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Console API

How to run

  1. Make sure you have a valid Akash database first.
  2. Make sure you have a valid User database. If the user database is empty, the necessary tables will be created automatically.
  3. Create a .env file with the necessary environment variables.
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  5. Start the app with npm start.

You can make sure the api is working by accessing the status endpoint: http://localhost:3080/status


Project is configured to use Jest for testing. It is intended to be covered with unit and functional tests where applicable.

Running tests

To execute both unit and functional tests, run:

npm test

To run unit tests exclusively, use:

npm run test:unit

To run only functional tests, use:

npm run test:functional

Watch Mode

To automatically re-run tests upon any changes, use the following watch mode commands:

npm test:watch
npm run test:unit:watch
npm run test:functional:watch

Collecting Coverage

To collect and view test coverage, use the following commands:

npm test:coverage
npm run test:unit:coverage
npm run test:functional:coverage

Contributing to Tests

Unit Tests: Focus on testing individual functions and components in isolation, without external dependencies.

Test File Structure: For consistency, each component tested with unit tests should reside in its own directory, named after the component. Place the test file alongside the component, suffixed with .spec. For example:

Functional Tests: Aim to evaluate the system's behavior as a whole, including endpoints, workers, and workflows. Place functional tests in the test/functional directory.


Functional Tests Wallet

Functional tests use the Akash sandbox environment and require wallet credentials. By default, TestWalletService generates a unique wallet for each test file, which increases startup time. To improve performance, you can configure a single shared wallet by setting MASTER_WALLET_MNEMONIC in env/.env.functional.test.local. Simply create a wallet, add its mnemonic to this file, and fund it via the Akash sandbox faucet (

Changes from beta to v1 (February 2024)

Api Versioning

The public api version will now be included in the url like so:<endpoint>

Changes that are backward compatible like adding a new endpoint will be done in the existing version. Changes that are not backward compatible, such as removing an endpoint, will be done in a new version. When releasing a new version, a list of breaking changes will be made available. We will keep the old version available for a while to give users enough time to migrate their applications to the latest version.

Swagger Documentation

A swagger documentation is now available at You can use it to see the list of available endpoints and try them directly in your browser.

Route Changes

The /api prefix was removed from every public endpoints and instead the version should be used (ex: /v1/<endpoint>)

Here is a list of endpoints that have changed in this release. Old endpoints will temporarily redirect to the new ones. In future releases, the versioning system will be used instead of redirects.

Old New
/dashboardData /dashboard-data
/getNetworkCapacity /network-capacity
/getMainnetNodes /nodes/mainnet
/getSandboxNodes /nodes/sandbox
/getTestnetNodes /nodes/testnet
/getProviderAttributesSchema /provider-attributes-schema
/getMainnetVersion /version/mainnet
/getSandboxVersion /version/sandbox
/getTestnetVersion /version/testnet
/getProviderGraphData/<dataName> /provider-graph-data/<dataName>
/getProviderActiveLeasesGraphData/<address> /provider-active-leases-graph-data/<address>
/getGraphData/<dataName> /graph-data/<dataName>
/marketData /market-data
/predicted-block-date/<height>/<blockWindow> /predicted-block-date/<height>?blockWindow=<blockWindow>
/predicted-date-height/<timestamp>/<blockWindow> /predicted-date-height/<timestamp>?blockWindow=<blockWindow>
/providers/<provider>/deployments/<skip>/<take>/<status> /providers/<provider>/deployments/<skip>/<take>?status=<status>