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File metadata and controls

291 lines (219 loc) · 8.42 KB


jrnl is a simple static site generator. It takes posts and pages written in Markdown, transforms them to HTML, and copies those HTML files over to a remote.

Quick start

Clone the repository and install jrnl via make install. This will install it to $GOPATH/bin,

$ git clone
$ cd jrnl && make install

Once installed a new jrnl can be created with jrnl init,

$ jrnl init my-blog

this will initialize everything needed for a jrnl within the my-blog directory. If no argument is given, then a new jrnl will be initialized in the current directory.

Once the jrnl has been initialized the directory contents will look like this,


The site name and author information can be set in the jrnl.yml file,

    name: Joe Bloggs
    email: joe.bloggs@localhost

  title: My blog
  atom: atom.xml
  rss: rss.xml

A post can be created via jrnl post,

$ jrnl post "Introducing jrnl"

jrnl will open up the editor specified via EDITOR for writing the post. The top of the post will be pre-populated with a block of YAML which will contain metadata about the post being written,

title: Introducing jrnl
layout: page
createdAt: "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
updatedAt: "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
jrnl is a simple static site generator.

The layout specifies the template to use when generating the post. Layouts can be found in the _layouts/ directory. The default layout of page is used when creating a post. The layout can be specified via the -l flag to the post command,

$ jrnl post -l post "Introducing jrnl"

Layouts utilize Go's text/template library for templating.

Before a jrnl can be published a remote needs to be set in the jrnl.yml file. This needs to be a URL. A remote can either be a location on disk, or an SSH connection. For this example, a location on disk will be used,

remote: file://remote

With the remote set, the jrnl can be published vis jrnl publish,

$ jrnl publish

This will build the site and place the files in the _site/ directory and copy them to the remote.

Directory structure

The following directories are used by jrnl,

  • _assets/ - Contains assets that are part of the theme. Directory contents is also copied to the _sites/ directory during publishing.
  • _layouts/ - Contains the templates used for building posts and pages.
  • _pages/ - Contains the Markdown files for the pages.
  • _posts/ - Contains the Markdown files for the posts.
  • _site/ - Where the static files for the site are put during publishing.
  • jrnl.yml - The configuration file for the jrnl.

Pages and posts

Under the hood, pages and posts are the same. To jrnl, the only difference is that posts are considered "dynamic" content, whereas pages are not. Posts make use of the createdAt and updatedAt fields in the front-matter.

Front matter

Front matter is the block of YAML that sits at the top of pages and posts. This contains the metadata about the page or post.

Dynamic data

Dynamic data can be populated into pages and posts. This is done by specifying a YAML file from which to pull data from in the front matter of the page or post,

title: CV
data: cv.yml
layouts: page

assume the contents of cv.yml looks like this,

- Name: SRE
  StartDate: 2024
  Company: ACME
  - Manage cloud infrastructure via Terraform
  - Build reliable CI/CD pipelines for deploying infrastructure changes
  - Architect multi-region failover
- Name: Dev Ops
  StartDate: 2020
  EndDate: 2024
  Company: CHOAM
  - Develop tool chain to manage deployment of inventory management platform
  - Migrate deployment pipeline from on-prem to cloud

this can then be populated inside a page like so,

title: CV
data: cv.yml
layout: page
{{range .Jobs}}
## {{.Name}} ({{.StartDate}} - {{if .EndDate}}{{.EndDate}}{{else}}Present{{end}})


{{range .Duties}}
* {{.}}

this allows for populating structured and repetive data with ease in a page or a post.

Parent pages

Each page and post can have a parent associated with it. This is done via the parent field in the front matter. During publishing, this parent will be used in the final URL for the published page or post,

title: Introduction to Go
parent: /programming
createdAt: "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
updatedAt: "2006-01-02 15:04:05"

Parent pages are just normal pages. During publishing, they will have access to the {{.Children}} variable which is an array of the pages that parent has as children. This means a list page could be created like so,

title: Programming
layout: parent
- category

then the _layouts/parent could look something like,

<html lang="en">
        <title>{{.Title}} - {{.Site.Title}}</title>
            {{range .Children}}
            <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>

Once published, the /programming page will be available, with a list of all the posts that have a parent set to /programming.


Pages and posts can be tagged via the tags field in front matter. This can be useful if in a template a page or post should be excluded during rendering. For example, to produce a list of category pages,

    {{range .Pages}}
        {{if has .Tags "category"}}
        <li><a href="{{.URL}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>


Layouts are template files that define how a page or post will look once published. jrnl uses Go's text/template library for templating. When jrnl is initialized the _layouts/ directory will be populated with the default home and page template files.

jrnl makes use of the home layout to determine what the home page of the site will end up looking like. If this is removed, then any attempts to publish the jrnl will fail.

During templating, the following data is passed to each page,

type PageData struct {
    Site      Site
    Author    Author
    Title     string
    Tags      []string
    Content   string
    CreatedAt time.Time
    UpdatedAt time.Time
    Pages     []SitePage
    Children  []SitePage
    Posts     []SitePage
    Blogroll  []SitePage


Themes in jrnl are tarballs that contain the contents of the _assets/ and _layouts/ directories. The current theme being used is set in the jrnl.yml file. All themes are stored in the user's configuration dir.


Each jrnl has a remote. A remote is where the contents of the _site/ directory is copied to. This can either be a location on disk, or an SSH URL. Below is what the SSH URL should look like,


the identity parameter should be the path to the private SSH key to use for the handshake.


A jrnl is published via the jrnl publish command. This will template the pages and posts, and copy the contents of the _assets/ directory into the _site/ directory.

The -d flag will prevent the built website from being copied to the remote.

The -v flag will print out the files that have been built, and which files will be copied to the remote.

Each site path that is created will be stored in the jrnl's cache. This is checked each time publish is run to ensure that only the files that have changed will be copied to the remote.

Atom and RSS feeds

Atom and RSS feeds are generated each time a jrnl is published. The files that these are written to are specified via the atom and rss fields in the jrnl.yml file. If these are not specified, then no feeds are generated.