabot (using Mergify now instead) - (9c358c9) - Tom Oram
- Downgrade checkout to test mergify - (e4218ee) - Tom Oram
- Add mergify - (3a266f9) - Tom Oram
- Automerge workflow path - (e2d5f0e) - Tom Oram
- Add merge-strategy option to dependabot-merge workflow - (fafb109) - Tom Oram
- Automerge workflow path - (84708ab) - Tom Oram
- Add dependabot-automerge workflow - (4c62773) - Tom Oram
- (deps) bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 - (4b7f718) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump armakuni/github-actions from 0.2.0 to 0.8.1 - (33515dd) - dependabot[bot]
- (deps) bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 - (ff054d7) - dependabot[bot]
- Add dependabot config - (cf94ea5) - Tom Oram
- Correct name of generate-terraform-docs-workflow.yml - (8594070) - Tom Oram
- Add generate-terraform-docs workflow - (49a1cda) - Tom Oram
- Add download-artifacts option to the tag-and-release workflow - (4a3f546) - Tom Oram
- Add generate-terraform-docs action - (e434424) - Tom Oram
- Make assume-aws-oidc-role require aws-region - (5c148b9) - Tom Oram
- Update pipeline permissions for releases - (7f3c4ec) - Tom Oram
- Use inputs instead of secrets - (c1c9efd) - Tom Oram
- Remove unused input from repository-details - (173b6a5) - Tom Oram
- Correct name and description for repository-details - (5a0930b) - Tom Oram
- Pass secrets to test-assume-aws-oidc-role workflow - (632bb70) - Tom Oram
- Fix usage paths in README files. - (de9eb6c) - Tom Oram
- Add assume-aws-oidc-role - (99cf6d8) - Tom Oram
- Add repository details action - (21c1358) - Tom Oram
- Bump the version of bump-version in tag-and-release - (3f00748) - Tom Oram
- set working directory for check commit message - (8818e23) - Ben Nagy
- skip-ci - (f5f0465) - Ben Nagy
- skip-ci - (4a1922a) - Ben Nagy
- run ci on pr - (4aa5067) - Ben Nagy
- add bypass branch protection functionality using ssh key - (d3bb843) - Ben Nagy
- Make release only run when tag is added - (633f67a) - Tom Oram
- Don't release if a new version has not been tagged - (ecfeee7) - Tom Oram
- Add all-tests-succeeded collector job - (28a5868) - Tom Oram
- Pin versions - (617f627) - Tom Oram
- Add release workflow - (df76cfb) - Tom Oram
- Update the index - (e07e069) - Tom Oram
- Update docs for each action - (e393be6) - Tom Oram
- Add check-conventional-commits - (8598b49) - Tom Oram
- Add assert-equals - (c6211a6) - Tom Oram
- Add bump-version - (68edb73) - Tom Oram
- Add setup-cocogitto action - (5c4d3f8) - Tom Oram
- Use assert-equals in bump-version test - (7da047a) - Tom Oram
- Add bump-version test when there is no version - (1b9290c) - Tom Oram
- Add more informative test name - (5dfa0b3) - Tom Oram
Changelog generated by cocogitto.