This server target single node James deployments. By default, the derby database is used.
To run james, you have to create a directory containing required configuration files.
James requires the configuration to be in a subfolder of working directory that is called conf. A [sample directory]( is provided with some default values you may need to replace. You will need to update its content to match your needs.
You also need to generate a keystore with the following command:
$ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore conf/keystore
Once everything is set up, you just have to run the jar with:
$ java -javaagent:james-server-jpa-app.lib/openjpa-3.1.2.jar \ \
-Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 \
-Dlogback.configurationFile=conf/logback.xml \
-jar james-server-jpa-app.jar
Note that binding ports below 1024 requires administrative rights.
To import the image locally:
docker image load -i target/jib-image.tar
Then run it:
docker run apache/james:jpa-latest
Use the [JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment option]( to pass extra JVM flags. For instance:
docker run -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx500m -Xms500m" apache/james:jpa-latest
For security reasons you are required to generate your own keystore, that you can mount into the container via a volume:
keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore
docker run -v $PWD/keystore:/root/conf/keystore apache/james:jpa-latest
In the case of quick start James without manually creating a keystore (e.g. for development), just input the command argument --generate-keystore
when running,
James will auto-generate keystore file with the default setting that is declared in
(tls.keystoreURL, tls.secret)
docker run --network james apache/james:jpa-latest --generate-keystore
[Glowroot APM]( is packaged as part of the docker distribution to easily enable valuable performances insights. Disabled by default, its java agent can easily be enabled:
docker run -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:/root/glowroot.jar" apache/james:jpa-latest
The [CLI]( can easily be used:
docker exec CONTAINER-ID james-cli ListDomains
Note that you can create a domain via an environment variable. This domain will be created upon James start:
--environment DOMAIN=domain.tld
We will need to add the driver JAR on the classpath.
This can be done with the following command:
java \ -javaagent:james-server-jpa-app.lib/openjpa-3.2.0.jar \ \ -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 \ -Dlogback.configurationFile=conf/logback.xml \ -cp "james-server-jpa-app.jar:james-server-jpa-app.lib/*:jdbc-driver.jar" \ org.apache.james.JPAJamesServerMain
With jdbc-driver.jar
being the JAR file of your driver, placed in the current directory.
, one can specify any JDBC driver on the class path.
With docker, such drivers can be added to the classpath by placing the driver JAR in a volume
and mounting it at /root/libs/james-jdbc-driver.jar
We do ship a [docker-compose]( file demonstrating James JPA app usage with MariaDB. In order to run it:
# 1. Download the driver: wget # 2. Generate the keystore with the default password `james72laBalle`: keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore # 3. Start MariaDB docker-compose up -d mariadb # 4. Start James docker-compose up james