Arjun Sanyal
See the SMART Diabetes Logbook: Patient App README for an overview of the "merge" app concept and complete details of both the patient and clinican facing apps.
This is the clinican-facing side of the SMART Diabetes Logbook pair of apps. It implements a simple SMART REST app that establishes a connection between a patient record in a SMART container and a patient record in Microsoft HealthVault using the HealthVault [Patient Connect][] API. Each connection request is stored in a persisent SQLite database and is later updated with the HealthVault patient and record ids by a polling script.
Once the connection is established it shows a set of patient-reported data from the HealthVault record and clinical data from the SMART record in one combined interface.
- Create a second "mappings" table and don't overload requests
Python 2.7 or above
Python Modules
- flask
- lxml
- pycrypto
- rdflib
- rdfextras
- After cloning do:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- To setup:
python bin/
to create the SQLite3 request database in/data
- To run on port 8000:
- Then log in to the SMART container e.g.
- Launch the "My App" app, which will point at your locally hosted version of this app running on port 8000