Blazor component library. All components are written in C#.
.Net 6.0. Updated to 6.0.2
Server-side Blazor and Blazor WASM
No documentation available yet, but many examples in the source code.
- Install Nuget package Dnet.Blazor
- Add the following script reference to your Index.html(WASM) or _Host.cshtml (Blazor Server):
<script src="_content/Dnet.Blazor/rxjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="_content/Dnet.Blazor/dnet-blazor.js"></script>
- Add the following link reference Index.html (WASM) or _Host.cshtml (Blazor Server):
<link href="_content/Dnet.Blazor/dnet-blazor-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
- Add the following to the MainLayout.razor
<DnetOverlay BaseZindex="YourZIndexValue"></DnetOverlay>
Many of the components in the library are based on the Dnet.Blazor.Overlay component. The overlay provides a way to open floating panels on the screen. Manages positioning, zindex, backdrops, etc.
BaseZindex: Base z-index use by the Overlay component to display components on the screen. Providing this guarantees that components will open with the correct z-index.
<DnetOverlay BaseZindex="1100"></DnetOverlay>
- Add the following to the Program.cs
using Dnet.Blazor.Infrastructure.Services;