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File metadata and controls

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The Finder Content Item Format

A Finder Content Item is a specialisation of the Content Item and is used by Finder Frontend to render the Finder page. This guide explains what goes into the ContentItem and why.



A string. Optional. Can be set to null.

Can contain HTML. If phase is alpha, alpha_message will be passed to the alpha banner.


A string. Optional. Can be set to null.

Can contain HTML. If phase is beta, beta_message will be passed to the beta banner.


A string. Required.

The lowercase singular version of whatever format the Finder is using. For example: /cma-cases has a document_noun of case, /aaib-report has a document_noun of report. This is used to construct the sentence describing the current search by the user.


A hash. Optional.

Used to restrict the base search in Rummager. It can contain any key and value pair as long as the key is listed in ALLOWED_FILTER_FIELDS in Rummager.

For example filtering all documents with a contact format from HM Revenue & Customs would need a hash like:

  "document_type": "contact",
  "organisations": [


A hash. Optional.

Used to restrict the base search in Rummager. It can contain any key and value pair as long as the key is listed in ALLOWED_FILTER_FIELDS in Rummager. The _MISSING value is useful here if you find yourself chaining too many values in filter and running over the max URL length supported by Net::HTTP.

For example, rejecting all documents which don't have a policy would need a hash like:

  "policy": "_MISSING"


A string. Optional.

You can use a minus (-) in front of the field to order in descending order (see whitehall/lib/finders/case_studies.json for an example).

Rummager must allow this field to be sorted on. At the time of writing this was restricted to a couple of fields.


An integer. Optional.

Used to build pagination when querying Rummager.


A string. Optional.

If present in the links hash, the email alert signup link being displayed will point to base_path/email-signup where base_path is from the Finder object. signup_link allows you to point it at a different URL, Drug Safety Update and Drug Device Alerts are the two which currently use this feature.


A boolean. Required.

Used to decide if the summaries for Documents should be displayed in the results list. It will truncate the summary at the end of the first sentence.


A string. Optional.

Rendered in the header after the metadata. Can contain Govspeak and is rendered using the Govspeak component.


An array of hashes. Optional.

Each facet corresponds to a document field that can take multiple values. Facets can be used to build user defined filters, and/or they can add metadata to search results.

Example: a filterable Case type facet

  "key": "case_type",
  "name": "Case type",
  "type": "text",
  "display_as_result_metadata": true,
  "filterable": true,
  "allowed_values": [...],

Filterable facets

Example: metadata for several facets

<img alt="Facet metadata" src="./assets/metadata.png" width="402", height="66">

Types of facet

The required keys for a facet hash depends on the value of type in the hash. Valid values are date, text or topical.

Date Facets

When a date facet is filterable, it's rendered as a text field that accepts various forms of dates such as 2020 and 2020-01-02.

When displayed as metadata, a date value takes the form DD Month YYYY.

  "key": "date_of_occurrence",
  "name": "Date of occurrence",
  "short_name": "Occurred",
  "type": "date",
  "preposition": "occurred",
  "display_as_result_metadata": true,
  "filterable": true

Text Facets

Text facets are used for faceting on a field that can take a number of different values. If filterable, a text facet is rendered as a group of checkboxes.

  "key": "case_state",
  "name": "Case state",
  "type": "text",
  "preposition": "which are",
  "display_as_result_metadata": true,
  "filterable": true,
  "allowed_values": [
      "label": "Open",
      "value": "open"
      "label": "Closed",
      "value": "closed"

Predefined options using allowed_values

The allowed_values fields is an array of hashes defining fixed options for the facet. It's only used if filterable is set to true and type is set to text.

Each hash contains hashes with the following keys and values:

  • label: A string. Required.

    Displayed as the label for the option in the multi-select Filter and as the label in the sentence_fragment.

  • value: A string. Required.

    Appended to the URL when the option is selected. Usually a parameterised slug of the label, but it doesn't need to be a direct 1:1.

Dynamically generated options

If allowed_values is missing or empty, the values are dynamically generated based on the documents returned from the query.

This is usually better than providing fixed values, because the user is not given options that filter out every document in their search.

This behaviour is closer to what is meant by "facet" in the underlying search API.

The current implementation of dynamic facets always requests the facet from the search api using a particular ordering: 1000,order:value.title. This means it won't work for all fields.

  "key": "organisations",
  "short_name": "From",
  "type": "text",
  "display_as_result_metadata": true,
  "filterable": true,
  "preposition": "from",
  "name": "Organisation"

Topical Facets

A topical facet is used for faceting on something that changes state on a particular date. The motivating example is a Topical Event, which transitions from Current to Archived on its end_date.

  "key": "end_date",
  "name": "Status",
  "type": "topical",
  "open_value": {
    "label": "Current",
    "value": "current"
  "closed_value": {
    "label": "Archived",
    "value": "archived"
  "preposition": "with status",
  "display_as_result_metadata": false,
  "filterable": true

The open_value and closed_value fields

These fields are hashes containing a label key and a value key. Required only when type is set to topical.

These customise the label shown for both possible facet values and the corresponding value used in URLs.

open_value is the value that will be used when the key field is in the future, and closed_value is the value that will be used when the key field is in the past.

For example, if a content item has its key field set to 2020-07-01, then it will be considered open until midnight on the 1st July 2020, and closed from then onwards. Documents might show up as open for slightly longer than this due to page-level caching.

Fields common across all facet types


A string. Required.

snake_case string which matches to the field being searched in Rummager.


A boolean. Required.

Specifies if the facet should have a matching Filter for the results.


A boolean. Required.

Specifies if the facet should be returned as metadata underneath each result.


A string. Required.

Used to label the filter panel for the facet.

For date facets, it may be used to label the metadata shown for each result. (See also short_name)


A string. Required if filterable is set to true.

Is prepended to the name of the Filter when constructing the sentence_fragment for that Filter.


A string. Optional.

For dates, the name of the Filter may be too long, such as Date of occurrence. The field lets you specify a short name. For the Date of occurrence example, the short_name would be Occurred.


In order for a Finder to work as intended, the routes array needs to have 3 entries. One for the page, one for .json which is used to update the results and one for .atom which is used for the Atom feed. Example:

    "path": "/a-finder-base-path",
    "type": "exact",
    "path": "/a-finder-base-path.json",
    "type": "exact",
    "path": "/a-finder-base-path.atom",
    "type": "exact",



Currently, only the first Organisation is displayed as metadata on the Finder.


This is the Content Item for the email-signup for the Finder. Most of these live at #{base_path}/email-signup but there's no reason this couldn't point anywhere else.