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ZTPServer Reference

phil-arista edited this page May 22, 2014 · 11 revisions

#ZTPServer Reference

##Introduction ZTPServer provides a robust server which enables comprehensive bootstrap solutions for Arista EOS network elements.

###Prerequisites ####Server side

####Client side

  • EOS 4.13.3 or later

###Basic terminology

  • node - a node is a EOS instance which is provisioned via ZTPServer. A node is uniquely identified by its system MAC address and/or unique position in the network.
  • action - an action is a Python script which is executed during the bootstrap process.
  • attribute - an attribute is a variable that holds a value. attributes are used in order to customise the behaviour of actions which are executed during the bootstrap process.
  • definition - a definition is a YAML file that contains a collection of all actions (and associated attributes) which need to run during the bootstrap process in order to fully provision a node
  • pattern - a pattern is a YAML file which describes a node in terms of its identity (system MAC) and/or location in the network (neighbors)
  • neighbordb - neighbordb is a YAML file which contains a collection of patterns which can be used in order to map nodes to definitions
  • resource pool - a resource pool is a YAML file which provides a mapping between a set or resources and the nodes to which some of the resources might have been allocated to. The nodes are uniquely identified via their system MAC.

##Configuration The ZTPServer uses a series of YAML files to provide its various configuration and databases. Use of the YAML format makes the file easier to read and makes it easier and more intuitive to add/update entries (as opposed to other files formats such as JSON, or binary formats such as SQL).

###Global configuration ####Global configuration file The global ZTPServer configuration file can be found under /etc/ztpserver/ztpserver.conf. (For format details, see top section @

The server can be started using a non-default global configuration file - in order to do this, please use the --conf command line option: e.g.

(bash)# ztps --help
usage: ztpserver [options]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -v         Displays the version information
  --conf CONF, -c CONF  Specifies the configuration file to use
(bash)# ztps --conf /var/ztps.conf

If the global configuration file is updated, then the server needs to be restarted in order to pick up the new configuration.

#####Sections and attributes


# Location of all ztps boostrap process data files
# default=/var/lib/ztpserver

# UID used in the /nodes structure (serialnum is not supported yet)
# default=systemmac
identifier=<systemmac | serialnum> 

# Server URL to-be-advertised to clients (via POST replies) during the bootstrap process
# default=http://ztpserver:8080

# Enable local logging
# default=True
logging=<True | False>

# Enable console logging
# default=True
console_logging=<True | False>

# Globally disable topology validation in the bootstrap process
# default=False
disable_topology_validation=<True | False>

# Note: this section only applies to using the standalone server.  If 
# running under a WSGI server, these values are ignored

# Interface to which the server will bind to (0:0:0:0 will bind to 
# all available IPv4 addresses on the local machine)
# default=
interface=<IP addr>

# TCP listening port
# default=8080
port=<TCP port>

# Path for the files directory (overriding data_root/files)
# default=files
# default=data_root (from above)

# Path for the actions directory (overriding data_root/actions)
# default=actions
# default=data_root (from above)

# Path for the bootstrap directory (overriding data_root/bootstrap)
# default=bootstrap
# default=data_root (from above)

# Bootstrap filename
# default=bootstrap

# Neighbordb filename (file located in data_root)
# default=neighbordb

Note: Configuration values can be overridden by setting environment variables, if the configuration attribute supports it. This is mainly used for testing and should not be used in production deployments. Configuration values that support environment overrides use the environ keyword, as shown below (from


In the above example, the data_root value is normally configured in the [default] section as data_root; however, if the environment variable ZTPS_DEFAULT_DATAROOT is defined, it will take precedence.

The ZTPServer side components will be housed in a single directory defined by the data_root variable in the global configuration file. The directory location will vary depending on the configuration in /etc/ztpserver/ztperserver.conf. The data_root is loaded when ztps is executed. The following directory structure is normally used:

	    - bootstrap
	    - bootstrap.conf
	    /<system id (MAC)>
		    - startup-config
		    - definition
		    - pattern
		    - .node
		    - attributes

####Bootstrap configuration [data_root]/bootstrap contains files that control the bootstrap process on a node

  • bootstrap is the base bootstrap script which is going to be served to all clients in order to start and run the bootstrap process. Before serving the script to the clients, the server performs the following string substitution in the file: $SERVER → the value of server_url in the global configuration file

  • bootstrap.conf is a configuration file which defines the local logging configuration on the nodes (during the bootstrap process). The file is loaded on each request.


          - destination: file:/tmp/ztps-log
              level: DEBUG
          - destination: ztps-server:1234
              level: CRITICAL
          - destination:
              level: CRITICAL
          username: ztps
          password: ztps
          domain: pcknapweed.lab.local
              - ztps-room1
              - ztps-room2

###Node-specific configuration [data_root]/nodes contains node-specific configuration files.

####Startup configuration startup-config provides a static startup configuration file. If this file is present in a node’s folder, when the node sends a GET request to /nodes/<systemmac>, the server will respond with a static definition that includes:

  • a replace_config action which will install the configuration file on the switch (see actions section below for more on this)
  • all the actions from the local definition file (see definition section below for more on this) which have the always_execute attribute set to True

####Definition file The definition file is the collection of actions which are going to be performed during the bootstrap process for the node. The definition file can be either: manually created OR auto-generated by the server when the node matches one of the patterns in neighbordb. The definition file is generated based on the definition file associated with the matching pattern in neighbordb.

name: <system name>

    - name: <name> 
    action: <action name>

    attributes:                     # attributes at action scope
        always_execute: True        # optional, default False
        <key>: <value>
        <key>: <value>

    onstart:   <msg>                # message to log before action is executed
    onsuccess: <msg>                # message to log if action execution succeeds
    onfailure: <msg>                # message to log if action execution fails

attributes:                         # attributes at global scope
    <key>: <value>
    <key>: <value>
    <key>: <value>


Attributes are either key/value pairs, key/dictionary pairs, key/list pairs or key/reference pairs. They are all sent to the client in order to be passed in as arguments to actions.

key/reference pairs are evaluated before being sent to the client.

Here are a few examples:

  • key/value:

         my_attribute : my_value
  • key/dictionary

             key1: value1
             key2: value2
  • key/list:

         - my_value1
         - my_value2
         - my_valueN
  • key/reference:

         my_attribute : $my_other_attribute

    key/reference attributes are identified by the fact that the value starts with the ‘$’ sign, followed by the name of another attribute. They are evaluated before being sent to the client

    here is an example:

         my_other_attribute: dummy
         my_attribute : $my_other_attribute

    will be evaluated to:

         my_other_attribute: dummy
         my_attribute : dummy

If a reference points to a non-existing attribute, then the variable substitution will result in a value of None.

Note: For release 1.0, only one level of indirection is allowed - if multiple levels of indirection are used, then the data sent to the client will contain unevaluated key/reference pairs in the attributes list (which might lead to failures or unexpected results in the client).

The values of the attributes can be either strings, lists, dictionaries, references to other attributes or functions*. The supported functions are:

  • allocate(resource_pool) - allocate available resource from resource pool; the allocation is perform on the server side and the result of the allocation is passed to the client via the definition

Note: Functions can only be used with string as arguments currently. See section on add_config action for examples.

Attributes can be defined in three places:

  • in the node’s attributes file (see below)
  • in the definition, at global scope
  • in the definition, at action scope

For key/value, key/list and and key/reference attributes, in case of conflicts between the three scopes, the following tiebreaker rules are applied in order to decide which value to send to the client:

  1. action scope in the definition takes precedence
  2. attributes file comes next
  3. global scope in the definition comes last

For key/dict attributes, in case of conflicts between the scopes, the dictionaries are merged. In case of dictionary key conflicts, the same tiebreaker rules from above apply.

####Pattern file The pattern file provides a statically typed pattern match which is used to validate the node’s neighbors during the bootstrap process (if topology validation is enabled). The pattern file can be either:

  • manually created OR
  • auto-generated by the server, when the node matches one of the patterns in neighbordb. The pattern that is matched in neighbordb is written to this file and used for topology validation in subsequent re-runs of the bootstrap process.

The format of a pattern is very similar to the format of neighordb (see neighbordb section below):

    <variable_name>: <function>

name: <single line description of pattern>
definition: <defintion_url>
    - <port_name>:<system_name>:<neighbor_port_name>:<tags>
    - <port_name>:
        device: <system_name>
        port: <neighbor_port_name>
        tags: <comma delimited tags list>

If the pattern file is missing when the node makes a GET request for its definition, the server will log a message and either:

  • return 400 (BAD_REQUEST) if topology validation is enabled
  • return 200 (OK) if topology validation is disabled

If topology validation is enabled, the following pattern can be used in order to disable it locally for a node (the pattern from below will match any node):

    name: <pattern name>
        - any: any:any   

####Node details The .node file contains a cached copy of the node’s details that are received during the POST request the node makes to /nodes (URI). This cache is used to validate the node’s neighbors against the pattern file if topology validation is enabled (during the GET request the node makes in order to retrieve its definition).

####Attributes file attributes is a file which can be used in order to store attributes associated with the node’s definition. This is especially useful whenever multiple nodes share the same definition - in that case, instead of having of edit each node’s definition in order to add the attributes (at the global or action scope), all nodes can share the same definition (which might be symlinked to their individual node folder) and the user only has to create the attributes file for each node. The attributes file should be a valid key/value YAML file.

###Actions [data_root]/actions contains all of the actions available for use in definitions. More details about each action can be found at the top of the corresponding Python file.

Action Description Required Attributes
add_config^ Adds a section of config to the final startup-config file url
copy_file Copies a file from the server to the destination node src_url, dst_url, overwrite, mode
install_cli_plugin Installs a new EOS CLI plugin and configures rc.eos url
install_extension Installs a new EOS extension extension_url, autoload, force
install_image Validates and installs a specific version of EOS url, version
replace_config Sends an entire startup-config to the node (overrides add_config) url
send_email Sends an email to a set of recipients routed through a relay host. Can include file attachments smarthost, sender, receivers, subject, body, attachments, commands

Note: ^ The add_config action supports applying block of EOS configuration commands to a node’s startup-config.


Let’s assume that we have a block of configuration that adds a list of NTP servers to the startup configuration. The action would be constructed as such:

    - name: configure NTP
      action: add_config
        url: /files/templates/ntp.template

The above action would reference the ntp.template file which would configure NTP. The template file could look like the one from below:

ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server

When this action is called, the configuration snippet above will be appended to the startup-config file.

The configuration templates can also contains variables, which are automatically substituted during the action’s execution. A variable is marked in the template via the $ symbol.

e.g. Let’s assume a need for a more generalized template that only needs node specific values changed (such as a hostname and management IP address). In this case, we’ll build an action that allows for variable substitution as follows.

    - name: configure system
      action: add_config
        url: /files/templates/system.template
            hostname: veos01

The corresponding template file system.template will provide the configuration block:

hostname $hostname
interface Management1
    description OOB interface
    ip address $ipaddress
    no shutdown

This will result in the following configuration being added to the startup-config:

hostname veos01
interface Management1
    description OOB interface
    ip address
    no shutdown

Note that in each of the examples from above, the template files are just standard EOS configuration blocks.

###Resources [data_root]/files contains all the files that actions might request from the server. For example, [data_root]/files/images could contain all EOS SWI files.

###Definitions [data_root]/definitions contains a set of shared definition files which can be associated with pattern in neighbordb (see neighbordb section below) or symlink-ed from nodes’ folders.

###Resource pools [data_root]/resources contains global resource pools from which attributes in definition can be allocated via the allocate(...) function.

The resource pools provide a way to dynamically allocate a resource to a node when the node definition is created. The resource pools are key/value YAML files that contain a set of resources to be allocated to a node (whenever the allocate(...) function is used in the definition).

In the example below, a resource pool contains a series of 8 IP addresses to be allocated. Entries which are not yet allocated to a node are marked using the null descriptor. null null null null null null null null

When a resource is allocated to a node’s definition, the first available null value will be replaced by the node’s system MAC address. Here is an example: 001c731a2b3c null null null null null null null

On subsequent attempts to allocate the resource to the same node, ZTPS will first check to see whether the node has already been allocated a resource from the pool. If it has, it will reuse the resource instead of allocating a new one.

In order to free a resource from a pool, simply turn the value associated to it back to null, by editing the resource file.

###Neighbordb The neighbordb YAML file defines mappings between nodes descriptions and nodes definitions. If a node does not already have a node definition, then the node’s details are attempted to be matched against the patterns in neighbordb. If a match is successful, then a node definition will be automatically generated for the node.

    variable_name: function
    - name*: <single line description of pattern>
      definition*: <defintion_url>
      node: <system_mac>
        <variable_name>: <function>
        - <port_name>*: <system_name>*:<neighbor_port_name>:<tags>
        - <port_name>*:
            device*: <system_name>*
            port: <neighbor_port_name>
            tags: <comma delimited tags list>

Note: * items are mandatory elements. Everything else is optional.


This section allows for the definition of variables in neighbordb. The variables can be used to match remote device and/or interface names (<system_name>, <neighbor_port_name> above) for a node during the pattern matching stage. The supported values are:

  • string - same as exact(string) from below
  • exact (pattern) - defines a pattern that must be matched exactly (Note: this is the default function if another function is not specified)
  • regex (pattern) - defines a regex pattern to match the node name against
  • includes (string) - defines a string that must be present in the node name
  • excludes (string) - defines a string that cannot be present in the node name

#####system_mac MAC address of a node - supported formats:

  • 1234.aaaa.4321
  • 12:34:aa:aa:43:21
  • 1234aaa4321

#####port_name Local node interface - supported values (MUST start with “Ethernet”, if not keyword):

  • Any interface

    • any
  • No interface

    • none
  • Explicit interface

    • Ethernet1
    • Ethernet2/4
  • Interface list/range

    • Ethernet1-2
    • Ethernet1,3
    • Ethernet1-2,3/4
    • Ethernet1-2,4
    • Ethernet1-2,4,6
    • Ethernet1-2,4,6,8-9
    • Ethernet4,6,8-9
    • Ethernet10-20
    • Ethernet1/3-2/4 +
    • Ethernet3-$ +
    • Ethernet1/10-$ +
  • All Interfaces on a Module

    • Ethernet1/$ +

Note: +Available in future releases.


Remote system an interfaces - supported values (STRING = any string which does not contain any white spaces):

  • any: interface is connected
  • none: interface is NOT connected
  • <STRING>:<STRING>: interface is connected to specific device/interface
  • <STRING> (Note: if only the device is configured, then ‘any’ is implied for the interface. This is equal to <DEVICE>:any): interface is connected to device
  • <DEVICE>:any: interface is connected to device
  • <DEVICE>:none: interface is NOT connected to device (might be connected or not to some other device)
  • $<VARIABLE>:<STRING>: interface is connected to specific device/interface
  • <STRING>:<$VARIABLE>: interface is connected to specific device/interface
  • $<VARIABLE>:<$VARIABLE>: interface is connected to specific device/interface
  • $<VARIABLE> (‘any’ is implied for the interface. This is equal to $<VARIABLE>:any): interface is connected to device
  • $<VARIABLE>:any: interface is connected to device
  • $<VARIABLE>:none: interface is NOT connected to device (might be connected or not to some other device)

#####port_name: system_name:neighbor_port_name

######Negative constraints

  1. any: DEVICE:none: no port is connected to DEVICE
  2. none: DEVICE:any: same as above
  3. none: DEVICE:none: same as above
  4. none: any:PORT: no device is connected to PORT on any device
  5. none: DEVICE:PORT: no device is connected to DEVICE:PORT
  6. INTERFACES: any:none: interfaces not connected
  7. INTERFACES: none:any: same as above
  8. INTERFACES: none:none: same as above
  9. INTERFACES: none:PORT: interfaces not connected to PORT on any device
  10. INTERFACES: DEVICE:none: interfaces not connected to DEVICE
  11. any: any:none: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  12. any: none:none: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  13. any: none:any: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  14. any: none:PORT: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  15. none: any:any: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  16. none: any:none: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  17. none: none:any: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  18. none: none:none: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything
  19. none: none:PORT: bogus, will prevent pattern from matching anything

######Positive constraints

  1. any: any:any: matches anything
  2. any: any:PORT: matches any interface connected to any device’s PORT
  3. any: DEVICE:any: matches any interface connected to DEVICE
  4. any: DEVICE:PORT: matches any interface connected to DEVICE:PORT
  5. INTERFACES: any:any: matches if local interfaces is one of INTERFACES
  6. INTERFACES: any:PORT: matches if one of INTERFACES is connected to any device’s PORT
  7. INTERFACES: DEVICE:any: matches if one of INTERFACES is connected to DEVICE
  8. INTERFACES: DEVICE:PORT: matches if one of INTERFACES is connected to DEVICE:PORT


Supported in future releases.


#####Example #1: strongly typed definition with a strongly typed map

- name: standard leaf definition
  definition: leaf_template
  node: 001c73aabbcc
    - Ethernet49: pod1-spine1:Ethernet1/1
    - Ethernet50: 
        device: pod1-spine2
        port: Ethernet1/1

In example #1, the topology map would only apply to a node with system mac address equal to 001c73aabbcc. The following interface map rules apply:

  • Interface Ethernet49 must be connected to node pod1-spine1 on port Ethernet1/1
  • Interface Ethernet50 must be connected to node pod1-spine2 on port Ethernet1/1

#####Example #2: strongly typed definition with loose typed map

- name: standard leaf definition
  definition: leaf_template
  node: 001c73aabbcc
    - any: regex('pod\d+-spine\d+'):Ethernet1/$
    - any: 
        device: regex('pod\d+-spine1')
        port: Ethernet2/3

In this example, the topology map would only apply to the node with system mac address equal to 001c73aabbcc. The following interface map rules apply:

  • Any interface must be connected to node that matches the regular expression 'pod\d+-spine\d+' on port Ethernet1/$ (any port on module 1)
  • Any interface and not the interface selected in the previous step must be connected to a node that matches the regular expression 'pod\d+-spine1' and is connected on port Ethernet2/3

#####Example #3: loose typed definition with a loose typed map

- name: standard leaf definition
  definition: dc-1/pod-1/leaf_template
    - not_spine: excludes('spine')
    - any_spine: regex('spine\d+')
    - any_pod: includes('pod')
    - any_pod_spine: any_spine and any_pod*
    - Ethernet1: $any_spine:Ethernet1/$
    - Ethernet2: $pod1-spine2:any
    - any: excludes('spine1'):Ethernet49
    - any: excludes('spine2'):Ethernet49
    - Ethernet49: 
        device: $not_spine
        port: Ethernet49
    - Ethernet50:
        device: excludes('spine')
        port: Ethernet50

Note: * Not yet supported

This example pattern could apply to any node that matches the interface map. In includes the use of variables for cleaner implementation and pattern re-use.

  • Variable not_spine matches any node name where 'spine' doesn't appear in the string
  • Variable any_spine matches any node name where the regular expression 'spine\d+' matches the name
  • Variable any_pod matches any node name where that includes the name 'pod' in it
  • Variable any_pod_spine combines variables any_spine and any_pod into a complex variable that includes any name that matches the regular express 'spine\d+' and the name includes 'pod' (not yet supported)
  • Interface Ethernet1 must be connected to a node that matches the any_spine pattern and is connected on Ethernet1/$ (any port on module 1)
  • Interface Ethernet2 must be connected to node 'pod1-spine2' on any Ethernet port
  • Interface any must be connected to any node that doesn't have 'spine1' in the name and is connected on Ethernet49
  • Interface any must be connected to any node that doesn't have 'spine2' in the name and wasn't already used and is connected to Ethernet49
  • Interface Ethernet49 matches if it is connected to any node that matches the not_spine pattern and is connected on port 49
  • Interface Ethernet50 matches if the node is connected to port Ethernet50 on any node whose name does not contain ‘spine’

#####Example #4: loosely typed definition with loosely typed map

- name: sample mlag definition
  definition: mlag_leaf_template
    any_spine: includes('spine')
    not_spine: excludes('spine')
    - Ethernet1: $any_spine:Ethernet1/$
    - Ethernet2: $any_spine:any
- Ethernet3: none
- Ethernet4: any
- Ethernet5:
    device: includes('oob')
    port: any
- Ethernet49: $not_spine:Ethernet49
    - Ethernet50: $not_spine:Ethernet50

This is a similar example to #3 that demonstrates how an MLAG pattern might work.

  • Variable any_spine defines a pattern that includes the word 'spine' in the name
  • Variable not_spine defines a pattern that matches the inverse of any_spine
  • Interface Ethernet1 matches if it is connected to any_spine on port Ethernet1/$ (any port on module 1)
  • Interface Ethernet2 matches if it is connected to any_spine on any port
  • Interface 3 matches so long as there is nothing attached to it
  • Interface 4 matches so long as something is attached to it
  • Interface 5 matches if the node contains 'oob' in the name and is connected on any port
  • Interface49 matches if it is connected to any device that doesn't have 'spine' in the name and is connected on Ethernet50
  • Interface50 matches if it is connected to any device that doesn't have 'spine' in the name and is connected on port Ethernet50

##Server-side implementation details ###NodeController POST FSM POST FSM ###NodeController GET FSM GET FSM

##Client-side implementation details ###Bootstrap exit codes ####Exit code

Exit Code Explanation
1 Server connection error
2 Unable to enable eAPI
3 Unexpected response from server
4 Node not found on server
5 Server-side topology check failed
6 Action not found on server
7 Startup config missing at the end of the bootstrap process
8 Action failed
9 Invalid definition
10 Invalid definition location received from server
11 Other

###Action attributes

The bootstrap script will pass in as argument to the main method of each action a special object called ‘attributes’. The only API the action needs to be aware for this object is the ‘get’ method, which will return the value of an attribute, as configured on the server:

  • the value can be local to a particular action or global
  • if an attribute is defined at both the local and global scopes, the local value takes priority
  • if an attribute is not defined at either the local or global level, then the ‘get’ method will return None

e.g. (action code)

def main(attributes):
    print attributes.get(‘software_image’)

Besides the values coming from the server, a couple of special entries* (always upper case) are also contained in the attributes object:

  1. ‘NODE’: a node object for making eAPI calls to localhost
    • API:#
    • api_enable_cmds(cmds, text_format=False) // run eAPI commands from enable mode
    • append_startup_config_lines(lines)
    • append_rc_eos_lines(lines) // assumes bash code has_startup_config()
    • log_msg(msg, error=False)
    • details() // get node details
    • rc_eos() // returns path for rc.eos
    • flash() // returns path for flash
    • startup_config() // returns path for startup_config
    • retrieve_url(url, path)

Note: * Only one for now.
Note: #Object has other functionality as well and more of it could be documented and exposed in the future - this is the only one interesting for now.

e.g. (action_code)

def main(attributes):
    print attributes.get(‘NODE’).api_enable_cmds([‘show version’])

###Bootstrap URLs

  1. DHCP response contains the URL pointing to the bootstrap script

  2. The location of the bootstrap configuration server is hardcoded in the bootstrap script, using the SERVER global variable. The bootstrap script uses this base address in order to generate the URL to use in order to GET the logging details: BASE_URL/config e.g.

     SERVER = ‘http://my-bootstrap-server’   # Note that the transport mechanism is
                                             # included in the URL
  3. The bootstrap script uses the SERVER base address in order to compute the URL to use in order to POST the node’s information: BASE_URL/config

  4. The bootstrap script uses the ‘location’ header in the POST reply as the URL to use in order to request the definition

  5. Actions and resources URLs% are computed by using the base address in the bootstrap script: BASE_URL/actions/, BASE_URL/files/

Footnote: %In future releases, the definition will contain an extra optional attribute for each action/resource which could be used in order to redirect the bootstrap client to another server in order to retrieve that resource. This will enable a more distributed model for serving ZTP actions and resources.

##Client - Server API ###URL Endpoints

GET^ /bootstrap/config/{section}
GET /bootstrap/config
GET /bootstrap
POST /nodes
PUT /nodes/{id}
GET /nodes/{id}
GET /actions/{name}
GET /files/{filepath}

Note: ^ Available in future releases.

####GET bootstrap script Returns the default bootstrap script

GET /bootstrap


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/x-python

Note: For every request, the bootstrap controller on the ZTPServer will attempt to perform the following string replacement in the bootstrap script): “$SERVER“ ---> the value of the “server_url” variable in the server’s configuration file This string-replacement will point the bootstrap client back to the server, in order to enable it to make additional requests for further resources.

  • if the server_url variable is missing in the server’s configuration file, 'http://ztpserver:8080' is used by default
  • if the $SERVER string does not exist in the bootstrap script, the controller will log a warning message and continue

####GET logging configuration Returns the logging configuration from the server.

GET /bootstrap/config


Content-Type: text/html


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    “logging”*: [ {
        “destination”: “file:/<PATH>” | “<HOSTNAME OR IP>:<PORT>”,   //localhost enabled
                                                                     //by default
        “level”*:        <DEBUG | CRITICAL | ...>,
    } ]
        “server”:           <IP or HOSTNAME>,
        “port”:             <PORT>,                 // Optional, default 5222
        “username”*:        <USERNAME>,
        “domain”*:          <DOMAIN>,
        “password”*:        <PASSWORD>,
        “nickname”:         <NICKNAME>,             // Optional, default ‘username’
        “rooms”*:           [ <ROOM>, … ]                     

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)

####POST node details Send node information to the server in order to check whether it can be provisioned.

POST /nodes


Content-Type: application/json
    “model”*:             <MODEL_NAME>, 
    “serialnumber”*:      <SERIAL_NUMBER>, 
    “systemmac”*:         <SYSTEM_MAC>,
    “version”*:           <INTERNAL_VERSION>, 

    “neighbors”*: {
        <INTERFACE_NAME(LOCAL)>: [ {
            'device':             <DEVICE_NAME>, 
            'remote_interface':   <INTERFACE_NAME(REMOTE)>
         } ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)


Status: 201 Created
Content-Type: text/html
Location: <url>

Status: 409 Conflict
Content-Type: text/html
Location: <url>

Status: 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/html

####GET definition Request definition from the server.

GET /nodes/ID


Content-Type: application/json
    “model”*:             <MODEL_NAME>, 
    “serialnumber”*:      <SERIAL_NUMBER>, 
    “systemmac”*:         <SYSTEM_MAC>,
    “version”*:           <INTERNAL_VERSION>, 

    “neighbors”*: {
        <INTERFACE_NAME(LOCAL)>: [ {
            'device':             <DEVICE_NAME>, 
            'remote_interface':   <INTERFACE_NAME(REMOTE)>
         } ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    “name”: <DEFINITION_NAME>

    “actions”: [{ “action”:         <NAME>,
                  “description”:    <DESCRIPTION>,
                  “onstart”:        <MESSAGE>,
                  “onsuccess”:      <MESSAGE>,
                  “onfailure”:      <MESSAGE>,
                  “always_execute”: [True, False],
                  “attributes”: { <KEY>: <VALUE>,
                                  <KEY>: { <KEY> : <VALUE>},
                                  <KEY>: [ <VALUE>, <VALUE> ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)

Status: 400 Bad request
Content-Type: text/html

Status: 404 Not found
Content-Type: text/html

####GET action Request action from the server.

GET /actions/NAME


Content-Type: text/html


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

Status: 200 Bad request
Content-Type: text/x-python

Status: 404 Not found
Content-Type: text/html

####GET resource Request action from the server.



Content-Type: text/html


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

Status: 404 Not found
Content-Type: text/html
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