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Epai3 - Session5


  • Timer function
  • Squared power list
  • Polygon_area
  • Temp converter
  • Speed converter

Timer function:

def time_it(fn, *args, repetitions= 1, **kwargs):
    """This is a genralized function to call any function
    user specified number of times and return the average
    time taken for calls"""
    total_time = 0
    # Repetition should be positive number        
    for i in range(0,repetitions):
        start = time.perf_counter() 
        end = time.perf_counter() 
        total_time += (end-start)
    return total_time
  • we can feed a function, parameters needed for function and number of times we need to repeat the calculation
  • perf_counter() function is used to measure timing
  • We need to measure only the time taken to execute a function so we need to use it only at start and end of the function instead of using it outside forloop

Squared power list

def squared_power_list(number,*args, start=0, end=5,**kwargs):
    """Retruns list by raising number to power from start to end
    -> number**start to number**end. Default start is 0 and end is 5"""
    result = []
    for i in range(start,end):
    return result
  • Squared power list takes a number as input and iterates from start value to end value, during iteration it calculates the input power to the iter value.

    not isinstance(number,int)

  • We are checking whether the number is integer else we would raise a Type error

    len(args) >=1 , len(kwargs) >= 1

  • if any additional position arguments or keyword arguments are given we are raise a Typeerror and informing user

    (start < 0) or (end < 0) , start > end

  • Start value and end value should not be negative , also start value should be less than end

    number >= 10

  • if number is greater than 10 raise a error


def polygon_area(length, *args, sides = 3, **kwargs):
    """Retruns area of a regular polygon with number of sides between
    3 to 6 bith inclusive"""
    area = sides * (length ** 2) / (4 * tan(pi / sides))
    return area 
  • Takes length and sides of the polygon as input and calculates the area of polygon with formula.

    sides in [0,1,2,7]

  • There is a constraint where it should calculate area for sides of 3 to 6 only

    not isinstance(length,int) , not isinstance(sides,int)

  • if length or sides is not a int then error is thrown

Temperature Converter

def temp_converter(temp, *args, temp_given_in = 'f', **kwargs):
    """Converts temprature from celsius 'c' to fahrenheit 'f' or
    fahrenheit to celsius"""
    if temp_given_in == 'f' or temp_given_in == 'F':            
        return ((temp - 32)*5)/9
    elif temp_given_in == 'c' or temp_given_in == 'C':            
        return (temp*1.8) + 32
  • Temp converter takes in temperature as a input parameter and converts it to either farenhiet or celsius depending on "temp_given_in" parameter

    not ((isinstance(temp,int)) or (isinstance(temp,float))), temp_given_in.isalpha(), not isinstance(temp_given_in,str)

  • if the input temperature is not a int or float raise a error

    temp <=-273.15, temp <=-459.67

  • temperature should not beless than -273.15 celsius and it should not be less than -459.67 Farenheit


def speed_converter(speed, *args, dist='km', time='min', **kwargs):
    """Converts speed from kmph (provided by user as input) to different units
    dist can be km/m/ft/yrd time can be ms/s/min/hr/day """

    time_dict = {'h_ms' :  3600000, 'h_s': 3600 ,'h_min' : 60 ,'h_hr': 1 , 'h_day' : 0.0416667}
    distance_dict = {'km_km': 1, 'km_m': 1000, 'km_ft': 3280.8399999999001011, 'km_yrd': 1093.610}
    result = speed * (distance_dict["km_" + dist]/time_dict["h_" +time])
    result = round(result,0)
    return result   
  • In Speed converter , the speed in km/hr is given as a input and the desired conversion format is given in "dist" and "time" parameter -We have used a dictinary and stored the conversion values in it so that we can easily fetch it when needed. it also reduces the code.

  • Formula = speed * ( distance_metrics/ time_metrics)

    speed< 0, speed >=300001

  • Speed should not be negative and it should not be more than speed of light

    not (isinstance(speed,int) or isinstance(speed,float))

  • Speed should be either a int or float

    not (isinstance(dist,str) )

  • Desired distance format should be a string

    not (isinstance(time,str) )

  • Desired distance time should be a string