diff --git a/src/progressbar/docs/demo.html b/src/progressbar/docs/demo.html
index ca00567d85..69e9733736 100644
--- a/src/progressbar/docs/demo.html
+++ b/src/progressbar/docs/demo.html
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
Dynamic Randomize
Value: {{dynamic}}
Dynamic Randomize
{{dynamic}} / {{max}}
No animation
Object (changes type based on value)
{{type}} !!! Watch out !!!
Stacked Randomize
Array values with automatic types
Value: {{stackedArray}}
Value: {{stacked}}
Stacked Randomize
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/progressbar/docs/demo.js b/src/progressbar/docs/demo.js
index 57676e8af6..f7358510a9 100644
--- a/src/progressbar/docs/demo.js
+++ b/src/progressbar/docs/demo.js
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
var ProgressDemoCtrl = function ($scope) {
+ $scope.max = 200;
$scope.random = function() {
- var value = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);
+ var value = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
var type;
if (value < 25) {
@@ -14,28 +16,21 @@ var ProgressDemoCtrl = function ($scope) {
type = 'danger';
+ $scope.showWarning = (type === 'danger' || type === 'warning');
$scope.dynamic = value;
- $scope.dynamicObject = {
- value: value,
- type: type
- };
+ $scope.type = type;
- var types = ['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'];
$scope.randomStacked = function() {
- $scope.stackedArray = [];
$scope.stacked = [];
+ var types = ['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'];
- var n = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
- for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
- var value = Math.floor((Math.random()*30)+1);
- $scope.stackedArray.push(value);
- var index = Math.floor((Math.random()*4));
+ for (var i = 0, n = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1); i < n; i++) {
+ var index = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4));
- value: value,
+ value: Math.floor((Math.random() * 30) + 1),
type: types[index]
diff --git a/src/progressbar/docs/readme.md b/src/progressbar/docs/readme.md
index ebc9cb9580..a43f36b3e4 100644
--- a/src/progressbar/docs/readme.md
+++ b/src/progressbar/docs/readme.md
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
-A lightweight progress bar directive that is focused on providing progress visualization!
+A progress bar directive that is focused on providing feedback on the progress of a workflow or action.
-The progress bar directive supports multiple (stacked) bars into the same element, optional transition animation, event handler for full & empty state and many more.
+It supports multiple (stacked) bars into the same `` element or a single `` elemtnt with optional `max` attribute and transition animations.
+### Settings ###
+#### `` ####
+ * `value`
+ :
+ The current value of progress completed.
+ * `type`
+ _(Default: null)_ :
+ Style type. Possible values are 'success', 'warning' etc.
+ * `max`
+ _(Default: 100)_ :
+ A number that specifies the total value of bars that is required.
+ * `animate`
+ _(Default: true)_ :
+ Whether bars use transitions to achieve the width change.
+### Stacked ###
+Place multiple `` into the same `` element to stack them.
+`` supports `max` and `animate` & `` supports `value` and `type` attributes.
diff --git a/src/progressbar/progressbar.js b/src/progressbar/progressbar.js
index 2a5eb28d2d..9dcee7dfd2 100644
--- a/src/progressbar/progressbar.js
+++ b/src/progressbar/progressbar.js
@@ -2,105 +2,99 @@ angular.module('ui.bootstrap.progressbar', ['ui.bootstrap.transition'])
.constant('progressConfig', {
animate: true,
- autoType: false,
- stackedTypes: ['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger']
+ max: 100
-.controller('ProgressBarController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'progressConfig', function($scope, $attrs, progressConfig) {
+.controller('ProgressController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'progressConfig', '$transition', function($scope, $attrs, progressConfig, $transition) {
+ var self = this,
+ bars = [],
+ max = angular.isDefined($attrs.max) ? $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.max) : progressConfig.max,
+ animate = angular.isDefined($attrs.animate) ? $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.animate) : progressConfig.animate;
- // Whether bar transitions should be animated
- var animate = angular.isDefined($attrs.animate) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.animate) : progressConfig.animate;
- var autoType = angular.isDefined($attrs.autoType) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.autoType) : progressConfig.autoType;
- var stackedTypes = angular.isDefined($attrs.stackedTypes) ? $scope.$eval('[' + $attrs.stackedTypes + ']') : progressConfig.stackedTypes;
+ this.addBar = function(bar, element) {
+ var oldValue = 0, index = bar.$parent.$index;
+ if ( angular.isDefined(index) && bars[index] ) {
+ oldValue = bars[index].value;
+ }
+ bars.push(bar);
+ this.update(element, bar.value, oldValue);
- // Create bar object
- this.makeBar = function(newBar, oldBar, index) {
- var newValue = (angular.isObject(newBar)) ? newBar.value : (newBar || 0);
- var oldValue = (angular.isObject(oldBar)) ? oldBar.value : (oldBar || 0);
- var type = (angular.isObject(newBar) && angular.isDefined(newBar.type)) ? newBar.type : (autoType) ? getStackedType(index || 0) : null;
+ bar.$watch('value', function(value, oldValue) {
+ if (value !== oldValue) {
+ self.update(element, value, oldValue);
+ }
+ });
- return {
- from: oldValue,
- to: newValue,
- type: type,
- animate: animate
- };
+ bar.$on('$destroy', function() {
+ self.removeBar(bar);
+ });
- function getStackedType(index) {
- return stackedTypes[index];
- }
+ // Update bar element width
+ this.update = function(element, newValue, oldValue) {
+ var percent = this.getPercentage(newValue);
+ if (animate) {
+ element.css('width', this.getPercentage(oldValue) + '%');
+ $transition(element, {width: percent + '%'});
+ } else {
+ element.css({'transition': 'none', 'width': percent + '%'});
+ }
+ };
- this.addBar = function(bar) {
- $scope.bars.push(bar);
- $scope.totalPercent += bar.to;
+ this.removeBar = function(bar) {
+ bars.splice(bars.indexOf(bar), 1);
- this.clearBars = function() {
- $scope.bars = [];
- $scope.totalPercent = 0;
+ this.getPercentage = function(value) {
+ return Math.round(100 * value / max);
- this.clearBars();
.directive('progress', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
- controller: 'ProgressBarController',
+ transclude: true,
+ controller: 'ProgressController',
+ require: 'progress',
+ scope: {},
+ template: '
+ //templateUrl: 'template/progressbar/progress.html' // Works in AngularJS 1.2
+ };
+.directive('bar', function() {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'EA',
+ replace: true,
+ transclude: true,
+ require: '^progress',
scope: {
- value: '=percent',
- onFull: '&',
- onEmpty: '&'
+ value: '=',
+ type: '@'
- templateUrl: 'template/progressbar/progress.html',
- link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
- scope.$watch('value', function(newValue, oldValue) {
- controller.clearBars();
- if (angular.isArray(newValue)) {
- // Stacked progress bar
- for (var i=0, n=newValue.length; i < n; i++) {
- controller.addBar(controller.makeBar(newValue[i], oldValue[i], i));
- }
- } else {
- // Simple bar
- controller.addBar(controller.makeBar(newValue, oldValue));
- }
- }, true);
- // Total percent listeners
- scope.$watch('totalPercent', function(value) {
- if (value >= 100) {
- scope.onFull();
- } else if (value <= 0) {
- scope.onEmpty();
- }
- }, true);
+ templateUrl: 'template/progressbar/bar.html',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs, progressCtrl) {
+ progressCtrl.addBar(scope, element);
-.directive('progressbar', ['$transition', function($transition) {
+.directive('progressbar', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
+ transclude: true,
+ controller: 'ProgressController',
scope: {
- width: '=',
- old: '=',
- type: '=',
- animate: '='
+ value: '=',
+ type: '@'
- templateUrl: 'template/progressbar/bar.html',
- link: function(scope, element) {
- scope.$watch('width', function(value) {
- if (scope.animate) {
- element.css('width', scope.old + '%');
- $transition(element, {width: value + '%'});
- } else {
- element.css('width', value + '%');
- }
- });
+ templateUrl: 'template/progressbar/progressbar.html',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs, progressCtrl) {
+ progressCtrl.addBar(scope, angular.element(element.children()[0]));
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/progressbar/test/progressbar.spec.js b/src/progressbar/test/progressbar.spec.js
index 70e20f0f03..e2da304e93 100644
--- a/src/progressbar/test/progressbar.spec.js
+++ b/src/progressbar/test/progressbar.spec.js
@@ -1,326 +1,167 @@
-describe('progressbar directive with no binding', function () {
+describe('progressbar directive', function () {
var $rootScope, element;
- beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
+ beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progressbar.html', 'template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
+ $rootScope.value = 22;
+ element = $compile('{{value}} % ')($rootScope);
- it('has a "progress" css class', function() {
- expect(element.hasClass('progress')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('contains one child element with "bar" css class', function() {
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(1);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('has a "bar" element with expected width', function() {
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('22%');
- });
+ var BAR_CLASS = 'bar';
-describe('progressbar directive with data-binding', function () {
- var $rootScope, element;
- beforeEach(module('ui.bootstrap.progressbar'));
- beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
- beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
- $compile = _$compile_;
- $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- $rootScope.percent = 33;
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- $rootScope.$digest();
- }));
+ function getBar(i) {
+ return element.children().eq(i);
+ }
it('has a "progress" css class', function() {
- expect(element.hasClass('progress')).toBe(true);
+ expect(element).toHaveClass('progress');
it('contains one child element with "bar" css class', function() {
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS);
it('has a "bar" element with expected width', function() {
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('33%');
+ expect(getBar(0).css('width')).toBe('22%');
- it('changes width when bind value changes', function() {
- $rootScope.percent = 55;
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(1);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('55%');
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- $rootScope.percent += 11;
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('66%');
- $rootScope.percent = 0;
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('0%');
+ it('transcludes "bar" text', function() {
+ expect(getBar(0).text()).toBe('22 %');
- it('can handle correctly objects value && class', function() {
- $rootScope.percent = {
- value: 45,
- type: 'warning'
- };
+ it('it should be possible to add additional classes', function () {
+ element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(1);
- expect(element.hasClass('progress')).toBe(true);
+ expect(element).toHaveClass('progress-striped');
+ expect(element).toHaveClass('active');
- var barElement = element.children().eq(0);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('45%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-warning')).toBe(true);
- });
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass('pizza');
+ });
+ describe('"max" attribute', function () {
+ beforeEach(inject(function() {
+ $rootScope.max = 200;
+ element = $compile('{{value}}/{{max}} ')($rootScope);
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ }));
+ it('adjusts the "bar" width', function() {
+ expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('11%');
+ });
+ it('adjusts the "bar" width when value changes', function() {
+ $rootScope.value = 60;
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ expect(getBar(0).css('width')).toBe('30%');
-describe('stacked progressbar directive', function () {
- var $rootScope, element;
- beforeEach(module('ui.bootstrap.progressbar'));
- beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
- beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
- $compile = _$compile_;
- $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- $rootScope.stacked = [12, 22, 33];
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- $rootScope.$digest();
- }));
- it('has a "progress" css class', function() {
- expect(element.hasClass('progress')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('contains tree child elements with "bar" css class each', function() {
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(3);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(element.children().eq(1).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(element.children().eq(2).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- });
+ $rootScope.value += 12;
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ expect(getBar(0).css('width')).toBe('36%');
+ $rootScope.value = 0;
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ expect(getBar(0).css('width')).toBe('0%');
+ });
- it('has a elements with expected width', function() {
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('12%');
- expect(element.children().eq(1).css('width')).toBe('22%');
- expect(element.children().eq(2).css('width')).toBe('33%');
+ it('transcludes "bar" text', function() {
+ expect(getBar(0).text()).toBe('22/200');
+ });
- it('changes width when bind value changes', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked[1] = 35;
- $rootScope.$digest();
+ describe('"type" attribute', function () {
+ beforeEach(inject(function() {
+ $rootScope.type = 'success';
+ element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ }));
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(3);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('12%');
- expect(element.children().eq(1).css('width')).toBe('35%');
- expect(element.children().eq(2).css('width')).toBe('33%');
- });
+ it('should use correct classes', function() {
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS);
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ });
- it('can remove bars', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked.pop();
- $rootScope.$digest();
+ it('should change classes if type changed', function() {
+ $rootScope.type = 'warning';
+ $rootScope.value += 1;
+ $rootScope.$digest();
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(2);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('12%');
- expect(element.children().eq(1).css('width')).toBe('22%');
+ var barEl = getBar(0);
+ expect(barEl).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS);
+ expect(barEl).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(barEl).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ });
- it('can handle correctly object changes', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked[1] = {
- value: 29,
- type: 'danger'
- };
- $rootScope.$digest();
+ describe('stacked', function () {
+ beforeEach(inject(function() {
+ $rootScope.objects = [
+ { value: 10, type: 'success' },
+ { value: 50, type: 'warning' },
+ { value: 20 }
+ ];
+ element = $compile('{{o.value}} ')($rootScope);
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ }));
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(3);
+ it('contains the right number of bars', function() {
+ expect(element.children().length).toBe(3);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ expect(getBar(i)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS);
+ }
+ });
- var barElement;
+ it('renders each bar with the appropriate width', function() {
+ expect(getBar(0).css('width')).toBe('10%');
+ expect(getBar(1).css('width')).toBe('50%');
+ expect(getBar(2).css('width')).toBe('20%');
+ });
- barElement = element.children().eq(0);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('12%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-danger')).toBe(false);
+ it('uses correct classes', function() {
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(0)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
- barElement = element.children().eq(1);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('29%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-danger')).toBe(true);
+ expect(getBar(1)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(1)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
- barElement = element.children().eq(2);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('33%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-danger')).toBe(false);
+ expect(getBar(2)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(2)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ });
+ it('should change classes if type changed', function() {
+ $rootScope.objects = [
+ { value: 20, type: 'warning' },
+ { value: 50 },
+ { value: 30, type: 'info' }
+ ];
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ expect(getBar(0)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ expect(getBar(1)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(1)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ expect(getBar(2)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-info');
+ expect(getBar(2)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(2)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ });
+ it('should change classes if type changed', function() {
+ $rootScope.objects = [
+ { value: 70, type: 'info' }
+ ];
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ expect(element.children().length).toBe(1);
+ expect(getBar(0)).toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-info');
+ expect(getBar(0)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-success');
+ expect(getBar(0)).not.toHaveClass(BAR_CLASS + '-warning');
+ });
- it('can handle mixed objects with custom classes', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked = [
- { value: 15, type: 'info' },
- 11,
- { value: 9, type: 'danger' },
- { value: 22, type: 'warning' },
- 5
- ];
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(5);
- var barElement;
- barElement = element.children().eq(0);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('15%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-info')).toBe(true);
- barElement = element.children().eq(1);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('11%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-info')).toBe(false);
- barElement = element.children().eq(2);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('9%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-danger')).toBe(true);
- barElement = element.children().eq(3);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('22%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-warning')).toBe(true);
- barElement = element.children().eq(4);
- expect(barElement.css('width')).toBe('5%');
- expect(barElement.hasClass('bar-warning')).toBe(false);
- });
-describe('stacked progressbar directive handlers', function () {
- var $rootScope, element;
- beforeEach(module('ui.bootstrap.progressbar'));
- beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
- beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
- $compile = _$compile_;
- $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- $rootScope.stacked = [20, 30, 40]; // total: 90
- $rootScope.fullHandler = jasmine.createSpy('fullHandler');
- $rootScope.emptyHandler = jasmine.createSpy('emptyHandler');
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- $rootScope.$digest();
- }));
- it("should not fire at start", function () {
- expect($rootScope.fullHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect($rootScope.emptyHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it("should fire callback when full", function () {
- $rootScope.stacked.push(10); // total: 100
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect($rootScope.fullHandler).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect($rootScope.emptyHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it("should fire callback when empties", function () {
- $rootScope.stacked = 0;
- $rootScope.$digest();
- expect($rootScope.fullHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect($rootScope.emptyHandler).toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
-describe('stacked progressbar directive with auto-types', function () {
- var $rootScope, element;
- var config = {};
- beforeEach(module('ui.bootstrap.progressbar'));
- beforeEach(module('template/progressbar/progress.html', 'template/progressbar/bar.html'));
- beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_, progressConfig) {
- $compile = _$compile_;
- $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- $rootScope.stacked = [12, 22, {value: 33}, {value: 5}, 11];
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- $rootScope.$digest();
- angular.extend(config, progressConfig);
- }));
- afterEach(inject(function(progressConfig) {
- // return it to the original state
- angular.extend(progressConfig, config);
- }));
- it('has a "progress" css class', function() {
- expect(element.hasClass('progress')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('contains tree child elements with "bar" css class each', function() {
- expect(element.children().length).toBe(5);
- for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- expect(element.children().eq(i).hasClass('bar')).toBe(true);
- }
- });
- it('has elements with expected width', function() {
- expect(element.children().eq(0).css('width')).toBe('12%');
- expect(element.children().eq(1).css('width')).toBe('22%');
- expect(element.children().eq(2).css('width')).toBe('33%');
- expect(element.children().eq(3).css('width')).toBe('5%');
- expect(element.children().eq(4).css('width')).toBe('11%');
- });
- it('has elements with automatic types', function() {
- var stackedTypes = config.stackedTypes;
- for (var i = 0; i < stackedTypes.length; i++) {
- expect(element.children().eq(i).hasClass('bar-' + stackedTypes[i])).toBe(true);
- }
- });
- it('ignore automatic type if one is specified', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked[1] = {
- value: 18,
- type: 'something'
- };
- $rootScope.$digest();
- var stackedTypes = config.stackedTypes;
- var bar = element.children().eq(1);
- expect(bar.css('width')).toBe('18%');
- expect(bar.hasClass('bar-' + stackedTypes[1])).toBe(false);
- expect(bar.hasClass('bar-something')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('can provide automatic classes to be applied', function() {
- $rootScope.stacked[1] = {
- value: 18,
- type: 'something'
- };
- $rootScope.$digest();
- var stackedTypes = config.stackedTypes;
- var bar = element.children().eq(1);
- expect(bar.css('width')).toBe('18%');
- expect(bar.hasClass('bar-' + stackedTypes[1])).toBe(false);
- expect(bar.hasClass('bar-something')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('can bypass default configuration for stacked classes from attribute', function() {
- element = $compile(' ')($rootScope);
- $rootScope.$digest();
- var stackedTypes = config.stackedTypes;
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar-danger')).toBe(true);
- expect(element.children().eq(0).hasClass('bar-' + stackedTypes[0])).toBe(false);
- expect(element.children().eq(1).hasClass('bar-warning')).toBe(true);
- expect(element.children().eq(2).hasClass('bar-success')).toBe(true);
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/progressbar/bar.html b/template/progressbar/bar.html
index 09a5a6b010..f5895768a2 100644
--- a/template/progressbar/bar.html
+++ b/template/progressbar/bar.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/progressbar/progress.html b/template/progressbar/progress.html
index d390e79f7d..1968537006 100644
--- a/template/progressbar/progress.html
+++ b/template/progressbar/progress.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/progressbar/progressbar.html b/template/progressbar/progressbar.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22f57c55b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/progressbar/progressbar.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file