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86 lines (61 loc) · 5.62 KB

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86 lines (61 loc) · 5.62 KB

Brilliant Labs' original, non-edited Makefile

26: include the definitions from micropythons makefile (will take a look later) 29: if the variable MICROPY_ROM_TEXT_COMPRESSION isn't already defined, give it the value 1 32: FROZEN_MANIFEST a variable to store the directory containing the files to "freeze into the firmware" (need to understand what that means) 38: CROSS_COMPILE a prefix to use the compilers suitable for the monocle 41: BUILD_VERSION creates a variable for the build version based on the date and the time. 44: WARN a variable to define flags that tell the compiler to generate warning when facing specific code formats. 47-59: OPT defines flags to optimize the compilation and here we're adding more flags to the variable. The adding happens with a space 62: CSUPEROPT is a variable that refrences a flag that optimizes the size of the code to be minimal instead of optimizing the speed of the compilation 65-69: adds flags to the variable DEFS (need to understand what this variable does) 72-75: LDFLAGS defines a bunch of flags to setup the linker of the compiler in a specific way. 77-95: INC defines a bunch of directories with .h files to include during compilation, each directory being preceeded by a -I to tell the compiler that it's to be included for the header files in the compilation process 98: CFLAGS combines all the flags that need to be passed to the compiler 100-191: SRC-C is a variable with all the C files that need to be compiled. 193: SRC_QSTR same as the SRC-C variable. (mb check if the included makefiles add some stuff to these) 195: OBJ I speculate this includes the object files to be created by the compilers. Here they copy PY_O which I assume is the object files from the micropython makefile 196: adds to OBJ every file in SRC-C replacing the extension for one of an object file, and adding the prefix of build/ to each of them. I assume this means that the object files are going to be stored in the build folder, with a copy of their original directories. 199: LIB defines the libraries needed the compiler needs to add to the compiled files to be used by the files to be compiled

Rules: 204: OBJCOPY is the objcopy shell command preceeded with the CROSS_COMPILE prefix. The purpose of this line is to transform the build/application.elf file to .hex format

208-209: the Q is used to add a @ if verbose == 1, @ makes the compiler not print the commands


12: THIS_MAKEFILE stores the directory of the current make file (Print it) 13: TOP stores the directory of the root of micropython 19-30: Makes the build verbose if it's set to 1 when running make 34: PY_SRC stores the directory of the py folder inside the micropython folder 35: BUILD stores build which is probably a rule or the name of the folder 37-44: RM = rm ECHO = @echo CP = cp MKDIR = mkdir SED = sed CAT = cat TOUCH = touch PYTHON = python3 AS = as CC = gcc CPP= gcc - E CXX = g++ GDB = gdb LD = ld OBJCOPY = objcopy SIZE = size STRIP = strip AR = ar 57: MAKE_MANIFEST runs the Python file /tools/ 58: MAKE_FROZEN runs the Python file /tools/ 59: MPY_TOOL runs the Python file /tools/ 61: MPY_LIB_SUBMODULE_DIR stores the directory /lib/micropython-lib 62: MPY_LIB_DIR stores the directory /lib/micropython-lib 64-67: MICROPY_MPYCROSS and MICROPY_MPYCROSS_DEPENDENCY store the path /mpy-cross/build/mpy-cross

Micropythons py.k:

2: PY_BUILD stores the directory build/py where the python object files should be stored after compilation 4: HEADER_BUILD stores the directory build/genhdr which is where autogenerated header files are stored (need to understand what autogenerates header files and why) 8: PY_QSTR_DEFS stores the directory of the file /py/qstrdefs.h which are a bunch of strings stored in a an effecient way. One could use these strings using MP_QSTR_.... (Stopped bc felt not very relevant)

Micropythons 36-41: the object files will maintain the same directory structure but inside the build file

47-50: Creates a requested object file out of a .S file 52-55: Creats a requested object file out of a .s file 57-67: defines how the C files should be compiled 69-79: defines how the C++ files should be compiled 81-83: compiles a C file into an object file when this object file is needed 85-87: compiles a C++ file into an object file when this object file is needed

Harrison's Makefile_monocle 1-3: requires version 3.82 of make or later 6: (when running from the root of Harrison's repo)TENSORFLOW_ROOT = "" RELATIVE_MAKEFILE_DIR = "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make" MAKEFILE_DIR = "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make" DOWNLOADS_DIR = "tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads" 15-27: Define HOST_OS on my laptop, equals "osx"

Things to try:

  • Change the TARGET and TARGET_ARCH variables to be the nrf's

Steps taken:

  • Fixed the arm-none-eabi-gcc problem. It was causing some libraries to not be included althought they should work. Verified it works using the brilliant labs' original repo make all
  • Added a new rule to /py/ to compile .cc files
  • Had to manualy clone the repos of gemmlowp and pigweed into /tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make