live-reloading devserver HMR plugin with hot css swaps.
If you are looking for javascript HMR look in to these tools instead: Nollup, Snowpack, Parcel or Vite
Development server
Css hot reloads
Websocket tries to autoreconnect when the connection is lost
Ease of use
import devsuite from "rollup-plugin-devsuite";
const prod = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH;
export default {
plugins: [
!prod && devsuite({
dir: "public", //default
port: 3000, //default
host: "localhost", //default
index: "index.html", //default
proxy: {} //default
The proxy can be used to map a route on the devserver for example to your api
Basically the following example maps localhost:3000/api/hello
proxy: {"/api/": ""}
or you could map localhost:3000/api/hello
with this
proxy: {"/api/": ""}
Both of these following examples should give an identical result
proxy: {"/api/": ...}
proxy: {"/api": ...}
- stability improvements
Added links to the repository
Added: proxies
Fixed: route matching with files in subfolders
Fixed: a bug that would prevent the default configuration to be overridden
Fixed: logo
Improved: css hot reloading is now quite alot faster because the websocket server gives the client the updated css file entirely, so that the client wont have to fetch the updated content from the server.
Added: the option to change the index of the app
I felt like it is a chore to npm install 3 rollup-plugins for something that could be done with only one.
MIT - Copyright (C) 2020 anton7r