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Playlist Name: Excel Introduction - Learn Excel Basics
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In this Excel for beginners tutorial, I'll give you a quick
introduction to Excel, so you can start to feel
comfortable inside the application. You'll have an idea where things are, how the spreadsheet is set up
and how you can input value. (upbeat music) When you open Excel on your
desktop, you get to this view. You can decide between a blank workbook or if you've opened a
recent file in Excel, you will see it pop up here. In this case, I'm just going to go ahead and create a blank workbook. This workbook isn't saved
until you decide to do so. To save the workbook, just go here, click on save and then you can decide where you want to save it. You can also use the
shortcut key, control S. A single Excel file is also referred to as a workbook or a spreadsheet. A workbook consists of at least one sheet. You can easily add more sheets
by clicking on the plus here. When you double click on a sheet name, you can change the name
and then press enter. A sheet contains many cells,
this box here is a singe cell. You can input numbers or text in here, just start typing and then press enter. If you want to replace this value, just go to that cell and start typing, you don't have to double
click, you can type over it. Each cell has an address,
what do you think the address of this cell is, it's D4, which means column D, row four. The intersection of a
column and a row is a cell. Up here, you have the formula bar. Once we input text here, we
can see it in the formula bars. If I move to the cell to the
side, there is nothing there. Now if instead of text, you have formulas, so if I go to the side
here, type in an equal and then go with my arrow
keys to D4 and press enter, notice what's in the formula bar. It has the formula and not the text. In this case, there is no
formula, it shows the text. On the left here, we have the name box, this also shows us the
active cell address, so in his case it's D4,
when I go here, it's F4. Now here's a useful tip for you, you can also use this to
jump to a specific cell. Just type in the cell address. So let's say I want to jump to A100, I'm going to type it in, press
enter and I jump to that cell. Now to jump back to the first cell, you can use the shortcut
key, control home. On the Excel grid, you can select multiple rows or multiple columns. Just go with your mouse
and highlight the rows or highlight columns,
just select and drag. There are also a lot of
shortcuts in Excel you can use. So for example, the
shortcut key control space, selects an entire column. If I hold down the shift
key and the arrow keys, I can select multiple columns. Now I have a separate
video in Excel shortcuts and I've added the link to
the description of this video. Now here, if you right mouse click, you're going to get a lot of options. You can for example, insert
columns in between these. If I right mouse click again, I can delete the columns
that are in between these and since we're talking about shortcuts, a great shortcut is to use control plus to insert columns or rows and control minus to delete them. An Excel sheet has more than 16000 columns and over a million rows. Now you can see that by jumping
to the bottom of the sheet, if you use the shortcut key control and then the arrow down key. This jumps to the last row in Excel. If I use the control key
and the right arrow key, I jump to the last column. Now the way to get back, do you remember where that shortcut was? That was control, home. Another term you need to know is range. A range is a group of cells. If I highlight this area, so just click on the first cell and then drag. If you want to use your keyboard key, just select the first cell
and then hold down shift and highlight the other
cells with your arrow keys. Now how do I reference this range? What's the address of it? You reference it by
the address of the cell on the top left hand corner and the bottom right hand
corner separated by a column. So this would be D4 until F7. So you would write that as
this, D4, to with a column, F7. Now this is something that's
going to be used inside formulas. So whenever you see a syntax like this, this is referencing a range of cells. If I wanted to move the value of this cell to another cell, I could
use the move handle. So this here that you
see, this mouse icon, this is the selection icon. So you just go and click
and you're selecting a cell, if you drag, you select a range. But here, if I move it to the boarder, I get this four arrows,
that's the move icon. When you see this, you can click and drag and you move the content of
that cell somewhere else. You can also use the
shortcut key control X and control V, to cut and paste. Okay, so we have the selection handle, we have the move handle,
there is another handle that's called the fill handle. So when you go to the side,
to the corner of the cell, you get this cross that symbol, if you drag that, you fill the content of the cells below with the cell above. So in this case, because I have text, I am filling them up with the text. If I drag the formula,
I'm going to fill these up with the formula, so if I go here, it's the formula that's been copied down. Cells have a default size
here but you can change them. So for example, if I input
text that's too long, it's going to go over to the next cell. So it looks like the contents of this is in these cells as well but it's not, it's only sitting in this cell. You can see that from the formula bar, when I'm here, there is
nothing in that cell. To expand the column, I can hover my mouse over here and just drag. Or, I can double click to
make the column expand, to be big enough to fit
the content of my cell. Now you might not want to
expand it horizontally, you might prefer to
let it flow vertically. So instead of it going
all the way to the side and your column being so wide, you want to keep the width like this but you want the row to expand. Now even if I pull down the row, this is not going to wrap inside the cell. There is a setting for
this and it's right here, it gives you the ability to wrap the text. Now if you see that the whole
text is not fitting here because the new part is missing, just double click on the row
to make it expand to fit. If you want to unwrap this text, just click on the wrap setting here and it's going to unwrap it. You'll find a lot of widely
used options in Excel if you right mouse click,
so if you right mouse click on a cell, you get the ability to insert, delete, you
can clear the contents, add a comment and so on. If you right mouse click on a column, you get similar options
and some additional ones that only apply to columns. Now let's take a look at Excel's menu. This is commonly referred
to as the ribbon. It consists of different tabs, every time you click on a tab, the options in the menu bar change. The most common one is the home tab, here's where you can do formatting and common tabs like inserting, deleting or sorting and filtering data. If I go to the insert tab,
I can insert a chart here or insert pivot tables. If you hover over a feature,
you get more information about the feature and
also the shortcut key you can use for that
feature if it has one. Now it does pay off, if you take some time and go through the different tabs and the different options you have. One comment option I use is for example, to hide the grid lines. This is something you can
do from the page layout tab under grid lines, take
away this check mark and the grid lines are gone. So this is good for creating
reports and dashboards. Click it again and the
grid lines are back. Some of the groupings
have additional options. You can see that from
this tilted arrow here. So if I click this, I
come to this dialogue box. Now a lot of these options
might be duplicates, it's just these options
organize differently but you might have some additional
options in here as well. If you want to increase
the space of your grid, you can collapse the ribbon. Just go to this arrow here
and collapse the ribbon or use the shortcut key, control, F1. Every time you go and select a tab, the ribbon appears, when you
click away, it disappears. To make it stick again, you can pin it or use the shortcut key, control F1. The file tab is different to the rest. This is also referred to
as the backstage view. Here you can see
information about your file, you can save it as PDF,
you can print it out, or you can check which
version of Excel you have by going and checking your account. To go back to normal view, either use the arrow here or press escape. Now let's go to the data tab
and there is some shortcuts when it comes to inputting values. So here, I'm going to input
headcount by department, for a few different months. I want to give this a
title, so I'll call this, headcount by department, and press enter. Now let's say I want to
go from Jan till June, I can just type in Jan here. Now when I press tab,
I go to the next cell. By default, if I press enter,
you go to the cell below. If you want to press enter
and stay on the same cell, you have to press control enter. Now if I go to the next cell, I can type in Feb and then March and so on but Excel has this already built in. So if you type in Jan, it recognizes that this is a month, now
when I pull this to the side, notice I can see May
and then at the bottom I have June here. So now the first department is marketing, I'll just type it in. If you ever need to go to
edit mode, you can press F2. This is going to take you to the end of the text that you have,
so if you want to continue with that text, you can just start typing. So and sales for example. If you just start typing over the cell, remember, it's going to replace everything that was in the cell. I'm typing marketing here
then I'm going to press tab, let's say type in 20 and then 20 and 20 and in case this is 20
for all these months, again, don't forget that you
can use the filler handle. So you can click and drag and if you want a shortcut for this, there is one, just highlight with the keyboard keys and then press control R. This is going to fill to the right. Now when you're on the end
here and you press enter, you jump to the cell below. One way to make it easier for you to input a bunch of data, is
to highlight the area first. So in this case, when I highlight this, notice when I press tab and I get here and I press tab again,
it goes to the first cell of the next row, so now I can type and then press tab, tab, tab and so on. To get out of this,
you can just click away or use the arrow key to
move out of the space. Now I'm just quickly going
to add some data to this and then let's do some formatting. Okay, so now we have some more data, let's adjust the formatting of this. I want to center this across my report. So highlight the range, go to
home and merge these cells. When you click it, it automatically merges and centers the cell. We can make these bold,
highlight and click on bold. And while we're here, let's
also adjust the cell width, to match the content of the cell. So I'm going to highlight
all of these together and then double click to make this fit. Now if it's too tight for you, you can expand this a little bit. If you just select any of these while the rest are highlighted, it's going to make the same
adjustment to the rest as well. Now you can go ahead and add color to this or add boarders, so here
you have a bottom boarder, you'll have thick bottom
boarder, so let's go with that. In case you want to move
something to be in the middle, so let's say I don't
want HR on the bottom, I want HR between marketing and sales, you can select it and
then use the move handle to move it but while you're moving it, don't just drop it because
if you try to do that, it says there's already data in there, do you want to replace it? No, we definitely don't
want to replace it. So what we want to do is bring it and put it in between marketing and sales. So while you're dragging this, hold down the shift key and
then you see that line changes, it shows you where it's going to drop it. Now if you let go of the mouse, it's going to drop HR in
between marketing and sales. Now you have other options
to do this as well, if you don't want to use this combination, just right mouse click and cut or use the shortcut key control X and then go to where you
want this range to sit, right mouse click and insert cut cells. Let's give the title some color as well and if you ever adjust
the formatting of the cell and you want to apply that
formatting to other cells, you can use the paintbrush icon. So for example, let's say for
some reason I made this red and I want to apply
that to the other ones, I can just go and click on the paintbrush, click on the cell I want and it automatically
applies the formatting. Now this is not just for color, it's any type of formatting you have, it can be a combination of bold font, cell boarders and so on. If you want to apply that
formatting to multiple cells, double click on this paintbrush and then you can reuse that formatting and apply to multiple cells. Once you're done, press
escape to remove it. If you want to sum up these values, you can go to home and sum them from here. There's also a great shortcut key for this which is alt equals. When you click it, it
tries to pick up the range, this is correct, you
just have to press enter. Now you can fill the rest in and the formula will be copied over and the ranges will reflect
the direct ranges above. If you want to do this
in one go, you can first select your area and just
use the shortcut key, alt equals and you're done. This wraps up our introduction to Excel in case you like to learn more about Excel and other features and functions, check out the other videos
I have on this channel. Now if you really like to master Excel and learn by solving actual problems, check out my Excel essentials
course on Link to it is below the video. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, if you did, hit that thumbs up and do subscribe to this channel in case you haven't subscribed already, so you can improve your Excel skills and learn some tips and tricks
when it comes to Office apps. Thank you for watching and
I'll see you in the next video. (upbeat music)
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In this video, I'm going to show you how
and when you should use Absolute, Relative, and Mixed cell referencing in Excel. This is the sample data set that we have. Let's say we have sales information for these three
different types of app for each quarter. First thing we're asked to do is to get the total for
the year for each app. So, I'm going to go to this cell and I'm going to use the shortcut
key Alt and the equal sign. This automatically inserts the SUM formula and it's kind of smart
because it realizes where it has numbers and it sums those values. So, in this case, it's
correct. I just have to press Enter. Now, I'm going to push this down by double-clicking on
the edge here. Let's take a look at our formula. If I click on the first row here and I click
inside the formula, it's summing B5 to E5. Now, if I go to the last one here and I click inside
the formula, you can see that it's summing B7 to E7. This is called Relative Referencing because
the referenced cells are moving down as my formula moves down. So, now let's say my boss comes to
me and says, "Give me the percentage of each app in comparison to the total for the year." So, first
thing I need to do is to calculate the total. So, I'm going to come here and again use the same
shortcut key combination Alt and the equal sign. And again, this time it's smart, it notices that
it has numbers on top, so it's going to sum those. All I have to do is to press Enter. So, now comes
the tricky part of calculating the percentage. So, I'm going to come here, type in the equal sign,
click on the first total for the game app and divide that by the total here. Okay, I'm going
to change this to a percentage. Now, can I pull this down just like I did before? Well, let's try
it. I run into a problem, why? Let's click inside the formula it says, this divided by this, right?
So, the total value here shifted down which is correct because this percentage should reflect
the utility app, but the total value shouldn't move down. I need that to be fixed. This is when
you need Absolute Referencing. That means, you need to add dollar signs to the row, as well as to the
column reference, and you can do that quickly by using the shortcut key F4. That automatically puts
in the dollar signs. You can of course also put in the dollar signs yourself, you don't have to
use the shortcut key. It's just much faster to use the shortcut key. Let's pause for a quick tip.
If you click on F4 once, you get the dollar sign for both the column, as well as the row. If you
click on it again, you get the dollar sign only for the row. Once more, it puts the dollar sign
only for the column, and click it again, it goes back to relative referencing. We're going to see
the mixed referencing part in a second and why you might need it. So, when I press Enter now and I
pull this down, I get the formula to work properly because what these dollar signs do is they fix
the column reference as well as the row reference. It doesn't move down. So, when I'm here, we can
see the first part is relative, the second part of the formula is fixed to this cell. Now let's
say my boss comes to me and says, "Calculate the percentage of each quarter for each app, so that
we can quickly see which quarters we have the most sales and which quarters we have the least sales
for each of these apps." What I'm going to do is to copy this information, so Ctrl+C, go here,
and paste this. Now, I'm going to remove these because instead of these numbers, I want to see
percentages here. And that percentage is going to be the value I have in quarter one divided by
the total I have in quarter one for that app. So, what do we need here? Relative, absolute, mixed
referencing. Let's test it out first. I'm going to say this equals to this number divided by
this number. Right, can I leave this like this? Not really. Right, I mean for this value, it's
going to work fine, but when I pull this over, what happens to this? The same thing that happened
before when we calculated the totals here. This number is going to keep shifting this way. I
don't want it to shift, so do I need to use full referencing here? So, absolute referencing. Well,
let's try it. What happens if I do? I'm going to click on this F5 here and press F4 to get it fully
fixed. Now, I'm going to pull this over here and let's take a look. Let's go to this cell, click
on this. This looks great, right? It has this cell divided by this cell, so perfect. Let's just pull
this down. Is that our report? Could we give this to our boss? Let's check, is this correct? No,
because this doesn't even add up to 100% right, so there's something wrong here. Let's just
click on this cell, click inside the formula, and we can see it's taking this number. That part
is correct, but it's dividing it by the total for game app. We don't want that. And it's doing
it because we fully fixed the reference to F5, so that doesn't move at all. But we do want it to
partially move, right? So, what part of this do we want to move? The row part, right? Because we
want the number 5 to become number 6 since we're on row 6 here and then to become number 7. So,
the part that you want to move shouldn't have a dollar sign. The dollar sign is for the part that
you want fixed. So, right here, what do we want fixed? We want the column to be free. We want F to
be fixed, that shouldn't move to G, shouldn't move to H, it should always stay on F, but we want the
row to move. This means that the dollar sign stays with the part that we want fixed. So it stays with
F, and I'm going to remove the dollar sign from the row here. Now, if we pull this across and
we pull this down, we get it to work properly. And the way that you can test this is always go
to the end of your data set and then just double check that your formula referencing is correct.
So, in this case, it's dividing this by this, which is correct. And here, we are using mixed
cell referencing. That's how you can use absolute, relative and mixed cell referencing in Excel. If
you liked this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up, and if you want to receive updates
when new videos come out, consider subscribing.
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How familiar are you
with Excel's cell modes? I didn't even know this was
a thing until I realized Excel behaves in a different way when I am in a certain dialog box. So, for example, if I'm in
a data validation dialog box and I'd like to move around
with the keyboard keys, in the dialog box, it
automatically inserts a cell reference in there. That's because I'm in point mode in Excel, which is different to edit mode. So what type of modes do we have and how can we switch between these modes? Let's find out. (upbeat music) The default cell mode state for Excel or let's say the normal
state is the ready mode, and that's what you can see here on the bottom left hand side. Now in this state, nothing happens, you can click on this cell, move around, click on these dialog boxes,
you'll stay in ready mode. Now, the moment you
start to input something so let's say I input a number
here, I go into enter mode. Because I didn't start this
input with an equal sign or a plus sign or a minus sign, Excel knows that I'm
not inputting a formula, so if I use now the arrow
keys to move around, it's actually going to leave the cell and input that number in the cell. So if I go here and
again, input let's say 60, I'm in enter mode, I either click Enter or use the down arrow key
and I move down a cell. But it's going to behave
differently now when it sees that I'm inputting a formula. So I'm going to start with the equal sign, I'm back in enter mode but this time, I'm going to use the arrow keys. Again, I'm going to go up and
notice which mode I'm in now, it's in point mode, so
it switched directly from enter mode to point mode the moment I used the
arrows and it's only because it realized that I am inputting a formula because I started the
input with an equal sign. Now even if you start with
the minus sign or a plus sign, it's going to act the same way. So now let's say I click on the 50, I'm going to do a plus and
again, I'm in enter mode so I'm going to go and
use my arrow keys again and go and select the
60 and now press Enter and I'm back in ready mode. Okay so I managed to switch
from enter mode to point mode by using the arrow keys because
I was inputting a formula. But now let's say I want
to go and edit this. Now let's actually try
and include a new number so I'm going to put 30 in here. Now to edit this, I'm going
to use the F2 shortcut key or you can also double click in the cell. Now we're in edit mode, that's
different to the enter mode because in edit mode, we
can use the arrow keys to move around inside the formula and make changes if we wanted to. So I can switch this to a minus
and I'm still in edit mode and let's go and now add something to it. So from edit mode, now if I want to go and use my keyboard keys to select B2, I can't just press the up key
right now because what happens if I do that, it just
jumps to here, right? If I click up, it just
jumps to the beginning. So I need to go back to that point mode. That's when I can use F2 key again. Now I'm in enter mode
and now I can move up because it's realized that
I'm editing a formula. To switch back to edit mode,
I'm going to click on F2 again and I can go and switch
between these two modes as much as I need. Just remember that from edit mode, you can't use the arrow
keys to switch another cell, you'll have to click F2 again
to go back to enter mode so that you can go and
make your cell selection. Okay so now I'm going
to go back to edit mode and delete that last
entry and press Enter. Always take a look on the bottom to see which mode you're in. Now the part that can
get quite frustrating is when you're inside dialog boxes like conditional formatting
or data validation or the name manager in formulas or even if you're adjusting a chart range. So in the Data tab here, I
have just some sample data and on this side, I have a
conditional formatting rule. So let's just go and check it out. Let's go to edit rule. That's the rule, it's
just looking at cell F5, checking if it's less than
G5 and then it's formatting this cell to an orange color. Now, let's say I wanted to update this. What happens now if I use the arrow keys? Take a look at my status
bar, I'm in enter mode and there is an equal
sign in front of this. So the moment I start to move around, it's going to go to point mode
because it's thinking that I want to reference the cell but that's not what I want to do, I want to actually edit this, I want to adjust the cell reference. So I need to click on
F2 to go to edit mode. Now, let's say at this
point I actually want to go and reference the cell from edit mode, I want to switch to point mode. So I have to click on F2
again so I go to enter mode. And now Excel realizes that
because I'm in enter mode and I'm writing a formula, if
I want to use the arrow keys, it's going to show that cell reference. So I'm going to go and
select this and now let's say I want to delete the dollar
sign beside the five. I need to go to edit mode so
I'm going to click on F2 again, the status changes to edit. Now I can move around with the arrow keys, delete this and press Enter. Now in this case I'm
just going to press skip because I don't want
to change that formula. Okay, so just remember, whenever you go to these dialog boxes,
if you don't want Excel to go to point mode, click
on F2 so you go to edit mode. Now the same is true if you're creating data validation lists. So if I create a list that's
let's say referencing this and now I want to go and adjust this, if I click on the arrow
keys, I'm in point mode, I need to click on F2 to go to edit mode. So now I'm going to click
on F2, I'm in edit mode and now I can move around. Okay so anytime you are going
to any of these dialog boxes and you want to make an
adjustment, click on F2 to go to edit mode and then move around. This is going to save you
from a lot of headaches. In case you don't see the status bar here, it may be disabled for you so
just right mouse click here and all the way on top,
you see the cell mode. If you click it, it's a toggle, it will disappear from
the bottom, now it's gone. If I click it again, then
I can see the cell mode on the bottom. So those are Excel's different cell modes. Keep an eye on which mode
you're in and switch them if you need to. I hope you enjoy this video. I know it's a basic one but it's just something
that's easy to miss. If you did enjoy it, don't
forget to give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing
if you aren't subscribed to this channel, I'm going to
see you in next week's video. (upbeat music)
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in today's video we're going to take a look at the basics of Excel filter options Excel filter options can come in really handy when you work with large data tables now there is a lot of options there so I'm gonna split this into two videos in this video we're going to cover the basics and in the next video we're gonna take a look at more advanced options here's a sample list of data we have information on channel product date and sales value when this data said we'd like to place a filter now the quickest way of putting a filter in place is just click anywhere inside your data set and then do ctrl shift L and you get these icons on the header to clear the filter press control shift L again another way of putting the filter is to go from home to sort and filter and click on filter I'm just going to press control shift L again to get rid of the filter and yet another way of just putting a filter here is just by right mouse clicking so let's say I'm only interested to get the list of shirt blue I just have to right mouse click here go to filter and say filter by selected cells value so this filters out only the lines that have shirt blue in there now you can see that when you get this blue font on the row numbers the other cells are actually there they're not deleted they're just hidden and you can see on the bottom that filter gives 6 out of 26 records you can also make individual selections so if I go here and clear this filter from product let's say I'm interested in website sales and affiliate site sales so I will click this I would deselect everything then click on affiliate site and website and I say ok I get my list here then if I'm interested on let's say anything that for example would start with shirt I can go here and instead of deselecting and looking for all the ones that have shirt here I could actually use a wild card directly in the search box so I could put that star sign okay that's the sign of the wild card and I can put shirt and I need to put the star sign again to give me anything after shirt a star sign before means that it could also be called blue shirt or white shirt so shirt doesn't have to be the first word and a star sign after means that there can be other things coming after this now I can see that it automatically put a tick mark for everything that had shirt in it and I can do that right here with the site as well because the word site is also an affiliate site and in website if we select everything and here I just put site it automatically makes that selection for me to take away this filter from here you can go through each one and say clear filter but this can be quite annoying so one way is to go to home to sort and filter and clear this filter or another way is just to press control-shift l two times so let's say I have this filter on and I have this filter on then I would just press control shift L to take away the filter and then control shift L to put back the filter but this way I know that my filters are all clear you can also filter by color so if for some reason you want to highlight these cells in let's say this color and you want to highlight these in the say green color and then you want to filter by this green color you just have to go to the filter arrow here and then to filter by color and it already picks up the colors that you have underneath it so I just click this I get my list if you want to copy the result of a filter all you have to do is press ctrl a to highlight the area and then press control C you can see that only these lines are copied then you go to a new tab then you press control V right so copying this way only copies the filtered rows and there is nothing here that's hidden in the middle press escape and then control shift L to open up the filter and I'll just do control shift L again if you're working with dates you have a lot of automatic date filter options in here you can say just show me the data for this month all right so I'm in February right now and that's the cells I mean let's say in February I can also say show me data for last month or even show me data year to date right so that would give me in this case January and February data right or you can even look between two dates so I can select between from here I get directed to custom auto filter it says if date is after or equal to now the good thing is you don't have to try to figure out in what format should I put in the date you can make the selection from here let's say I want anything from the 10th of January until the 15th of February you have the end option already selected which in this case is correct because it should be after or equal to this date and before or equal to this date and say ok that gives me only those lines of data now let's take a look at how we can use the or condition so I'm just going to clear the filter here and let's go to channel for example remember how I put the star sign here to look for site right to use a wild-card you can also go and select a specific filter option for that so under text filter you have the contains option so for contains I can also just put in site in here then you don't need to use the wildcards now let's take a look at the or option let's do an example on product I'm gonna go to text filter - custom filter and look for blue or white products ok so we can see it contains blue or it contains white now let's say I was interested in the totals that I see here so if I highlight this range I can see on the bottom that that's the sum of my filtered area if you use the normal sum function here right and we go from all the way from 5 to 30 you see the entire sum of the data set which also includes those hidden cells right and this is not something that you might want in that case you can use the subtotal formula or the aggregate formula so subtotal is very simple to use you just have to select what type of total you want this case it would be number nine for some and then the range that you wanted some and this by default is going to exclude any hidden cells okay so it's only going to total what you can see here what I suggest though is that if you have your data set up like this it's always best to create an Excel table out of it the table is going to give you a lot more benefits so you'll have the filtering benefits that we saw right now but in addition you have a lot more benefits to make a table out of this data what I'm gonna do is it's just one filter and go back to our raw data set I'm just gonna press ctrl T and this data set does your table have headers I can see the area it selected is correct and my table does have headers so I'm gonna say okay that is gonna activate a new tab for you that's called table tools and first of all what it does is that it gives you this default look for a table which you might not want so you can immediately go and clear that from here to go back to the look you had before if you forget this shortcut key to insert a table you can go to insert and click on table okay so in this case it's deactivated because it's already turned into a table one advantage of the table is that you don't need to remember that subtotal formula you can very easily add a total row to your table here and you can select how you want the total to be in this case for the cells we want it to be summed let's say I also want a total here but I just want the count of shirts and this total and count are based on the filter so let's say we just want to filter for blue that's the count and that's the total the tables have more benefit than just this because if your formulas are referencing the table and you add more data to the table the formula gets updated if you have charts that are referencing the table the chart gets updated or pivot tables that are referencing the table your pivot table data range automatically gets updated so really recommend that you use tables because with tables you don't just get these filtering options that we saw before but you get a lot more than that there in the next lecture we are going to take a look at how we can use advanced filter advanced filter is not sitting on the Home tab instead it's sitting on the data tab and is sitting right here in the next tutorial I'll take you through the benefit of this I hope you liked this video if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and for more videos like this one don't forget to subscribe to this channel so that you can get updates when new videos come out [Music]
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In this lecture, we're going to take a look at
Advanced Excel Filter Options. This is our sample Dataset, though in the previous video
we saw how to put a quick filter on this using the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+L. Now, the one
disadvantage of the normal filter is that if I for example, put a filter on this and let me
also just select these two, but you don't exactly know what the filter is on until you hover your
mouse over it and then you can see that Channel has been set to Store and Product is set to Pants
Black-Pants Blue. If you want to have full control over your filter criteria, you might want to use
Advanced Filter because there you actually put your filter criteria in separate cells, so you know
what they are. To do that, go to Data to Advanced, let's just take a look at the options that we have
here. We can either filter the list in place, which is just like the way we've been doing so far, or we
can copy the results to another location. You need to define the List Range which is normally smart
enough and it picks up the correct range, then we can define the Criteria Range. So, this is where
you are going to type in the cells, you also have the ability to extract Unique Records and that's
something I'll show you at the end of the lecture, but let's see how we can use this Criteria Range.
What you need to do is to always start with the Header of the Criteria that you want to filter.
So, let's say I want to create a filter only on store here, okay I'm just going to unfilter this by
pressing Ctrl+Shift+L. What I need to do is to put the Header where Store is in, so in this case
is Channel. Now, you can either type it in or copy it over, it's not case-sensitive. Underneath it,
I'm going to type Store. Now, we're going to go to Advanced Filter, the list is fine we're going to
leave it to also filter the list in place. Now, the Criteria is this one and this includes your Header
because this way Filter knows where to look. Okay, that automatically filters the list based on Store.
The great thing about this is that you can use And/Or Conditions you can also use Wildcards
here. So, let's take a look at an And Condition first. Let's say, I want to filter for Store and
for Pants Blue, I'm going to put Product because that's the header and I'm gonna put Pants Blue.
When you put them beside one another, it means it's an And Condition. So, let's go back to Advanced,
now we need to expand our Criteria Range to both of these, and say ok. Ok so, that filters for Store
and Pants Blue, now you can also say if it doesn't equal Pants Blue. So, Smaller and Greater Sign
here, and press Enter, and now let's reapply the Filter and we get the list of everything else
that's not Pants Blue. Now, let's take a look at the Wildcards, what if we just wanted to look at
everything that has the word Pants in there? We can put the StarSign+Pants and then StarSign
after. So, this means that Pants could also be in the middle of our label, and if you just reapply
this we get everything that has the word Pants in there. Now, let's say I wanted to look for Store
and Pants or Store and Shirt White. Okay so, this calls for an Or Condition, this means that I need to type
the Second Criteria below this, but I also need to make sure that I have my other criterias also set,
because one criteria is Store and anything with Pants or its Store and anything that has the title
Shirt White in there. Okay so, let's apply Advanced Filter again, our range needs to be updated to this
and we say ok. Okay so, we have Store and Shirt White and Store with anything that has Pants in there.
Okay so, just remember that typing in below is an Or Condition, typing beside an And Condition. Let's
do something else, let's look for Sales that are greater than 200, I can expand on this. I can add
in Sales Value should be greater than 200, okay and also for this one it should be greater than
200, unless I want to define something different for this combination. What does this mean now? It
means it shouldn't show this and it shouldn't show these and that's it right? So, you should be
hiding these two lines. Let's go back to Advanced and let's expand our Filter. Okay so, they're gone.
Now, let's take it one step further as well and say don't show me anything that's above, let's do
above 400. So, basically the List Filtered should show these values that are between 200 and 400.
Okay so, we can copy this here and just change this to less than 400. Okay so, let's see which ones
this one should hide, this shouldn't be there, this one shouldn't be there. Okay so, let's test this
and let's update this to include all of these. Okay so, that's how you can use Advanced Filter, you
can also repeat the columns like we did here and put in different conditions in there. As long as
they make sense and the And Condition applies to them, like it does with numbers or with dates. What
I'm going to show you last is how to copy Unique Records into a separate location. So, for example
let's say you were interested to get the Unique List of Products out of the entire list. So, let
me just clear the filter that we have in place and let's go back to Advanced Filter. We're only
interested in Products, so I'm just going to highlight that entire column where I have Product in. Now,
criteria range in this case, I don't need to define that because my criteria is unique records only.
Now, let's say I want to copy into another location, so let's copy it right here, and say okay, and I
get the unique list of my products. So, these are the different ways that you can use Advanced
Filter in your Excel reports. I hope you like this video, if you did, don't forget to give
it a thumbs up, and for more videos like this one, don't forget to subscribe to this channel so
that you can get updates when new videos come up.
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let's take a look at the different source options we have in Excel and how you can potentially unsourced your data to get back to your original row order you actually have quite a few options to sort your data apart from the usual ones like sorting numbers by ascending descending order or searching text alphabetically you can add in your own custom lists so you can tell Excel the sort order that you'd like to have you can also add in multiple levels and sort by color you can even sort by icon let's do a few examples in these and then let's take a look at how we can unsorted at ASET here's our sample dataset we have information on division region apps and revenue and let's say we just received this and we quickly want to look at the app that had the highest revenue all we have to do is to click anywhere inside the column that we want to sort right mouse click select sort and select largest to smallest Excel is smart enough to recognize that these other columns belong to this data set and that's because they're right beside each other without any gaps in between if I click anywhere inside this data set and I press ctrl-a I can see that all the states have belongs together so whenever I use the sort option on any of these Excel is going to sort this entire data set and it's also smart enough to recognize that this data set has a header as well so it doesn't sort the header with it you can also sort alphabetically so for example if I wanted to sort based on division all I have to do is right mouse click somewhere inside the division column go to sort and select either HC or Z to a so let's go with a to Z I get game productivity and utility now what happens if that wasn't the case so for example let's see I had some text written here to some random text and I didn't want these to be sorted because now check this out if I click anywhere in this data set I press ctrl-a they got highlighted so they're also automatically gonna be sorted so let's just test that if I right mouse click on revenue and a sword from smallest to largest you can see that they get sorted I'm just gonna press ctrl Z to go back if you don't want them included you actually need to highlight the area that you want sorted so I'm gonna highlight this use the shortcut key ctrl shift down to jump to the bottom of this data set and now I'm gonna right mouse click here go to sort now the alternative way of getting to sort is to go through the Home tab you see sort and filter right here you can directly choose how you want to sort where you can go to custom sort you can also get to custom sort by right mouse clicking here right on the bottom you see custom sort this gives you full control over the data set you want to sort and in case Excel doesn't recognize that your data has headers you can make sure it does by putting in a tick mark right here now if I sort this data set let's say it's my revenue column and let's go with smallest to largest the data gets sorted but it doesn't impact my other columns now let's say I wanted to sort division but I didn't want to sort it by HSE or Z to a because that's what it gives me utility productivity game ages that gives me game first but I said I don't want either of these I want my own personal custom sort I want productivity to always be first then utility and game for this I can add in my own list all I have to do is to go back to custom sort just right mouse click sort and then custom sort select the column that you want to sort on so that's division is correct I do want to sort on the values but I want to use a custom list now all I have to do is to type in my personal list in here put in productivity first then I want utility game then click on add you can see right here ok and we can see the order right here as well I get productivity first utility and game now I want to add in more levels to this after I sort division I want to sort the region I don't want easier to be scattered in here I want easier to be together and then I want the apps within that division to be sorted as well so this calls for multiple levels and again we can right mouse click go to sort or this time let's go from home sort and filter and click on custom sort now the first level is fine I wanted to use the custom list I just added but I'm gonna add a level after this after it takes care of division I wanted to sort the region I do want it to sort on values now for order let's just go with HSN so I could add in my custom list as well if I wanted to see region in a certain way now after this I'm going to add another level and I'm gonna sort by the apps and just keep that data set so now I get them organized that Asia is all together and then the apps are also sorted alphabetically within the region let's see how we can sort based on color and icon so let's say some people have highlighted different numbers here in yellow because we told them if something happens make sure you highlight those lines in yellow and if something else happens highlight them in green all right so let's say these are some things that we want to pay attention to and when we receive this file we want to immediately sort it based on color first and then based on this original sort order that we defined so all I have to do now is go back to custom sort and add in two other options for the colors and notice that you can push down or up the orders using the arrow keys so I'm just going to click on add a level right here and then later push it to the top what I want is to have the cells that are in yellow to be on top so this is not based on the value of the cell anymore but it's based on cell color so from sort on I'm going to say like cell color and right here Excel recognizes the different colors that I'm using in this column so I'm gonna say yellow I want it to be right on top now I'm going to push this all the way to the top and right below this add another level that uses the cell color green and after that I wanted to go back to my original source order that I defined so this way I get the yellow cells first then I get the green ones and then I have the sort order that I defined before now let's say in addition to this I was using conditional formatting here I'm just gonna highlight the area add a quick conditional formatting for the sake of this tutorial just to get in some icons in here I'll select icon sets let's quickly go to more rules and let's select the flags here now here you get the opportunity to define how you want them applied it's comparing my number to the rest of the numbers within this range and can say I'm fine with that and I get some green flags red and the yellow flags here now once you're using icons and conditional formatting you can also sort them right mouse click here I'm gonna go back to custom sort let's just delete these levels and add in a sort for these so to delete levels you just click on what you want delete it and click on the delete button that's a sort based on the icons after I sort on cell color I'm gonna add a level select my revenue again and now instead of selecting cell color I'm gonna go with cell icon put everything that's let's say green first and then put everything that is red and after that it can put everything else which is the yellow icon so let's go with okay so we get our cells first and then we get the green ones than the red ones and last the yellow icons so what do we do now if you want to go back to our original sort order I can't get it back the reason is Excel is not a database it doesn't remember which cell was originally associated with this line the moment the order changes here the previous one is forgotten right unless you press ctrl-z to go back but if you save this file and then you open it later and you want to go back to your original sort order you can't go back but there is a way around this and let me show that to you on this data set what you need to do is to add in a column either before after in the middle just somewhere to your data set so let me just cut this and push it to the side so I have some space here and I'm going to add indexes here type in and one let's just push this all the way down I don't want to copy the one I want to field series so I get unique values in here all I have to do is to always sort back my helper field to get back to my original sort order so if I now sort revenue let's say from largest smallest we can see that these numbers shifted to get back to my original sort order all I have to do is to sort on this helper column smallest to largest and I'm back to my original sort order but that's a decision that you have to make up front otherwise you're going to lose the original source order that you had at the beginning so these were the different methods you can use to sort your data if you find this video useful I'd appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up and if you're interested in these type of videos consider subscribing [Music] you
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Today's video is more than just the basics
of Excel's data validation. I'm going to show you how you can get the content of the Drop-Down
to be dynamic. So, if you add new categories they automatically show in the Drop-Down, then I'm going
to show you how you can validate for specific entries. For example, let's say the input date
should fall in the future or numbers input should fall within a range or the input values should
contain a specific number of characters. Imagine this, imagine you work for the headquarters of a
company that creates different types of apps and you have three divisions, you have the game, productivity,
and utility divisions. Now, you're responsible for collecting the information and the different types
of projects that each company is working on. You've created this template that includes the basic
information you need to collect from them. In the first column you have division, you need to make
sure that they type in the correct division, that they don't make any spelling mistakes, because
some people could spell games instead of the game division right? And you don't want to spend
a lot of your time correcting these mistakes. So, here you want to add a Drop-Down List where the
people can actually select the divisions. For this, you can add a Data Validation. To do that, you have
to go to the Data Tab and underneath Data Tools you see something called Data Validation, just
click on it. The first tab here is the Settings tab and you can see that by default Excel allows
you to input any value in any of these cells, but you can change that. You could add in additional
restrictions. Now, you can see we have different options here, you can also get very creative by
adding in a Custom Check here using formulas, but in this specific case we want to add a list,
this means we're adding our own Drop-Down. Now, under Source we have different options, we could
use Cell Referencing to keep things dynamic or we could input something directly in here. So, let's
say these divisions are super static and they're hardly ever going to change, I could actually type
in Game Productivity and Utility here and I just have to use my usual Excel separator between
these. Okay, I'm just going to go with okay and I get this little down arrow here, when I click it
I can choose between the three different types of divisions. Now, if these divisions were likely
going to change, so let's say it could be that I rename the Game Division to the Games Division,
it's better to use Dynamic Cell References and have these divisions somewhere in Excel Cells, but
in this case I've added them to my Master Data tab and I've typed in the name of the division
right here. So now instead of fixing them, I'm going to use Cell References, so let's go back to
Data Validation and for source I'm just going to say Equals and let's go to Master and highlight
this area and say okay, and now I have made three different divisions. So, if I change the name of
the game division to the games division, it will automatically reflect in here. What happens if I
add in another division to this? Is my list gonna update automatically? So, let's say I'm going to add
in the Health Division on the bottom here. I'm going to go back, click on this it's not included
right?, because my list was restricted to that range that we saw here. So, to include it I need to
update this range but there are ways around this where you don't need to update this range. I'm
going to show you two different ways here. One is that when you add something to this list not to
add it on the bottom here, but to add it somewhere in the middle. So, let's say I'm just going to insert
a row in here and then push Health in between. Now, if I go back I can see Health shows up here, but
you can also do that by using the Shift Key and bringing something up. So, let's say I'm going to
add a new one here, now it's not going to show up on this list yet. If I go back here and I use
the Shift Key and then I bring it up here, you basically insert a row before this. So, when I go
back here I can see that new has been added to the list. Okay, so that's one approach but that's
something that you have to remember to do every time you add in a new division, and let's say this
is something that is gonna update quite often and you don't always want to think about doing this.
You just want to add something to the bottom of this list and you want your data validation to
update automatically. To do that, you can turn this into an official Excel Table, all you have
to do is to click somewhere inside this Data Set and then press CtrlT. We get this pop up where it
as does your table have headers, in this case it's recognized that I have a header, so I'm just going
to go with okay. Now, automatically Excel assigns a table style here, I'm just going to go and clear that
Table Style. Right here on their table tools, Excel has also given this a default table name, so in
this case it's called Table1. So, I'm just going to update that name and call this TableDiv and
press Enter. Now, the advantage of Excel tables is that your ranges generally updates automatically.
So, now if I make a formula, I just say this equals and I'm going to highlight this area. You can see
that Excel uses this type of table referencing. TavleDiv is the name of my table and division
is the name of the header and is putting it in square brackets and that's the type of reference
saying, that I want to use in my data validation. So, I'm just going to copy this press escape to
leave and go back to my data validation here. For source here, I want to use that table reference
things, I'm just going to say equals and I'm going to paste that in. Now here's the problem, detail
validation doesn't like the table referencing style directly in here, the way around it is to use
the Indirect Function. I have separate video that explains how indirect works and I'm going to put
the link to that in the description of this video. Basically what it does is that it turns a text
into an address, so I'm going to give the indirect function this reference as text, all it does is
that it translates it into a range reference and I'm gonna say okay now, I can get the data
validation to work and now the great thing is if I add something below this, so let's say I add
in my health division, I don't have to worry about bringing it in the middle of this data set. I can
see that my table here expanded automatically and if I go back here, when I click on this drop down
I automatically see health in here. There is also another way around this and that's to use the
Name Manager. So, instead of using the indirect function you can give that table reference a name
inside name manager and use that name inside the Data Validation. The Indirect Function just helps
avoid this one extra step. Now, let's improve on this a little bit, let's add in some text here so
that the user knows what they should be doing in here. Under Data Validation, we have some options
to add in an Input Message and an Error Alert Message. Select Division and the input message is
"Please make a selection from the list". Under error alert, you can define a custom message, in the first
step let's just not define a custom message let's just go with okay, we can see SelectDiv, "Please
make a selection from the list". If they don't make a selection and they just type in "prod" here, they
get this default Excel error alert message and it says this value doesn't match the data validation
restrictions defined for this cell. So, you could either just go ahead with that one or you can
customize it by putting in your error message in here and say okay. So, you don't necessarily need
to add in a title. So, I'm just going to go with "prod", now I see, "please select from the list". Okay, so that
takes care of the division. Now, let's just take a quick look at the other options that we have under
data validation. Let's say that for Project Start Date, we've added a comment here that says "Date
must be larger than today's date", so whenever they open this spreadsheet and they want to input, they
need to pick a future date and we don't want to rely on the people reading this comment because
from experience we've seen that they don't read these comments, so we just want to make sure that
we add in checks inside the cells. We're going to go back to Data Validation, we're going to go back
to Settings, make another selection here. In this case, it doesn't really make sense to add a list
because it could be any date that's bigger than today's date. So, which one do you think we can go
with? Let's go with the Date Option here, we can choose that the date is between two different
dates. So, let's say we want the dates to be in 2018, we could make sure that the start date is the
first of 2018 and the end date is the last date in 2018, but in this case we just want to make sure
that it's greater than today's date. So, our start date is going to be dependent on the date of today
and for that we can use the today formula. You just have to open and close the Bracket because it's
a function. Here we can add in an Input Message, "Please input project start date", and under our
alert, "Make sure it's a future date" and say okay. So, "Please input project start date", now if I input a
date from the past, let's do 7/7/2017, say make sure it's a future date, so I'm going to retry change
that to 2018 and it works. Next is the project number, so we want to make sure that the project
number is four digits and that those four digits are between 1,000 to 2,000. Let's just say that
these are the project numbers that our company has decided to sign to the projects that we're
doing in the current year. Let's go back to Data Validation, under Settings which one do you think
we can go with? Let's check whole number, we can go with between and we can define a minimum and
maximum and the minimum was 1,000 and the maximum was 2,000 and I'm gonna mention that under error
alert. Okay, so if I input 1,000 it's fine, if I input this it's not okay. Next one is Company Code,
so the code must be five characters. I want to make sure here that the people don't input the name of
the company but the code of the company. I could give them a list to choose from or I could just
do a basic check that the code that they enter is five characters long, because that's how we have
defined the codes in the company. So, I can go back to Data Validation here, go back to Settings, and
which one do you think I can pick for this? Text Length. I can make sure that the Text Length is
equal to five and say okay. Okay, so it must be five characters, so I would say "S" let's say "20"
"10", that's okay but if I do "SE2010" it's not okay. Now, what you can do is to take it a step further,
you could also make sure that the first character is a text and the remaining characters are numbers
and that's when you can use the Custom Function and use formulas for this. You could even take this
step further and make sure that the first two or three characters or text followed by a number
in between, followed by text in the end right? As long as there is some logic you can program that
inside the custom function. I'm not going to show it in this lecture because that's a more advanced
topic that needs to be addressed separately, so if you're interested to find out how that could be
done just make a comment underneath the video. Last is for Project Description, here I could just let
them input any value but just to make sure that they do elaborate a little bit on this project, I'm
going to make sure that the text that they input here is at least greater than let's say 20 characters
and say okay. So, if I just say "it will be amazing", I get an error, "because it's for our health", then
this is accepted. Now, of course for that you can also add in an error alert so that the people know
why you're not accepting their input. So, now we've created all these data validations for the first
lines, but they're not applicable to the next lines. To copy and paste the data validations here, all we
have to do is to highlight this area, press CtrlC, then just go down until where you think that
people are going to input. So, let's go to here and I'm going to highlight this Right-Mouse Click, go
to Paste Special, and click on Validation because we only want to copy and paste the validations and
not the contents of this. Okay, so now we can see them everywhere, so if I go back to Validation
here we can see that my Validation is in place. Okay, so that's how you can use Data Validation
checks to make sure that your template has less mistakes. At least, you can take care of the major
ones by restricting the choices that the users have. This actually ends up making both your lives
easier. Now I'm curious, do you use Data Validation in your files? If yes, let me know how you use it in
the comments below and as always if you liked this video, I'd appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up
and for more of these videos consider subscribing.
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in this tutorial I'm going to show you a way to create complex data validation checks in Excel so that you can make sure the users of your file who are inputting data in your template that they don't make any mistakes especially if you need to make sure that they input the correct combination of text and numbers in a Cell so in the previous video we covered the basics of excels data validation if you miss that I'm gonna put the link to it below the video but what if we have more complex cases [Music] to get a hang of how excels custom data validation works let's try and solve for these three cases in the first case we want to create a data validation right here where the user can input company code but we have to check that the first character is any text followed by four digits how do we do this check we can use a formula for it so if we go to data validation right here under in the data tab on data validation we can select custom and we can input our formula right here but I'm not going to do that I'm actually going to input my formula in the cells right here because when it inputted in the cells I get Excel help with my arguments right so whenever you're dealing with more complex formulas it's always easiest to write it in the cell first and then once you're happy with it copy and paste it in here okay so let's go back and think about our formula we need to do a few checks here what are those checks well one check is that we need to make sure that the total number of characters equals five gray so that's one check so I'm just gonna write them here and we can do each single check separately and then we can combine them into one check what's the formula for this one well we can use the Len function right that gives us the number of characters into text we're gonna have our data validation here so I'm just going to click on this close bracket press enter so now let's just put in some dummy text here so I'm going to put C 2 3 4 5 ok so total number of characters is 5 ultimately I want these to result in true and false values so I'm actually going to write out the test here blend a 5 equals 5 okay in this case it's true if I delete any of these numbers it's going to revert to false okay what's the second test let's do the numbers first we want to check that the last four characters are numbers which also means that the combination of these four numbers must be a number which formula can they use to strip out the last four characters I can use the right function I just have to click on my text and decide the number of characters I want to show from the right-hand side of the full text here and I want to get four out I see my number here and I could check if this is a number right that's something that's going to give me true and false values so let's wrap this up in the is number formula now I get a false here so it doesn't think two three four five is a number why well let's take a look at it I'm gonna highlight this and press f9 we can see our number but it's inside quotation marks it actually sees it as text I'm gonna press controls that to go back to turn this into a number we can perform some mathematical operation on this so we could multiply by one we could add a zero to it or there is also a function that allows us to do that it's called the value function we could wrap this up in the value formula okay so now let's check this it's true it does see it as a number right so if I change one of these to let's say a character I'm going to put teen there it's fall okay so this part is fine as well now for the last check we want to see if the first character is non-numeric there is a function in Excel and it's called is text but similar to is number this text is also going to return yes four numbers inside attacks so I'm just going to keep it simple and instead of checking if it's text I'm just gonna check if it's not a number so if it's not numeric but first let's strip out the first character of this what formula can I use here the left function that's my text I just want to get the first character out so I put one in there and I get a C now if I put this in is number and again I put the value function in there yes I need another bracket I get false I want this to revert to true if it is text so I'm just gonna put not so basically if it's not numeric then it should return a true so let's just test this if I change this to a number this one is false if the total number changes this one is false so basically the way we can bring these together is with an and function only if each single result reverts to true this means that the value input has passed the validation to combine them to one formula I'm just going to activate my clipboard click on this little icon here you can also do the shortcut key ctrl C C if you already have a tick mark here so let's start copying just going to press ctrl C on this press escape to leave and repeat the same thing for the other formulas right here I'm gonna combine them all together I'm going to say equals and and go through my clipboard so just click on this Excel separator click on this operator and click on this close the bracket press ENTER ok so that's my final formula I'm gonna highlight copy press escape go to where I want to have my data validation go back to data data validation select custom and paste in the formula let's check that doesn't work that doesn't work let's just put all numbers as well that doesn't work that works ok so once I'm happy with it I can copy and paste my data validation to wherever I want so I'm just going to highlight these cells right mouse click paste special and select validation I can also add in and input text here so going back to the data validation I can put an input message here just to make it clear what the people should input and also why they're getting an error and this is what I showed you how to do in the basics of data validation so I'm just going to move on now to the next one here we want to have the first two letters fixed and we want them to be PT followed by four digits how could we set this one up in this case our checks are similar to this one right except that the full length of this should be 6 again I'm just going to put one example here so let's say PT 4 5 3 4 that's one check the other check that the last 4 characters are numeric that's the same so I'm just going to copy and paste this here now the only thing that's quite different to what we did before is that we are actually checking what the first two characters should be so what formula could we use here we can use the left function but this time we're going to make sure that the two characters from the left-hand side equals PT ok and that's it I'm just going to clear these and copy and paste them back to my clipboard now again I'm gonna combine them with the ant function so just click on this excel separator click on this and click on this one what was the next step we need to copy our formula press escape go to where we want to have the data validation go back to data validation settings under custom we're gonna paste in our formula okay so let's just quickly check if I have TG okay so PT any number it's gonna do the job now obviously once you're done with this you're gonna remove all of these helper cells this is just to help you write the formula for the custom validation next one for this case the first two letters can be anything how do we account for that the part that's the same I'm just gonna copy and paste here for the last check where we're checking for the two letters how do we do that could I actually just use this formula that we originally had where I'm just checking the one letter could I just update this to check two letters and see if they're not numeric let's try that basically everything is pretty much identical to what we did in the first case except our length is six instead of five the only other thing I changed is that we're gonna check the first two characters and see if they're not numeric I'll put TT and a number this looks good I'm gonna change these to two numbers this looks good because the last one should give me false but now what if I have one letter and one number this should also give me false but it doesn't it gives me a true and the reason for that is that when I take this part and I press f9 on it I get false because the combination of B 4 is not numeric and that's the problem here what I could do is to add another condition here and check for the second character and make sure the second character by itself is not numeric I'm going to keep the original condition the same I'm just going to check the first character right so that shouldn't be numeric but now I'm gonna do a similar thing for the second character except here there is a better function for this the mid function the mid function allows us to take any specific text from this whole text here and we can decide where we want to start first argument is our entire text then we can specify where we want to start where do we want to start now number two right the second character and then we can decide how many characters we want to strip out we just want to strip out the second character only so I just need one character and here I get a four so now I can do a similar thing like in this formula use naught is number and value so I'm gonna be a little bit lazy and copy this part and paste it in here and I need a few brackets and one more okay so now I get one false here which means that my full combination is going to be false if the first one is a number and the second one is not this one is going to be false and if both are numbers they're both going to be false right so you can also use other array functions here so you could use the aggregate function but the data validation box doesn't like that in there directly so you'll have to go through name manager and then to data validation writing it in this way avoids your using an extra step of going through name manager okay so again we need to do the same thing I'm just going to copy these formulas combine them with an ant function and just go through my clipboard and then close the bracket this entire formula I'm gonna copy it go to where I want to have my data validation go back to custom and paste my formula so now let's check this out it's good there's a problem that looks good okay so that's how you can use custom data validation to add more complex checks inside the templates that you send out to your users if you found this video useful I'd appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up and for more videos like this one don't forget to press the subscribe button so that you can get updates when new videos come out [Music] you
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in this video I'm gonna show you how you can set your excels default theme color to be the theme color that you want by default every time you open Excel it always reverts to the office theme color in your company you might already have defined theme colors that you can browse for and bring in as your custom themes right so if you always want to use your own custom themes you will always have to come here and then click on this so that it switches the theme color but let's say you want to avoid this because 90% of the time you want to use your own theme color and not the office theme colors every time you create a new workbook you want it to take this now unfortunately Excel doesn't have any option here that says set as default theme color unlike for example words so if I switch to word you can see under design you can select the theme that you want and you have this tick mark set as default we don't get that in Excel to do that you need to save an empty Excel spreadsheet with this theme as an Excel template inside your Excel Start folder how do we do that well first of you will define a theme a theme is basically the combination of this this and this that's what makes the theme and the reason this is important is especially for your charts why because let me just highlight this and insert just any chart okay that's the color set that comes in and where are these colors coming from well let's take a look at this if I go to customize color it's coming from accent 1 accent 2 accent 3 so the first series that is in your chart is accent 1 the second series is accent 2 and so on so defining this saves you the time of always going back and chain changing your series colors and by default the office colors are these and that's not the colors that you always want to use once you define your theme colors you can do it by customized color so we can quickly do one let's do accent one is black accent two is dark gray X and three is orange so I'm going to set my own colors I'll call it LG default one and save it's right here you can also change the fonts and define your own fonts and once you're happy with this set then you can save it as a theme so come here and say save current theme and I'm gonna call it theme LG default okay office theme it's fine it's saved by default on their document themes in my templates folder so I'm just going to save that you open a blank workbook then you go to themes and you select the color that you want so that's the only change that you make to this workbook it's all blank and I'm gonna go to file and save as template you can save it directly under your Excel Start folder but it might sometimes be difficult to find it from here if you're lucky you just have to go a few steps back and you see that but if not you actually have to locate that folder what I do is that I'm just going to save it on my desktop and then search for that folder in Explorer the other important thing is that you delete that number I'm just gonna press save I can close this let's just close all my Excel I'm not gonna save that I'm gonna go to explore and what you can do is find your excel stop folder by searching for it here because I've already done that it took a couple of seconds or so and it found that folder and I came here I just need to grab that book templates I'm gonna do ctrl X and go here and paste it in it's sitting in that folder I'm just gonna go open some excel file so let's go to open this one something I had opened last check this out I'm gonna press ctrl n and go to page layout and it's showing my theme color that I chose every time you press ctrl + 4 new or if you already have it in your quick access toolbar so I have that one if i press this i go to page layout i see my theme color that's how you can create your own default Excel theme three important things is 1 saving it in Excel start folder 2 is that you take away that number when you're saving it so if it's book 1 book 2 you take away the number and 3 is that you save it as an Excel template and don't forget that it should be a blank Excel spreadsheet I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it helps you save some time when you're creating new Excel reports
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In today's video, I'm going to show you how
you can add a header and footer to your worksheets. For example, let's say you want to add in
your company logo to the header of each printed page, or you want to add in page numbers to
the footer of your printed pages or to your pdf documents and also how you can tweak the
logo or the picture to make sure it fits properly inside your header. One question I get often is how to apply the
same header that you take the time and you create it for one of the tabs, so how can
you apply that to other tabs at the same time? This is a sample spreadsheet that I have open. I have a few tabs here I'm currently in tap
T2. Let's see, for this one, I wouldn't add in
a header. Now there are different places you can do
this. One option is to do it from page layout so
you can go here and under page setup, you have this little icon here, just click on
this. Then you just go to header and footer, and
right here you can add in a custom header or you can add in a custom footer. Another way to add headers and footers is
to go to the view tab, and this one is actually more user friendly. I'm going to show you why. So in the view tab, click on page layout. Here you can see your page as it would look
once it's printed right here, you get the option to add in your header from the new
design tab that you see pop up here. So once you click inside here and you activate
the header, you get a new tab here. This way you can immediately see how your
changes are going to look on the final page. I have the option to add in the headers, either
a header on the lefthand side, the middle or the right hand side. I can use all three, or I can just use one. Let's say in this case on this side, I want
to add in the file name. So all I have to do is click on the filename. I see this code right here, I'm just going
to click away and I can see the file name. Now I also have the ability to add in a second
line. If I just press enter, let's say I put in
the sheet name and I click away. I see the sheet name, which is T2 right here. Now you have other options so you can add
in the current time, current date, page number and so on, or you can add in a picture. So let me just remove this, I'm just gonna
press delete and instead I'm going to add in a picture. Let's go and select the file. I'm going to pick this logo and click on insert. Now when I click away, I'm going to see that
picture. So in this case, my logo is not that big,
but let's say I still want to get this a bit smaller. This is where I can format it. So right beside the picture icon, I get format
picture and I can change the height. Let me change that to 70 percent. Just make sure that you leave the tick mark
for lock aspect ratio. This makes sure that your picture remains
intact, that we don't distort it in any way. So I'm going to click on, okay, click away
and I can see the picture got a bit smaller. Now let's say it's a bit too high. I want to push it a bit down. I'm going to go back to design, go back to
format picture and inside the picture tab, I can make some adjustments to this. So for the top I'm actually going to bring
it down by 0.2 points. I'm going to move away and I moved down a
little bit. Let's now go to the footer. I have the ability to scroll down or I can
just click here and jump to the footer side. Now on this side you also get some presets,
so now since I'm in the footer, let's take a look at the footer options. I can pick one of these so some of them have
page numbers. Then I have the word confidential here. Let's just see how this one looks. Let me click away and we see confidential. We see today's date and we see the page number. So let me change this, just type in training
material here. Instead of to date here. I'm going to take the sheet name and for the
page numbers I'm going to actually get the page, but I want it to be from the total number
of pages. So I'm going to put the dash line here and
put number of pages and click away. I see page one of two. Okay. So if I scroll down, I can see here page two
of two and that's tab T2 training material. Let's go to print preview up here. We can see how everything looks on the printed
page I guess. So let's say I'm happy with this layout and
I actually want to apply the same layout to different tabs, because take a look at T3
currently. If I go to print preview, it doesn't have
a header. If I go to T1, this one also doesn't have
a header, right? So I want to apply that same header to these
ones as well. Here comes the trick. Make sure you have your originals clicked
on, so highlight it and then click on the other tabs that you want this to apply to. In this case, I'm going to click on T1 and
T3. Now if you want us to select everything, you
just have to right mouse click and select all sheets. That will automatically everything. Now what you need to do is to activate the
header or the footer and then just click away, and this makes sure that it applies it to
the other ones as well. So now I'm just going to click away by clicking
on another tab and then going back to T3 now, and let's take a look at print preview and
we see that header and footer is applied to these as well. So if I hold all three of them and go to print
preview, says page one of four. Now I'm in tab T2. You can actually see it in the footer right
there. The next page of T2, that's T3, that's page
four of four. That's how you can apply the same header,
to many pages. You can also do that from the page layout. Just make sure that you highlight the different
tabs first. Now let's say if I wanted to take away to
header from all of them with them all highlighted, I'm actually going to do this one from the
page layout. Click on More options. Go to header and footer, and from this dropdown
select none, right? So we want nothing for the header and we also
want nothing for the footer. Let's say Okay, now all of the headers and
footers should be gone. Let's to to print preview. Everything is gone. Okay, so that's how you can work with headers
and footers in Excel and how you can also apply the same header or footer to many different
tabs at the same time. So I hope you learnt something new. If you liked this video, don't forget to give
it a thumbs up and do subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so already and you want
to become more advanced in Excel.
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Let's talk about Excel Comments and how we can work with
them better and faster. And then we're gonna
get into the fun part, which is how can we customize
the comment background and how we can use icons as our comments. Just a note, Microsoft recently
announced a new feature called Threaded comments. This means you can reply
to one another in Excel, and you can keep track of it, and they still kept the existing comment feature though, thankfully. But this resulted in a
change in feature names. So, what me and you
know as an Excel comment is gonna be called an Excel note. The new comments have a Reply box, which is actually another
great feature of Office 365. So, in this video, I'll be talking about what will be known as notes in the future, and comments for now. So, let's jump in. (upbeat music) Shortcut keys So, in this data set here, I have a few comments. You can recognize them with this red icon on the top right-hand side of the cell. Now, to insert a comment
using the shortcut key, all you have to do is press Shift + F2. So, remember, F2 edits the cell contents, and Shift + F2 edits or
inserts the comments. And then all you have
to do is start typing. And if you wanted to edit this, press Shift + F2 and continue typing, or edit the existing content. Now, you can also insert
comments from the menu, just go to the Review tab
and click on New Comment. You can jump between comments
by clicking on Previous or clicking on Next. You can also insert a comment
by right mouse clicking and selecting Insert Comment. To quickly show all the comments that you have on this sheet, you can go to the Review tab and select Show All Comments. It's a toggle. So, if I click it again,
it hides all comments. If I'm on a specific cell and I just wanna show that comment, I can select the first
one which is Show/Hide this one specific comment. If you wanna print your comments, you have two different options. You can print them in this way, or you can print them at
the bottom of your sheet. To define which method you
want, go to Page Layout. Under Sheet Options or under Page Setup, click on this little arrow
here to see all the options. Under Sheet here, you can decide how you want the comments to be printed. So, if you select As displayed on sheet, they're gonna get printed if
they're visible like this. So, if I go to Print Preview, I can see only this
comment will be printed because only this one is visible. Now, instead of this, if I select print them at the end of the sheet. Let's go directly to
print preview from here, I'm just gonna scroll down, we can see all the comments
are printed separately here. If you wanna copy a specific comment and paste it to another place, all you have to do is
Control + C that cell, then go to the other
cell or different cells where you want that comment pasted, right mouse click, go to Paste Special, and select comments from here. Now, notice when you do that, the cell content is not impacted. The only thing that's copied
and pasted is the comment. You have some options to
customize the comments. So, once you show it, just right mouse click and Format Comment, or use the shortcut key Control + 1 to format the comment. You can change its background color by selecting a different color from here. I can take away that
border by selecting No Line and changing the font color as well and the font type if I like. So, if I just press OK, I get this effect. Now you also have the ability
to add background images to your comments. So, let's say I wanted
to create something fancy and I wanna have a specific
icon as my background image. What I'm gonna do first is
to modify the icon slightly and save it separately as a picture, so I can bring it into the comment here. I'm gonna do that with PowerPoint. So I have PowerPoint open right here. I'm gonna go to Insert Icons. Let's go with this one. Let's also take this one, and click on Insert. This icon right here is
an icon that I'm gonna use as a background icon, and I'm gonna use this
one as the comment itself. So, let's say I agree with my colleague that anytime they see this
comment in my workbook, it means that they need to
add that to the task list. Now, all I have to do is
save this as a picture. But first, you can see it has a lot of white
space in the background, so I'm just gonna crop that out, and I'm gonna save this as a picture. So, right mouse click, Save as Picture. Instead of Vector Graphic,
I'm gonna select PNG. And let's call this screen comment. Okay, so, while I'm here, let's also save this one as a picture. I'll just leave that as is, and let's change this to PNG as well. So now I'm gonna go back to Excel. Let's activate the comment, click on the border of the comment to select the entire comment, and press Control + 1 to format it. Now, under Color and Lines, just the same place where
we change the color, we can also go to Fill effects and we can select a picture. So, I'm gonna bring in
the picture I just saved, click on Insert, Lock
picture and aspect ratio, and click on OK. Now, for that line background,
I have it as No Line, which is good because I
don't want this to have an additional border. So, let's just quickly take
a look at how this will look. Okay, so, it's just a bit cropped. I can expand that. Now, my text is being
covered by that dark border. So, I can format that as well. So, let's just go back
and click on Control + 1. Under Margins, let's go with 0.25 for all of them. Let's just copy and paste. So this brings in the
text more in the middle. So you can adjust that as you see fit. Now, if you wanna apply this
comment to different cells, again, all you have to do is Control + C, click on the different
cells, right mouse click, Paste Special, and just select Comments. I can of course toggle them out of view. So, I'm gonna click on Show All Comments and click on it again, and they are hidden. Now, we also brought in
that check list symbol. So let's say to this cell, I'm gonna bring in that symbol. I'm gonna right mouse
click, Insert Comment, click on the border of the
comment, press Control + 1. Go to Colors and Lines, Fill Options, Picture, bring in the picture, lock aspect ratio, say OK, and remove the border from this. Okay, so, I'm just gonna
delete my name from there, and we can see my symbol in here. So, we can adjust the size as we see fit, and then we can copy and paste this just like we did before. So, those are the different ways you can work with Excel notes. Let me know in the comments below if any of this was new for you. I'd also appreciate a thumbs up. Be sure to subscribe to this channel if you want to improve your Excel skill. (upbeat music)
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Today, let's take a look at calculating percentages in Excel. We're gonna take a look
at the formula you need to calculate percentage change and we're gonna do it in a way that's gonna help you remember it. If you're working as a financial
analyst creating reports, this is a formula you need to get right. We're also gonna take a look
at how we can do calculations that involve percentage
increase or decrease. So for example, we have a price. We want to increase price by 15%. What's gonna be our end price? Let's get to it. First off, let's take a look at calculating percentage change. Assume your boss gives you an Excel file that contains actual sales
data and budget sales. Your task is to calculate
percentage change. Let's take this to the board. So you have actual and you have budget. To calculate the difference, you're gonna do actual minus
budget divided by budget. An alternate way of writing this formula is actual divided by budget
minus budget divided by budget, which turns into actual
divided by budget minus one. Now it's all clear, right? So our formula is actual
divided by budget minus one. Double click on the bottom right side and send the formula down. (light percussive music) Now let's move on to calculating percentage
increase or decrease. Our starting point is in column A. We want to increase the price by the percentage we see in column B. And if it's minus, we want to decrease it. Let's take this to the board. So we have our price. To calculate the price after we add the increase
or decrease to it, we're gonna add this with price multiplied by that percentage. An alternate way of writing this is to factor out the price, so it's price times one
plus the percentage. So that's another way
of writing the formula. So in Excel, this would be starting price multiplied by one plus percentage change, close bracket, press enter. So if my starting price was 100, I increased price by 10%, I get 110. If this was 5% instead, I get 105. In Excel, there's one thing
you have to be aware of and that's how you input your percentages. One method to input percentages
is to add it while you type. So if I come here and type in 20 followed by the percentage
sign and press enter, the cell is automatically
formatted as a percentage. Another option is to
input it as a decimal, so 0.05 translates to 5%. So if I was gonna pull this formula down, we can see it adds up correctly as 5%. Now I can change this to
percentage and I get 5%. Now another thing you can do is to format your cell as percentage first before you input your full number. But don't do it the other way around. So for example, here,
if I was gonna input 30 and then I decide, well,
this should be a percentage and I click to format
this as a percentage, I get the wrong number. So if this was already
formatted as a percentage, I go in and input 30, then it works fine. Okay, so let's just
pull this one down too. So that's it. Just remember, for percentage change, it's new divided by old minus one or end divided by start minus one. For percentage increase,
we have the formula your value multiplied by one
plus the percentage change. And if it's a percentage decrease, it's your value times one
minus the percentage change. But if you input your
percentage as negative in Excel, you can use the same formula. Just drag it down. So the next time you're asked to calculate the monthly or yearly change,
you know how to do it. If you like this video,
click that thumbs up. And if you want to
improve your Excel skills, consider subscribing to this challenge. (mellow music)
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Today's video is about
Find & Replace in Excel. Now you're probably
familiar with this feature from Office applications, so you will be wondering is
it even worth doing a video on Find & Replace? Isn't it super straightforward? I think you're gonna be surprised. (upbeat music) Let's use these demo
files to do some examples. First question, how do we
get to the Find dialog box? We can go to Home, Find & Select and click Find from here or we use the shortcut key Control + F. You're probably familiar
with the Find functionality, not just from Excel but also
from other Office applications so I'm not gonna bore you with that. What I just wanna show you are some additional options
that can come in really handy in Excel and they're hidden
under these tab options. So, if you're looking for something, let's say I'm looking for leila, I can decide if I wanna look for it within the sheet or within
the entire workbook. So, by setting this to Workbook, it goes through every single tab and it looks for the name
that you typed in there. You can search by rows or by columns, that just decides the search direction, so if it should go this way or if it should go this way. This part, look in, can come in handy especially if you're looking
for something inside Comments. So, let's say I wanna look
for leila inside Comments. I just have to switch this to Comments and I'm gonna switch this as well and click on Find All or Find Next. The advantage of Find all is
that it gives you the list of all the occurrences and Find Next just jumps to the next one, so there is a comment here and it has my name in there. There were two other options in there which was Formulas and Values. These are pretty much the same except that formulas also
looks at the formula text. If I had this on Formulas and I wanna look for leila, and I click on Find Next, it goes through every tab in the workbook and it doesn't find there because leila only exists
inside the comment. The list that you get here can also come in really handy, so let's say instead of leila, I'm gonna look for game and I'm just gonna look
for it on this sheet and not in Comments but in Formulas and I'm gonna click on Find All. This gives me all the occurrences that game has occurred on this sheet. The good thing is this. I can press Control+ down
to highlight everything here and it doesn't only highlight it here but notice it also
highlighted it on my sheet. So, if I leave this, I can see
all of these are highlighted and I could change the color of the cells to yellow or do any
other type of formatting that you'd like. Another thing that can come in handy is if you're searching
and replacing something and you also wanna change the formatting, let's go back to our dialog box but this time let's jump to the
Replace dialog box directly. So, what's the shortcut for that? It's Control + H. But here let's replace game with Health but instead of just
replacing the words here, let's also change the formatting, so on the right-hand side, we have the ability to decide
the format that we want. Click on Format here, I'm gonna go to fill and I'm gonna select New
Color and go with that. Now I'm just gonna click Replace All for everything that's on this worksheet. And it made 12 replacements. This part of searching and replacing for specific formatting
can come in really handy. For example, let's say
that your company decided to change its logo color and you need to replace the
colors that you used before with the new colors. So, let's say in this case, I have this light blue color used here. I'm using it on a lot of tabs and I need to replace these
with a light green color. Here I can use Find & Replace to do that. I'm gonna go back with Control + H. Since I'm not looking for specific words, I'm just gonna delete them from here but instead I wanna look
for a specific formatting. I'm not exactly sure what
type of blue this is, so I'm gonna click on Format and say Choose Format from Cell. So, I can be lazy here
and just click on this, I picked up that format, now I'm gonna go and decide the format that I wanna have instead. Let's go with this lighter green. On this sheet, I'm gonna replace it all, it made five replacements. It didn't touch these
and it didn't touch this. Why? That's because it picked up all attributes of the cells, it wasn't just
the color that it picked up but it picked up the number formatting, so notice this one has percentage and not number, this one is bold, so it also has a different
formatting to this. This means that if you
just wanna change the color and not take a look at the
other aspects of the cell, then make sure that you actually just pick that specific color from the dialog box. So, let's go and check what
color blue this actually is. I'm just gonna go to the Fill Color here, go to More Colors, under Custom here, I need this code, so that's the RGB, let's memorize this and let's go back to our Find & Replace,
I'm gonna go Control + H and the first thing I'm gonna do is to completely clear
this formatting here, now I'm gonna go to Format and pick up that color that we saw. So, under Custom, let's type in that code. Now let's do this for the entire workbook, click on Replace All. That looks through every single tab and wherever it found that color, it replaced it with the new color. So, you see, Excel's Find
& Replace can do a lot more than just search for text. I can also search and replace formatting which can come in really handy too. Let me know in the comments if you've used this aspect before. And if you like this video, click on that thumbs up and do consider subscribing
if you would like to get updates when I
post new videos here. (upbeat music)
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How can we change the
case of text in Excel? So, for example, switch from
lower case to upper case so we have everything in all caps or clean up mixed case text so it's either all lower,
upper or proper case. (bright music) I'm gonna show you three different ways of getting this done. Each has its own advantages
depending on the situation. So first let's take a look
at the formula version. I have here a list of names. Some are lower. Some are upper. Some are a hot mess. What I'm gonna do here
is to convert them all, first to upper case. The formula is really simple. You just have to type in upper. Put in the cell reference
where your text is sitting on. Close bracket. Press enter and you get everything
in upper case letters. Now if you don't want the
formula in there, If you just want to
convert them to values, you can just control C, so copy and then paste special as values or just highlight the area,
right mouse click on your range, pull it to the side and push it back, let go and then select
copy here as values only. So this will take away the formula that's behind this. For lower case, very simple. Just type in lower. Click on the cell that has
your text and send it down. Everything is in lower case letters. Proper case: Guess what the formula is? It's proper. Close bracket and send down. There is one
thing I noticed here James Willard seems to
have an extra space in there so when I click here, it has two spaces. There is a way you can get
rid of all extra spaces whether it's in the
middle, before or after. So if you take a look at Gary Miller, right after R, there
is also an extra space. The way you can get rid of it
is to use the trim function. Trim. So just remember when you trim your hair, when you trim something, that trims the additional spaces as well. James Willard looks good. There is no additional space in there and if I wanted to turn
this into proper case, I can either trim the
proper format of this or I can just trim it first
and then put the proper formula in there and then send this down. Another option you have
is to use flash fill. This is good for cases that
you don't need to be dynamic. So basically for one time fixes. All you need to do is type
in one or two sample data and Excel is going to look for a pattern. Once it recognizes that pattern, it's gonna apply the pattern
to the remaining cells. So in this case, I just
typed in the first one. I'm gonna highlight the area I
want to apply flash fill to and then press Control E. You can also get to it
by going to the home tab and selecting flash fill from here. So in this case, it did
recognize everything pretty good so let's see if flash fill
can also get rid of the space. Let me just add an extra space
in here to see if it works. Now this is static, right. So anytime you make changes here, it's not gonna pull through. You will actually have
to repeat flash fill. What I'm gonna do is
now for the second case, type in again James Willard
but without the space and I want to see if flash fill is gonna recognize this pattern and take away that additional
space here as well. So we're going to highlight this area, shortcut key, control E. It did. It did recognize it and it
removed that extra space. But let's try this quickly for lower case. It figured something out but it's again giving me that extra space in there. The rest looks good so let's say I don't want that extra space. Now I'm gonna apply flash fill to this and it looks like it's figured it out. Proper case: It worked as well. Flash fill can come in super handy for these type of changes. Just double check your data because it does work pretty well. It is highly reliable, but
of course, there can be times that it doesn't recognize a
pattern and it makes mistakes. Now let's take a look
at another situation. What about page titles? Let's say you want to
have your page titles always in upper case and
you don't want to worry about how you actually input them. What you can do is to use a font that's by default, upper case. So it doesn't even have
a lower case version. And if you look here in your fonts, you might find a few
that are in upper case and you're gonna notice them
if you see it listed here as upper case only. It means that there's only an upper case version of that font. Now I put some of the ones I
saw in my Office version here, but you're not restricted
to what you have in Office. There are a lot of great
fonts that are available that you can download and
a lot of them are for free. So I've put some of the font websites that I've used in the past here. Now if you click on one of
these and go to the website. This is Here you can download a lot of fonts. But just be careful under usage. So here it says, this
one is free for personal use. Free for personal use. Let's just switch to top fonts here. So this one is public domain and take a look at the font. It's all caps, right. So all you have to do is click on download and then just run this and then by default
it's going to install it for all of your Office applications, not just Excel but everything else, and then when you're in Excel, you click in your fonts, you should be able to find it here so that one was BEBAS
NEUE and it's right here. So whatever you type. Whether you type in
lower case, upper case, mixed case, doesn't matter, it's always going to show
it to you as upper case. So if I say kpi report. Notice that I'm typing it in lower case, but I'm seeing it as upper case. so you can use these
type of fonts as your title. Now sometimes it's
difficult to scroll through this huge list to find the
font that you're looking for. So one hint is to use
cell styles for that. Here you have a list of default styles that Excel has for you. What you can do is to customize
them for your own need. So for example, this heading one, let's just right mouse click
on it and modify it. Then just click on format and then decide what type of format you want to have. So for this one, I want
it to be the BEBAS NEUE that I just imported. I want it to be a bit bigger. Regular, so I can also change that border that it had before. So instead of the blue, I
want it to be gray and OK. And OK. So right now, let's say
I'm gonna add a title here. My new fonts. And I want to apply that cell style. I go here. It's my new heading one and I can see my new fonts here. Okay, so don't forget
that you can use this if you want all caps without formulas. Just use a font that
fits best to your report. Okay, so that's it for today. I hope you like this video. If you did, give it a thumbs up and if you want to become
more advanced in Excel, if you want to improve
your Excel knowledge, consider subscribing to this channel. (bright music)
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Today, let's take a look at how we can lock and unlock specific
areas on an Excel sheet. So we're going to take
a look at the basics, but the case that we're
dealing with today has a twist. This was a question from
one of my students, Anya, who asked, "I'd like to leave
yellow cells unprotected. "Is there a way without a
VBA macro to get this done? "This way, I can move from
one unprotected yellow cell "to the next one with the Tab key, "and it would save me a
lot of time entering data." Can we do this without VBA? (mellow hip-hop music) First off, let's cover
the basics for protecting and unprotecting your worksheet. You do that in the Review tab. Under Protect here, you can
protect the entire sheet by clicking on this. You probably would want
to give this a password, and you have to confirm that password. Everything is fully protected, so if you try to input
anywhere in this sheet, you get this popup that it's protected, and the user can only unprotect it if they know the password. Now in addition to this, you have the ability to
unprotect some of the cells and leave the other ones protected. We can do it in different ways. One method is to use Allow Edit Ranges. Now this gives you some additional options so you can set different
passwords for different ranges, but in case we just
want a simple solution, all we have to do is to select the cells that we don't want
protected, right mouse click, go to Format Cells, or use the shortcut key, Control + One. Under Protection here,
you need to take away the check mark beside Locked. Once you do this, nothing happens until you
protect the worksheet, so at this point, nothing is protected. I can input everywhere. So I can input here, and I can input here. This kicks in the moment
you protect the sheet, so now I'm going to go click on Protect. This time, I'm just not
going to give it a password and click on OK. So when I attempt to input something here, it's still protected, I can't input, but I should be able to
input here, and I can. And of course, you can
select different areas and take away that tick mark to have the different areas unprotected once the sheet is protected. So let me unprotect this and just put back that check
mark for all the cells. So when you get this symbol in there, it means there is a mix. Some cells are protected,
some cells aren't. I'm just going to put back the check mark to go back to the original default state. Now let's come to the complex case. My aim is to protect all the cells here except the yellow cells. These cells are going
to be my input cells, and normally, when you have an Excel table and you're inputting data, so let's say I put 23, I press Tab, that takes me to the next cell. Tab takes me to the next cell. When I protect these gray cells and I leave the yellow ones unprotected, this means when I press
Tab inside a yellow cell, it's going to jump to the
next unprotected cell, which is going to be this yellow cell and then this yellow cell. What I want to do is to
unprotect all the yellow cells. The time-consuming way of doing this is to manually select
all these yellow cells, so hold down the Control key, select them, and then, take away that check mark, but this is going to cost me a lot of time if I have to do this on a
large area like this one. The faster way of doing this is this. We're going to highlight the range where we're going to be inputting data, and we're going to use the Find feature. So let's press Control + F. Under Options here, we get the ability to add a specific format. Select Choose Format From Cell and go to one of these yellow cells. Now just keep in mind that when you take the cell
formatting in this way, it doesn't just take
into account the color, but the entire formatting of the cell, so also the number formatting
that's behind this. Click on Find All. It finds everything here, and I want to highlight
it in my spreadsheet, so I'm going to press Control + A to highlight these results, which is going to end up highlighting them on the sheet right here, and let's just close our dialog box. Now what I'm going to do is use
the shortcut key Control + 1 to go back to Format Cells, go to Protection, take away
the check mark beside Locked. Click on OK. Now let's protect the sheet. This time, I'm not going
to give it a password, and let's test. Let's input a number here and press Tab. Jumps to the next yellow cell. Tab, Tab. This way, I can input data so much easier. So this was my approach. If you can think of any other methods, share it with me in the comments below. This was our locking and
unlocking Thursday fun. If you liked it, give it a thumbs up, and if you haven't
subscribed to this channel and you want to improve your Excel skills, consider subscribing. (upbeat percussive music)
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I've seen this over and over
again in many companies. Someone sends an Excel file in an email, a very important report that management is already waiting for. The person receiving the
email opens the file, they hit print to get the
paper copy of the report to the manager, and then this happens. The wrong bits come out
in the wrong places. Now, I can't tell you how often I've seen managers sitting in meetings, frustrated with their printed reports, when they only had column
headings on the first page, missing page numbers, so they can't even tell
if something is missing. Or even a report where important
parts of the spreadsheet never made it to the printer. Now, I think we both agree
it's quite frustrating, but the great news is it
can easily be avoided, plus we don't waste valuable resources. Let me show you how you can optimize your Excel sheets for printing. This video is brought to you by Excel Essentials For the Real World. Learn Excel from scratch, or fill in the gaps to
become immediately confident. Discover hidden tips and tricks which get you working smarter, not harder. Click on the link below, or
type in Excel's default print settings generally don't work to your advantage. Default orientation is portrait, but your data sets might
be wider than they're tall. It will make automatic page
breaks based on paper size, scale options, and your margin settings. All of these settings, you can change. And you probably should change before you hit that print button. Let's start off with some
useful printing options. So let's say I have this report. I want to get it printed. First thing I'm going to
do is to take a look at it in print preview. We can get there by going
to your quick access toolbar and using print preview and print. If you don't have this option here, click on this dropdown and add it by putting a check mark here. What it does when you click it, you go to the printing options. Another way to get here
is to go to file, print. Now immediately I notice this report is going to be printed on two pages. This is not what I want. I want it to fit on one page. I can make the adjustments
either directly here in this view or I can go to the worksheet and make the adjustments directly there. You pretty much have the same options. You just have to pick the way you feel most comfortable with. So I'll show you both. Here let's say I wanted
to reduce the margins to save up some space. I can switch this from normal to narrow. It's still fitting on two pages, though. I can change the orientation
directly from here, and select landscape instead of portrait. This is again not something I want. To make this fit on one page, I need to go to scaling here. And I can select "fit sheet on one page." Now, let me show you the
options on the page layout side. There are some useful ones there, too. So let's go to page layout. This is where you're going
to find the printing options. These are what we saw in backstage view. Now, if you click on
this tilted arrow here, you get two more options. Some of it is what you see here. Some of it are stuff that
they couldn't fit here, so you have additional
options available in here. For example, one option
I personally use a lot is the margins, and that's
how I want my report to be centered on the page, because by default, the
report is always centered to the top left-hand side. Sometimes I want it to
be centered horizontally and vertically so it sits
in the middle of the paper. So these are the options that you need, and the margins horizontally/vertically. And I got to it by going
to more options here. You can also get to this
from backstage view, and I'll show you how in a second. But before we go back to backstage view, let's just check some more options here. By default, reports
don't print grid lines. If you want grid lines to be printed, put a check mark for
printing of grid lines. The other thing I like about this view is that I can immediately
see the percentage that's associated with scale. Remember, when we fit this to one page, we basically made it shrink. You don't want it to shrink too much so that everyone can read it. Now, how can you influence this percentage and increase it further? So one way we did was
to adjust the margins, but there's only so much
you can do with margins. Another way is to reduce the space, so maybe you hide any rows or
columns that you don't need. So the more condensed your report gets, the higher this percentage
is going to get, so this already jumped up to 80%. Now it's up to 82%. So let's just go ahead and
see how this report looks. I can get to print preview from here, but let me also show you another option. Remember when we were in this view, we can also directly go to print preview, or directly print from there. So now grid lines were activated, this is how the report is going to look, and it still fits on one page. Now remember how I centered this? I told you I'm going to
show you how that works from backstage view. You can get there by going
to custom scaling options, and you come to the same dialogue box we saw before. This is the type of
report we're dealing with. So in the first step, let's
say we're just interested to print parts of this. We just want the list of
apps and sales for 2019. One way to do this is to highlight the area you want printed
and go to file, print, change this dropdown to print selection. The moment you do that, it shows you what you've
selected on the Excel side, and that's what is going to print. It's one of one. So notice when I go back to active sheet, it's actually by default
going to print this on four separate sheets. Now what if you always
wanted to just print those two columns whenever
someone pressed print? You don't want them to
remember to highlight and then go select print selection. You just want them to
be able to press print and it only prints those two columns. The way you can set this
is to go to page layout, highlight the area that you want, and then set the print area by clicking on print area and then set it. This forces the print area to always only be this area, so now anytime we go to print preview, we only see what we selected, so notice this side is set
to print active sheets. It sees the active sheet
as only these two columns. It completely ignores everything else. So that's the advantage of
setting your print area. Let's remove this print area. Clear print area. Now let's say I want to
print this full document, and I want to have my table in one page and the two charts on another page. How can I make Excel format
this properly for me? I have some options
here from scale to fit. I could say try to fit this on one page, and the height should
be probably two pages. I can try one page. Scale is really low,
which means everything is going to be super small. If I go to print preview, I
don't really want it like this. I want them sitting on their own pages. Now, this also changed
the orientation of this. See if that improves. That reduces the scale even further. How do I get Excel to
actually fit the page breaks to where I want? This is where you can
insert your own page breaks. What I'm going to do is just
set this back to automatic. Let's go and insert a
page break right here. Now let's go and take a look at how this is going to look until now. The scale is still set to 54%. We don't want that scaling,
so let's change that. This part looks good, but
this part doesn't look good. It's cutting through one of my charts. I want both charts to fit on one page. This is where you can directly
control the page breaks. To do that, go to the view tab, and click on page break preview. This takes you out of
normal view and shows you how Excel is planning to print. The dark blue borders are
the ones that we've set. And the dashed ones are the
one that Excel set for us. Now this one I'm not so happy about, so I'm going to pull it that way, because I want it to force the page break to be here so the full chart can fit in. I can also reduce that column. And notice here behind
there is another page break. That's where it was cutting my chart. I'm going to push that down as well to make this part fit on the second page. And you can even expand
this further, as well, and then adjust my charts. So it takes a little bit of adjustment to get it fit the way you want. Now let's go back to normal view. We can see the other page
breaks have adjusted. Let's go to print preview, and we can see everything fits well. So that's how you can use page breaks to get full control over your printouts. So these are my Excel
printing tips for today. Who knows, your manager
might be so impressed with your neat printouts, they might just give you that promotion. Now this video is a part of my Excel Essentials for
the Real World course. If you're interested to find out more, go to That's it for today. In case you're new here, don't forget to subscribe
before you leave, so that you can get updates when I put out new videos. And I'll see you in the next video. (bouncy music)
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I'm sure this is something
you've come across before. You have a big report in a
worksheet in Excel like this one. Now when you print the spreadsheet, you only get the headers
on the first page. On all the following pages, you now have to guess which column header the number belongs to. It's very inconvenient to always
flip back to the first page to find out what column
10, row 20 refers to. Fortunately, there is a
handy little feature in Excel that lets you automatically repeat rows as well as columns on
every page of your printout or your PDF document. Let me show you. This video is brought to
you by Excel Essentials for the real world. Learn Excel from scratch or fill in the gaps to
become immediately confident, discover hidden tips and tricks which get you working smarter, not harder. Click on the link below or
type in So here, I have some sample
profit development data for these apps. They go from January 2019
all the way to December 2020. So notice they take up a lot of space in the rows as well as the columns. If I go to print preview, this is going to print on four pages, which is not bad, but check this out, on the last page here, I have no clue what this 800 belongs to. I need to get the headers
on both the row side as well as the column side
repeated on each single page. There is an option for this. Let's go to page layout to page setup, and let's go to more options here. Select sheet, right here, we need to select the
rows to repeat on the top. So whatever we select here is going to be repeated
on every single page. We definitely want to
have our months there, and we also want to get
our columns repeated because, remember, on the last page, we don't see the columns either. Now let's go back to print
preview and see how this looks. First page is nice. Second page, we get our headers here. Third page, we get our headers and we get our columns repeated, and the last page, we know
what that 800 belongs to. Now one thing I don't like about this is this page here, where I selected the entire column, I can also see that
writing that I had on top. Now I don't want this in my report, it's enough to see profit development, so how can I get rid of
that without deleting it? I can set my print areas. I'm just going to highlight the data only and the header that I want, go to print area, and set it. Now let's go to Print Preview. This page looks great and
everything fits properly. Now one adjustment to this
is to add page numbers. So whenever you're printing something that's more than two pages, it's good practice to
add page numbers to it. Now you can do it really quickly by going to page layout view. There are different ways we can get there. A fast way is to go down here
and click on page layout. So this is the default,
it's the normal view. This is the page layout view. In this view, you can
see how your printed page is going to look and you can
easily add headers and footers. So let's just click here to activate the header and footer options. You can type directly in there, and you can use some of these elements that are directly available. So, for example, you
can put the file path, you can put the file
name, you can add a logo, you can put the current
date or the current time. Now to add the page
numbers, we need these two, let's do that in the footer, so I'm just going to scroll down here, go back to header and footer
and click on page number. It's also nice to see how
many pages are in total. So I'm going to add a space, type of, and put in number of pages. So this way I see the current page and how many pages there are in total. How do I go back to normal view? I just have to click here. Another way of getting there
is to go to the view tab here. Notice we're on page layout. I can switch to normal view also here. Now let's go back to print preview and we see one of four, two of four, and four of four. That's today's printing tip. If you liked it, give
this video a thumbs up. Thank you for watching and
do consider subscribing if you haven't done so already so that I'll see you in the next video. (bright music)
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The main purpose of these two functions is to
look up a value in a big data table and give you a corresponding value back, that's sitting in the
same row. Now, we're going to keep in mind is that the value that you're looking up has to be on
the left most column and the value that's being returned has to be on an adjacent column. Now, left
is the key word here, so you can't look up a value on the right side and return a value on the left
side. So, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP work in the same way, except that V is for vertical lookups and H is
for horizontal lookups. So, if your data table has column headers, you're going to need VLOOKUP, and
if your data table has row headers, you're going to need HLOOKUP. So, let's have a look at an example
for each. For this demo, imagine you've been given a large set of data, and you've been told that
these are the sales agents, the quantity they sold, the money they got, the price they charged,
and their customers. What you like to do is to create an overview agent report, where you select
the agent and you find the price and the customer from this table. As a first step, we're going to add
our drop-down, it's what we learned in an earlier lecture on data validation. We're going to go to
Data, Data Validation, instead of any value, select List and the source is our agent. So, press Control+Shift and the down arrow key. And now, we get to select our agents from here. Now, for the agent we select, we'd like to find the price. That's where our VLOOKUP formula comes in. The first argument
in the VLOOKUP formula is the lookup value. What we're we looking up. In this case, we're looking up the
agent, which is in this cell. Next, comes the table array, you have to remember that this is the full
table. So, the full range where your lookup values in and your answers are in, and it's one range. So,
you're not supposed to select different ranges by holding Ctrl-down and going like this, but instead,
you select the entire range, which, in this case, is from here to here. I'm going to press again Control+Shift+down, that's my range. And keep in mind, that the key, the main thing is that, this Agent D, is the first
one in this range. It has to be on the left hand side. Even if I don't need quantity and revenue,
I have to highlight them, because they're in my way, they're in the way of me getting to price
and customer. So, you always have to select the entire range, even if there's stuff in there that
you don't need. Next is the column index number, and that basically means how much should it move. So,
it assumes that the first one is a 1,2,3,4,5. So basically, in which column is the answer that you
want. We want the price and that makes it 1-2-3-4, the fourth column, we have to put 4 in there. And
this last argument is important to get right. If you're look up value is text and not a number. If
you leave it empty, it defaults to true, which means that, an exact match is not necessary
but it requires that your lookup column is sorted in ascending order. If it's not sorted in
ascending order and you leave this argument empty, then you're probably going to receive an error.
In our case, we have it sorted as ascending but generally, I don't want to be bothered to think is
this text, this is a number, is it sorted or not? So, I always put false in here, meaning that, these
should be an exact match. I recommend that you generally, put this on false as well. Okay, so let's check this Agent D, the price here is 39, rounded 39. Now, what about the customer? I can follow the
same logic again, my lookup value is Agent D, the table, I'm looking this up, is here, and my
customers should be included. Which column is the customer? The last one, which makes it 1-2-3-4, the fifth column and false is the last argument. Customer D, for Agent D. Customer H, 37 for Agent H. I have a very simple dynamic using VLOOKUP. You can also use VLOOKUP
within formulas, so they don't have to be used on their own alone, like this. So, for example, if
I wanted to find price here, and let's assume I didn't have price in my source data, I actually
need to calculate it. I could write a formula on this, and I could say, well, divide the revenue
by the quantity. And to tell it, which revenue to divide by which quantity, I will use the VLOOKUP
formula and say, look up Agent H in this area. I want the revenue first, so that's number 3.
False, as the last argument, and divide this by... the result of the VLOOKUP formula for quantity.
Quantities number 2 and that gives me my price. So, Agent H is 37. I think in C, VLOOKUP
doesn't have to be used on its own, but can be used with in other formulas. Agent N is 42, Customer N. And now, let me show you the HLOOKUP version of this. So, in case your original source data is
not provided in this way, but instead in rows. So, I'm going to copy this. We're going to move down
here. I'm going to paste this as transpose. Okay, so in case you have your data provided to you in this way, which is less likely but it's possible, and you want to do the same type of look up and
the same type of overview report, you will have to use the HLOOKUP function. So, in the same way,
if you have our sales agent, let me just copy this... down. You write new formulas. So, in the same manner, if you want to find
the price of Agent N from this table, we're going to write HLOOKUP, the lookup value
is this, our table array is this. Don't forget that what you're looking up here, needs to
be the first in your table array. Next is the row index number, instead of the column
index. So, where is price in here, 1-2-3-4, it's the fourth row and again, do false. The same
with customer I can actually copy this. The same with customer. I can actually copy this... paste this in here. Because this remains the same,