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Releases: apollographql/apollo-ios

Version 0.23.0

21 Feb 03:04
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  • BETA: Now available, SPM-based code generation, Phase 0 of our transition to Swift Codegen.

    Note that the underlying codegen is still using apollo-tooling, but that will change as we proceed with Phase 1 of the Swift Codegen Project, generating the code in Swift.

    Documentation is available at our Swift Scripting page.

    When this gets to the final version this will supersede existing codegen, so please file bugs galore on this so we can get it good to go as quickly as possible. Thank you! (#940, #1033)

  • Fixed some memory leaks in our internal Promises implementation. (#1016)

Version 0.22.0

13 Feb 20:43
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  • BREAKING: Updated CLI to v2.22.1, including a bunch of fixes on the Swift side:
    • Marked files which are generated as @generated
    • Added documentation to the constructors of input structs
    • Added additional type annotations to improve compile times.
  • BREAKING: Updated delegate in HTTPNetworkTransport to be a weak var and to not be passed in as a parameter to the initializer. (#990, #1002)
  • Added a lock to InMemoryNormalizedCache to reduce possible race conditions. (#552)
  • Added the ability to not send duplicates on a websocket. (#1004)
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to an undefined cache key in the SQLite library. (#991)
  • Fixed an issue where existing fetch operations in a watcher would not be canceled before a new one was started. (#1012)

Version 0.21.0

19 Dec 22:03
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  • BREAKING, but by popular request: Removed the requirement that the clientName and clientVersion on NetworkTransport, and added a default implementation so custom implementations don't need to set these up themselves. (#954)

Version 0.20.0

16 Nov 22:34
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  • Fixed a bunch of data races in ApolloWebSocket. (#880)
  • Updated ApolloWebSocket to depend on Apollo in Package.swift since there is a dependency there. (#906)
  • POSSIBLY BREAKING Updated Swift tools verson in package declaration to 5.1. (#883)

Version 0.19.0

29 Oct 22:29
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  • NEW: Added a retry delegate to allow retries based on GraphQL errors returned from your server, not just network-level errors. NOTE: Be careful with which errors you retry for - the mere presence of an error doesn't necessarily indicate a full failure since GraphQL queries can return partial results. (#770)
  • NEW: Automatically generates ApolloEngine/ApolloGraphManager headers based on your main bundle's ID and version number. These can also be configured when you set up your NetworkTransport if you need something more granular for different versions of your application. (#858)
  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: The NetworkTransport protocol is now class-bound. If you built your own NetworkTransport implementation instead of one of the ones included with the library, this now must be a class instead of a struct. (#770)
  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: Removed an unzip method for arrays of arrays which we were not using. However, since it was public, we figured we should let you know. (#872)
  • Bumped Starscream dependency to 3.1.1. (#873)

Version 0.18.1

24 Oct 16:12
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  • Removes TSAN from run on schemes to fix Carthage issue. (#862)

Version 0.18.0

23 Oct 00:56
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  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: Updated CLI to no longer be directly bundled, but to be downloaded if needed. This allows us to avoid bloating the iOS repo with the CLI zip, and to make it easier to test different versions of the CLI in the future. This change should automatically download the updated CLI version for you.

    Note one significant change from prior bundled versions: If you are connected to the internet when you download the iOS dependency through SPM/Carthage/CocoaPods, you will now need to build your target while still connected to the internet in order to download the proper version of the CLI. Once the correct version of the CLI is downloaded, internet access should no longer be necessary to build. If you disconnect from the internet before the correct version downloads, you will not be able to build. (#855)

  • Updated version of CLI to download to 2.21.0. (#855) This includes:

    • Ability to have the codegen ignore deprecated enum cases by using the --omitDeprecatedEnumCases flag
    • Fix for generating input fields for null values
  • Fixes a number of weak references with closures. Note that this may reveal some places you weren't hanging onto a strong reference to your ApolloClient object, which will cause it to get deallocated. (#854)

Version 0.17.0

16 Oct 03:40
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  • NEW: Support for Automatic Persisted Queries. This feature allows you to send the hash of a query to your server, and if the server recognizes the hash, it can perform the whole query without you having to send it again. This is particularly useful for large queries, since it can reduce the amount of data you have to send from your user's device pretty significantly. (#767)
  • BREAKING: Removed old script files which have been deprecated. If you were still using these, please check out the updated codegen build step setup instructions to get up and running with the run-bundled-codegen script. (#820)
  • POSSIBLY BREAKING: Updated bundled CLI to v2.19.1. Please check out the CLI changelog for full details, but this version actually moves to using multi-line Swift strings for queries. If you prefer to have condensed queries, it also introduces a --suppressSwiftMultilineStringLiterals flag which produces single-line queries stripped of whitespace. (#831)
  • Fixed a couple places we were not using LocalizedError properly. (#818)

Version 0.16.1

03 Oct 14:57
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  • Updated the way run-bundled-codegen checks whether the bundled codegen has already been unzipped and has node locally. (#806)
  • Updated how default parameters are provided for RequestCreatorProtocol. (#804)

Version 0.16.0

24 Sep 22:48
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  • BREAKING: We've switched to a much simpler setup which does not involve NPM in order to use our CLI. This requires updating your build scripts. Please follow the updated instructions for setting up the build script here. The existing build script will continue to work until the next minor release, at which point it will be removed. (#766)
  • Included CLI version fixes issues which showed up in 0.15.2.
  • BREAKING: We've removed all public references to our internal Promise implementation, which was never intended to be public. (#709)
  • Fixed a deadlock in a transaction. (#763, #365)
  • Added a RequestCreatorProtocol to allow you to more easily muck with and/or mock creating multipart requests. (#771)
  • Fixed an issue causing problems building with SPM in Xcode 11. (#784)