- YOLOv6l6 trained on single-class detection of targets in general, using custom data too
- Extract the bboxes as detected by YOLO, optionally using SAHI (Slicing Aided Hyper Inference), helped for v9e but not v6l6
- Run each extracted bbox through Real-ESRGAN x4v3 model to upscale 4x
- Feed each bbox into a SigLIP and get similarity score VS caption (1/image)
- Choose the box with the highest similarity score for each caption
gdown 13VUjoienvWqHz9NB66KHDqL5Y0t3YCMN
- CLIP of choice (best so far is siglip-large-patch16-384)
huggingface-cli download google/siglip-large-patch16-384 --local-dir siglip-large-patch16-384 --local-dir-use-symlinks False
docker build -t 12000sgd-multistage-vlm .
docker run -p 5004:5004 --gpus all -d 12000sgd-multistage-vlm
docker tag 12000sgd-multistage-vlm asia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/dsta-angelhack/repository-12000sgdplushie/12000sgd-multistage-vlm:yolo-siglip-large-patch16-384-conf0.1
docker push asia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/dsta-angelhack/repository-12000sgdplushie/12000sgd-multistage-vlm:yolo-siglip-large-patch16-384-conf0.1
gcloud ai models upload --region asia-southeast1 --display-name '12000sgd-multistage-yolov9e-last-siglip-large-patch16-384-conf0.1-vlm' --container-image-uri asia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/dsta-angelhack/repository-12000sgdplushie/12000sgd-multistage-vlm:yolo-siglip-large-patch16-384-conf0.1 --container-health-route /health --container-predict-route /identify --container-ports 5004 --version-aliases default
Finals submission:
docker tag 12000sgd-multistage-vlm asia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/dsta-angelhack/repository-12000sgdplushie/12000sgdplushie-vlm:finals
docker push asia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/dsta-angelhack/repository-12000sgdplushie/12000sgdplushie-vlm:finals
- all model loaded: 2.6G
- yolo pred single image = max 3.2G (first inference has spike of 4.8G)
- upscaler use less than 10mb
- siglip so400m = max 2.9g @ 10boxes
- Overall peak needed: 4.8G
- Initialize from YOLOv9e checkpoint
- Train for 55 epochs with AdamW, lr=1e-3, effective bs=64, image size=1280, cosine LR schedule
- Continue for 7 epochs with image size=1600 to improve on high-res and small object further since inference time we use 1600
YOLO Augs V1:
T = [
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=2500, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
YOLO Augs V2:
T = [
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=(500, 2500), p=1.0, per_channel=True),
A.ISONoise(p=1.0, color_shift=(0.02, 0.07)),
A.AdvancedBlur(blur_limit=(3, 7), p=0.2),
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
AugsV2 proven to be bad.
YOLO Augs V3:
T = [
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=2500, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
- Copy modeling_siglip.py from https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/bdb9106f247fca48a71eb384be25dbbd29b065a8/src/transformers/models/siglip/modeling_siglip.py
- Add loss func adapted from JAX in https://github.com/google-research/big_vision/blob/01edb81a4716f93a48be43b3a4af14e29cdb3a7f/big_vision/trainers/proj/image_text/siglip.py#L287 to https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/bdb9106f247fca48a71eb384be25dbbd29b065a8/src/transformers/models/siglip/modeling_siglip.py#L1230
eye = torch.eye(logits_per_text.size(0), device=logits_per_text.device)
m1_diag1 = -torch.ones_like(logits_per_text) + 2 * eye
loglik = torch.nn.functional.logsigmoid(m1_diag1 * logits_per_text)
nll = -torch.sum(loglik, dim=-1)
loss = nll.mean()
- Multi-GPU training using FDSP:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,4,5,6 accelerate launch HF_train.py
- Run convert_safetensors.py as models trained with torch FDSP + torch dynamo has a prefix in model dict key names
Generate TensorFlow datasets:
Run split ds notebook, then
cd vlm\multistage\siglip\big_vision\datasets\til
tfds build
Setup Env:
cd vlm/multistage/siglip
pip install "jax[tpu]>=0.4.25" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/libtpu_releases.html
pip install -r big_vision/requirements.txt
TFDS_DATA_DIR=/kaggle/input/til-siglip-tfds BV_JAX_INIT=1 python3 -m big_vision.trainers.proj.image_text.siglip --config big_vision/configs/proj/image_text/siglip_til.py --workdir til_train
- Inferencing on YOLO with high res (1600px) brings noticeable improvement even using weights trained on 640px. Further training on 1280px and then 1600px significantly improves. This is a clear characteristic of small object detection tasks.
- Val and test correlation on CLIPs are not reliable beyond 0.8 mAP due to lack of noisy val data
- Upscaling is always bad on val even though they do result in a clearer segregation of scores in CLIPs. They do improve test scores. This is likely due to local testing samples are not noisy enough and benefit of upscaling is overweighed by the artifacts.
- SAHI (slicing inference) on YOLO requires much higher confidence score (0.1 vs 0.5) to reduce FPs
- Strong (var=2500) GaussianNoise augmentations significantly improve test performance of YOLO
- Reason why CLIP-ViT-H and Metaclip-H etc. significantly outperform SigLIP in local but significantly underperform SigLIP on test:
- CLIP-ViT uses softmax as loss. It's learning objective is given multiple captions and classifiy them. This means while the model CAN, it does not learn fully the features useful for a single-caption task, which is what is test and not val.
- SigLIP on the other hand, uses Sigmoid as loss, which operates on a one-to-one caption-image pair. This means the model is more suited for the task at hand, despite a smaller scale than H variants.
- Isolate the 2 tasks and evaluate separately on leaderboard: use pretrained SigLIP and iterate on YOLO until max, then turn to SigLIP.
- Large BS works a lot better for SigLIP as mentioned by many contrastive loss papers, due to the need for more negative samples in a batch.
- Iterating: train up to 5 epoch to validate helpfulness of change in hyperparams/augs then full train overnight
- 5 epoch proved enough for upscaled training data, 10epoch overfits.
Main change is switch to YOLOv6l6 as it shows better on own test set. Improvements were gained from training on full DSTA + own test set (denoted by "blind") below. However, SAHI did not seem to help for yolov6l6, likely due to it being nearly its limit already. Yolov6 is also faster than v9e
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind conf=0.25 iou=0.3 + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch5_cont_5_upscaled_augsv2
Same siglip as prev best of 0.905 on yolov9e https://console.cloud.google.com/ai/platform/locations/asia-southeast1/batch-predictions/4075404169781968896?project=dsta-angelhack
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.908
- Speed Score: 0.7603945631481481
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch22 + epoch29 blind conf=0.25 iou=0.3 WBF + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch5_cont_5_upscaled_augsv2
epoch22 is not blind
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.909
- Speed Score: 0.7636044942592592
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch 35 blind conf=0.25 iou=0.3 WBF + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch5_cont_5_upscaled_augsv2
epoch35 is a new train run with dsta+own test as the previous run resume from checkpoint was broken
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.905
- Speed Score: 0.7485737964814815
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind + epoch 35 blind conf=0.25 iou=0.3 WBF + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch5_cont_5_upscaled_augsv2
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.91
- Speed Score: 0.7403886118518519 WBF of 0.905+0.908 = 0.91
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind + epoch 35 blind conf=0.25 iou=0.3 WBF + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch10v2
New trained from start with 10 epochs, same as epoch5v2 below (data is fully upscaled with pad=1 too, instead of nothing)
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.903
- Speed Score: 0.7448786192592592
Worse than epoch10v1
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind + epoch 35 blind conf=0.5 iou=0.5 WBF 0.3 + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch5v3
Note: conf=0.5 and 0.25 did not make any score difference in 0.91 submission, so it is safe to change that v3 models are trained on expanded XS set (DSTA + own test, total 37120 boxes, where XS is 9214)
(wrong settings conf=0.5 iou=0.3 wbf=0.5):
- Accuracy: 0.913
- Speed Score: 0.7173836805555556
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.913
- Speed Score: 0.7431386035185186
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind + epoch 35 blind conf=0.5 iou=0.5 WBF 0.3 + siglip-large-patch16-384 epoch10v3
(wrong settings conf=0.5 iou=0.3 wbf=0.5):
- Accuracy: 0.897
- Speed Score: 0.7440496585185186
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.897
- Score: 0.757444107037037
Siglip epoch 10v3 is overfitted
YOLOv6l6 augsv3 epoch29 blind + epoch 35 blind conf=0.5 iou=0.5 WBF 0.3 + siglip-so400m epoch5_merged
SO400m but trained on merged XS data
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.902
- Speed Score: 0.6077701553703703
Still worse than large
map@0.5 self calculated conf=0.1: 0.5095833333333334
pycocotools on conf=0.1:
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.127
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.394
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.042
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.153
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.080
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 1 ] = 0.081
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.208
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.208
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.247
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.077
map@0.5 self calculated conf=0.1: 0.7375
pycocotools on conf=0.1:
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.239
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.667
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.096
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.223
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.310
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 1 ] = 0.108
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.342
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.342
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.348
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.323
map@0.5 self calculated conf=0.1: 0.7529166666666667
map@0.5 self calculated conf=0.5: 0.6794763513513513
pycocotools on conf=0.1:
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.249
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.679
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.107
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.224
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.335
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 1 ] = 0.113
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.354
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.354
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.350
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.367
pycocotools on conf=0.1:
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.197
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.574
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.073
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.184
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.256
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 1 ] = 0.100
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.289
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.289
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = -1.000
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.296
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.264
Bad run.
conf | IoU thresh | pycocotools mAP@0.5 | pycocotools mAP@0.5-0.95 | self calc mAP@0.5 over no. GT | self calc mAP@0.5 over no. preds |
0.1 | 0.5 | 0.806 | 0.319 | 0.8606010016694491 | 0.47304427621013995 |
0.25 | 0.1 | 0.765 | 0.305 | 0.800251256281407 | 0.8145780051150895 |
0.25 | 0.3 | 0.765 | 0.305 | 0.8010887772194305 | 0.8095641134151502 |
0.25 | 0.5 | 0.773 | 0.307 | 0.804857621440536 | 0.7998335414065751 |
0.25 | 0.7 | 0.772 | 0.309 | 0.8115577889447236 | 0.7540856031128405 |
0.5 | 0.5 | 0.713 | 0.283 | 0.7377946127946128 | 0.909704203425013 |
Conclusion: Yolov6l6's TPs are of lower conf than v9e which means a lower conf thresh must be used, this increases FPs. Lower IOU is more suitable for small obj det. Overall, yolov6l6 outperforms all yolov9e. Self calculated mAP@0.5 over GT: v9e 0.6794763513513513 (conf=0.5, iou=0.1) vs v6l6 0.7377946127946128 (conf=0.5, iou=0.5). On cocotools map@0.5, v9e 0.679 vs v6l6 0.806 (conf=0.1, iou=0.5) Choosing conf=0.25 and iou=0.3 for finals as it strikes balance between Precision and Recall on self calc.
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.675
- Speed Score: 0.7928535311111111
val set 0.8140147523709168
with upscale x4v3 pad=10: val set 0.40325029020448255
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.69
- Speed Score: 0.7744111877777777
0.414 is the F1 peak conf threshold
val set:
- conf=0.414 0.8535300316122234
- conf=0.365 0.8538812785388128
- conf=0.1 0.4345923743191356
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.778
- Speed Score: 0.7240670631481481
- Total 0.77260670631481481
- Accuracy: 0.777
- Speed Score: 0.7499369624074075
- Total 0.77429369624074075
- Accuracy: 0.776
- Speed Score: 0.7445673185185185
- Total 0.77285673185185185
Conclusion conf=0.1 best overall but in finals should use 0.01 as speed may not be as important
val set:
- conf=0.3: 0.8559887600983491
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.777
- Speed Score: 0.7499283801851853
with aug:
- Accuracy: 0.776
- Speed Score: 0.6983089774074074
finetuned on 1600 input, 0.995map@0.5, 0.825map@0.5-0.95 conf=0.1: val set 0.8538812785388128
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.78
- Speed Score: 0.7006760618518519
conf=0.1 no aug:
- Accuracy: 0.778
- Speed Score: 0.6996216127777778
TTA helps
this epoch has better recall and lower bbox loss than epoch 62
conf=0.1: val set 0.8542325254654022
test set:
conf=0.01 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.782
- Speed Score: 0.680809122037037
- Total: 0.7718809122037037
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.781
- Speed Score: 0.6885281759259259
- Total: 0.77175281759259259
conf=0.1 no aug:
- Accuracy: 0.779
- Speed Score: 0.753397417037037
- Total: 0.7764397417037037
conf=0.3 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.779
- Speed Score: 0.6993088687037037
both val and test slightly better than epoch62. TTA improves unlike other checkpoints. The improvement in score is not worth the time from augs for quals
conf=0.1 val set 0.9694415173867229
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.846
- Speed Score: 0.6200159431481481
Train loss was high, likely due to initial lr to high (1e-4) val set 0.7290129961362838
not testing
5x3090, per gpu bs=12, no grad accum, effective bs 60
val set 0.9903407095187917
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.823
- Speed Score: 0.6942834481481481
BS hurting it.
5x3090, per gpu bs=12, no grad accum, effective bs 60
val set 0.9912188268352652
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.79
- Speed Score: 0.7004231074074074
BS hurting it.
5x3090, per gpu bs=12, no grad accum, effective bs 60
val set 0.9912188268352652
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.836
- Speed Score: 0.7017661998148148
BS hurting it but training longer helps
Models trained on 5x3090, per gpu bs=12, grad accum=16 = effective bs 960.
val set 0.9899894625922023
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.864
- Speed Score: 0.6763070722222222
continued for 5 more epoch: (0.781 -> 0.874, 10 epoch ft = 0.093 map improvement)
- Accuracy: 0.874
- Speed Score: 0.6867920601851851
same (10epoch) but with real-esrgan x4v3 upscaling:
- Accuracy: 0.881
- Speed Score: 0.6629727242592593
Conclusion: Continued training does not reflect lower training loss but improves on test. Upscaling, despite being CONSISTENTLY bad locally, improves on test.
Models trained on 5x3090, per gpu bs=12, grad accum=16 = effective bs 960. With strong augs, final train loss 2.8 (high!)
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=2500, p=0.5),
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.4, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.Affine(scale=(0.8, 1.2), p=0.2),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
ToTensorV2() # change back to CHW here
val set 0.662978573937478
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.643
- Speed Score: 0.6780248025925926
Due to non normalized GaussianNoise, the model is screwed
Models trained on 5x3090, per gpu bs=12, grad accum=16 = effective bs 960. With FIXED augs (gaussian noise was not normalized)
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=2500/255/255, p=0.5), # normalize
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.4, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.Affine(scale=(0.8, 1.2), p=0.2),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
ToTensorV2() # change back to CHW here
val set 0.7298911134527573
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.674
- Speed Score: 0.6066626014814815
Models trained on 2x3090, per gpu bs=10, grad accum=48 = effective bs 960. With less augs. Final loss 2.4: https://wandb.ai/aliencaocao/TIL2024/runs/rc47xjod?nw=nwuseraliencaocao
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=500/255/255, p=0.5), # normalize
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
ToTensorV2() # change back to CHW here
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.672
- Speed Score: 0.6934455792592593
Conclusion: more epochs does not help, neither did less aug. Something else is fundamentally affecting the model
torchvision ops operates on RGB while albumentations likely assumed BGR since it runs on top of OpenCV which uses BGR. This causes a swapped color channel but nothing will error out and model will still maintain some performance due to its robustness to color channel swaps. Reimplementing all torchvisison ops in albumentations made the loss normal.
This model is the same as the previous but with fixed augmentation due to torchvision/albumentations color channel mismatch. no weight decay. Resumed from epoch 5 (0.864)
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.Resize(image_size, image_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4),
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=400, p=0.5),
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
A.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std),
ToTensorV2() # CHW
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.877
- Speed Score: 0.6770407942592593
Slight drop in perf VS 0.881 might be due to weight decay.
with 1e-4 weight decay, on fixed aug:
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.Resize(image_size, image_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4),
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=500, p=0.5),
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_lower=75, p=0.5),
A.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std),
ToTensorV2() # CHW
val set 0.9706708816297858
test set:
conf=0.01 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.864
- Speed Score: 0.6026722651851852
conf=0.1 aug without upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.882
- Speed Score: 0.6314698722222223
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.891
- Speed Score: 0.6100433083333334
own test V1: IoU@0.5: 0.5916666666666667
conf=0.3 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.891
- Speed Score: 0.623484457037037
Conclusion for conf-0.1 vs conf-0.3:
previously with siglip-large, conf0.3 gave 0.779 while conf=0.1 gave 0.781. Here, we see equal performance. This means that siglip-large has higher precision when given more bboxes containing more irrelevant images (and also more relevant images from the lowered conf). so400m either wrongly classify these new relevant images as FN, which is supported by it having way more FPs at conf=0.01, or had just nice the same amount of new TPs and FNs that they cancel out. This can be a sign of it reaching its limit, meaning further improvement may have to come from obj detector. In a way, so400m is worse than siglip large in preventing FPs, but it is also shown that without the obj detector spam BBOX, it is better at TPs and TNs. This places more emphasis that obj detector.
continued for 3 more epoch:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.877
- Speed Score: 0.6309745066666667
starting to overfit.
continue from epoch 15 with stronger augs for 4 more:
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=1000, p=1.0),
own test V2: 0.63875
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.889
- Speed Score: 0.6317016698148148
might be overfitting a bit
Even stronger augs, rest same as best config (0.864 etc)
self.albu_transforms = A.Compose([
A.Resize(image_size, image_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4),
A.GaussNoise(var_limit=(500, 5000), p=1.0, per_channel=True),
A.ISONoise(p=1.0, color_shift=(0.02, 0.07)),
A.AdvancedBlur(blur_limit=(3, 11), p=0.3),
A.RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.5, p=0.5),
A.ImageCompression(quality_range=(25, 75), p=0.8),
A.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std),
ToTensorV2() # CHW
test set:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.884
- Speed Score: 0.6111272474074074
Compared to 0.881 for epoch 10 + fixed aug, this is just epoch 5 and proved to be better. New aug is good.
Same as above 0.884 but with training data upscaled 4x using real-esrgan x4v3 (pad=10 with image < 10 untouched)
own test V2: 0.6516666666666666
test set:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale pad=10:
- Accuracy: 0.892
- Speed Score: 0.5845252370370371
conf=0.1 aug with upscale pad=1:
- Accuracy: 0.887
- Speed Score: 0.6722072796296297
conf=0.1 aug with upscale pad conditional (>10: 10, <=10: 1):
- Accuracy: 0.894
- Speed Score: 0.6546273527777777
conf=0.5 aug with upscale pad conditional (>10: 10, <=10: 1):
- Accuracy: 0.899
- Speed Score: 0.6836933364814815
Training on upscale has significant benefit. It allows siglip large to outperform the current best 0.891 on SO400M 15 epoch aug with just 5 epoch. Equal perf on own test VS SO400M epoch19, a sign that own test V2 is correlating well to leaderboard. pad=1 is bad for all BUT still better than not upscaling small images. conf=0.5 is better now as new trained siglip-large is worse on low conf/many FP boxes
SAHI on epoch 65 with auto slice (6) conf=0.1:
- Accuracy: 0.867
- Speed Score: 0.2951938051851851
SAHI on epoch 65 with auto slice (6) conf=0.3:
- Accuracy: 0.891
- Speed Score: 0.3115894898148148
SAHI on epoch 65 with auto slice (6) conf=0.5:
- Accuracy: 0.902
- Speed Score: 0.31025421537037035
SAHI on epoch 65 with auto slice (6) conf=0.7:
- Accuracy: 0.884
- Speed Score: 0.3067358027777778
Conclusion SAHI need to use high conf thresh likely to reduce increased FPs as we zoom and slice
WBF with epoch62 and 65 at 1536 1, 1:
- Accuracy: 0.881
- Speed Score: 0.5903281548148147
WBF with epoch62 and 65 at 1600 1, 1:
- Accuracy: 0.885
- Speed Score: 0.5567839605555556
WBF with epoch62 and 65 at 1600 0.2, 1:
- Accuracy: 0.887
- Speed Score: 0.5553002087037037
The epoch 62 model dragging it down. Dropping reso to 1536 makes it worse.
Same as above 0.884 but with training data upscaled 4x using real-esrgan x4v3 (pad=10 with image < 10 upscaled with pad=1)
test set:
no sahi conf=0.5:
- Accuracy: 0.89
- Speed Score: 0.6588264529629629
Worse than epoch5v1 upscaled cont 5ep below. Might be overfitting due to reduction in variance in training data by upscaling all images.
Continued from above 0.894 for 5 more epoch but with training data upscaled 4x using real-esrgan x4v3 (pad=10 with image < 10 upscaled with pad=1)
No SAHI conf=0.1:
- Accuracy: 0.889
- Speed Score: 0.6697810924074075
This is worse than ep5 where (0.894 -> 0.889)
No SAHI conf=0.5:
- Accuracy: 0.896
- Speed Score: 0.6889453096296296
This is also worse than ep5 where (0.899 -> 0.896)
SAHI conf=0.5: (BEST)
- Accuracy: 0.905
- Speed Score: 0.28737872240740736
BUT this is better than ep5 where (0.902 -> 0.905)
New yolo trained on augsV2
SAHI conf0.5:
- Accuracy: 0.879
- Speed Score: 0.2790422940740741
On epoch5_cont_5 no SAHI conf0.5:
- Accuracy: 0.89
- Speed Score: 0.6602123187037037
new yolo bad, augs V2 sucks.
Same as above but with text backbone frozen
test set:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.888
- Speed Score: 0.5911145787037038
Conclusion: previously shown that image backbone freezes are bad (0.864 -> 0.759 on SO400M). Text backbone however are only slightly worse (0.892 -> 0.888), likely because test data is MUCH more different on visuals than text descriptions compared to pretrained data. This can be a good way to finetune when compute-restricted.
Same augv2 and trained on upscaled data
test set:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.885
- Speed Score: 0.62944337
conf=0.5 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.892
- Speed Score: 0.6295357251851852
Unexpected but might be overfitting. Higher confidence improves which means it is weaker at FPs.
training loss is slightly lower than ep15, but may be due to shorter warmup period (10% of total steps).
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.885
- Speed Score: 0.6373048718518519
weird but could be overfitting too since larger training data now means easier for model to learn.
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.878
- Speed Score: 0.619298697037037
Underfitting. Weird that so400m is not doing very well on test set. Might be overfitting after all.
with 1e-4 weight decay, on fixed aug same as above so400m
own test V2: 0.64125
test set:
conf=0.1 aug with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.887
- Speed Score: 0.5728528418518519
Conclusion: So400m outperform siglip-large on leaderboard but underperform on own test.
Same as current best epoch 5 (0.864 test) but no weight decay
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.861
- Speed Score: 0.6977295988888889
No weight decay on whole thing doesnt help, the paper say use on text backbone only
siglip-so400m-patch14-384 with no decay, frozen vision, rest same as best (0.864) https://wandb.ai/aliencaocao/TIL2024/runs/odljiaec
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.759
- Speed Score: 0.6347100637037038
same as above but with all unfrozen
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.864
- Speed Score: 0.6515823366666667
with upscale:
- Accuracy: 0.878
- Speed Score: 0.6230587416666666
Same score but slower, not worth
test set:
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.782
- Speed Score: 0.648020966851852
best zero shot, marginally better than siglip-large-patch16-384 at speed cost
this is the last checkpoint with lowest loss but likely overfitted
conf=0.1: val set 0.8551106427818757
test set
conf=0.1 aug:
- Accuracy: 0.778
- Speed Score: 0.7026901435185186
conf=0.1 no aug:
- Accuracy: 0.776
- Speed Score: 0.7372752572222223
val map slightly better than epoch65 but test is worse than epoch 62
Recall @ 0.1 conf is 0.99+
val set:
- conf=0.1: 0.7987355110642782
- conf=0.365: 0.7987355110642782
- Accuracy: 0.706
- Speed Score: 0.7528886066666667
- Accuracy: 0.705
- Speed Score: 0.7609215872222221
- Accuracy: 0.667
- Speed Score: 0.7041770444444444
- Accuracy: 0.678
- Speed Score: 0.7637064385185185
** Low conf reduce recall and increase FP but since CLIP is strong enough to identify the FPs it IMPROVES**
Same as siglip-so400m-14-980-flash-attn2-navit
val set 0.5319634703196348
not testing as poor perf on val set
val set 0.8203371970495258
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.617
- Speed Score: 0.7981289131481482
val set 0.8159466104671584
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.605
- Speed Score: 0.7732906711111112
high res degrade perf on val
val set 0.8767123287671232
with upscale x2 pad=10: val set 0.7600260841212911
with upscale x4v3 pad=1: val set 0.41789445486204124
with upscale x4v3 pad=10: val set 0.819634703196347
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.658
- Speed Score: 0.7836627077777778
- Accuracy: 0.654
- Speed Score: 0.7672438733333333
Upscaling still bad, ViT-H not as robust to FPs by YOLO as SigLIP-L
30% faster than any other VIT-L models, maybe a HF pipeline overhead issue
val set fp16 0.6457674745345978
val set fp32 AMP 0.6454162276080084
A bit slower than 224 but still 20% faster than other VIT-L
val set 0.6434843695117668
Conclusion: EVA02 CLIP sucks
val set 0.7799438004917457
not testing as clearly worse
val set 0.850895679662803
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.631
- Speed Score: 0.7869898768518518
val set 0.7695820161573587
not testing as clearly bad
val set 0.847383210396909
- Accuracy: 0.635
- Speed Score: 0.8058501905555555
Conclusion: b16 better than b32 marginally
val set 0.8205128205128205
not testing as clearly worse than fullcc2.5b
val set 0.8640674394099052
with upscale x4v3 pad=10: val set 0.815595363540569
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.658
- Speed Score: 0.7976818785185185
val set 0.8739023533544081
with upscale x4v3 pad=10: val set 0.8243765367053039
test set:
- Accuracy: 0.64
- Speed Score: 0.7755046064814815
From val set only, H series has the best perf compared to L, L is better than B. More data lead to better.
pre_pad=1: val set 0.672641652741911
pre_pad=10: val set 0.7766069546891464
Conclusion: ESRGANx2 is bad at prepad=1
pre_pad=1: val set 0.7809975412715139
pre_pad=10: val set 0.720480753613773
Conclusion: ESRGANx4 is a lot better than 2x but 20% slower at prepad=1, ESRGANx4 is bad at prepad=10 somehow, but overall 4x is better than 2x
x4v3 is the lite model, 100% faster!
pre_pad=1: val set 0.782051282051282
pre_pad=10: val set 0.7804706708816298
Conclusion: pre_pad 1 or 10 dont make much diff, but speed increase VS acc improvement is good. Still worse than without upscaling though. realesr-general-x4v3 is better than normal x4 marginally.
SAHI batched inference implementation is modified from https://github.com/andressrodrl/sahi_custom/tree/batch_inf