- Timer function
- Squared power list
- Polygon_area
- Temp converter
- Speed converter
def time_it(fn, *args, repetitions= 1, **kwargs):
"""This is a genralized function to call any function
user specified number of times and return the average
time taken for calls"""
total_time = 0
# Repetition should be positive number
for i in range(0,repetitions):
start = time.perf_counter()
end = time.perf_counter()
total_time += (end-start)
return total_time
- we can feed a function, parameters needed for function and number of times we need to repeat the calculation
- perf_counter() function is used to measure timing
- We need to measure only the time taken to execute a function so we need to use it only at start and end of the function instead of using it outside forloop
def squared_power_list(number,*args, start=0, end=5,**kwargs):
"""Retruns list by raising number to power from start to end
-> number**start to number**end. Default start is 0 and end is 5"""
result = []
for i in range(start,end):
return result
Squared power list takes a number as input and iterates from start value to end value, during iteration it calculates the input power to the iter value.
not isinstance(number,int)
We are checking whether the number is integer else we would raise a Type error
len(args) >=1 , len(kwargs) >= 1
if any additional position arguments or keyword arguments are given we are raise a Typeerror and informing user
(start < 0) or (end < 0) , start > end
Start value and end value should not be negative , also start value should be less than end
number >= 10
if number is greater than 10 raise a error
def polygon_area(length, *args, sides = 3, **kwargs):
"""Retruns area of a regular polygon with number of sides between
3 to 6 bith inclusive"""
area = sides * (length ** 2) / (4 * tan(pi / sides))
return area
Takes length and sides of the polygon as input and calculates the area of polygon with formula.
sides in [0,1,2,7]
There is a constraint where it should calculate area for sides of 3 to 6 only
not isinstance(length,int) , not isinstance(sides,int)
if length or sides is not a int then error is thrown
def temp_converter(temp, *args, temp_given_in = 'f', **kwargs):
"""Converts temprature from celsius 'c' to fahrenheit 'f' or
fahrenheit to celsius"""
if temp_given_in == 'f' or temp_given_in == 'F':
return ((temp - 32)*5)/9
elif temp_given_in == 'c' or temp_given_in == 'C':
return (temp*1.8) + 32
Temp converter takes in temperature as a input parameter and converts it to either farenhiet or celsius depending on "temp_given_in" parameter
not ((isinstance(temp,int)) or (isinstance(temp,float))), temp_given_in.isalpha(), not isinstance(temp_given_in,str)
if the input temperature is not a int or float raise a error
temp <=-273.15, temp <=-459.67
temperature should not beless than -273.15 celsius and it should not be less than -459.67 Farenheit
def speed_converter(speed, *args, dist='km', time='min', **kwargs):
"""Converts speed from kmph (provided by user as input) to different units
dist can be km/m/ft/yrd time can be ms/s/min/hr/day """
time_dict = {'h_ms' : 3600000, 'h_s': 3600 ,'h_min' : 60 ,'h_hr': 1 , 'h_day' : 0.0416667}
distance_dict = {'km_km': 1, 'km_m': 1000, 'km_ft': 3280.8399999999001011, 'km_yrd': 1093.610}
result = speed * (distance_dict["km_" + dist]/time_dict["h_" +time])
result = round(result,0)
return result
In Speed converter , the speed in km/hr is given as a input and the desired conversion format is given in "dist" and "time" parameter -We have used a dictinary and stored the conversion values in it so that we can easily fetch it when needed. it also reduces the code.
Formula = speed * ( distance_metrics/ time_metrics)
speed< 0, speed >=300001
Speed should not be negative and it should not be more than speed of light
not (isinstance(speed,int) or isinstance(speed,float))
Speed should be either a int or float
not (isinstance(dist,str) )
Desired distance format should be a string
not (isinstance(time,str) )
Desired distance time should be a string