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File metadata and controls

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Local Server API

From firmware version 3.0.10 onwards, the AirGradient ONE and Open Air monitors have below API available.


The monitors run a mDNS discovery. So within the same network, the monitor can be accessed through:


The following requests are possible:

Get Current Air Quality (GET)

With the path "/measures/current" you can get the current air quality data.


“ecda3b1eaaaf” being the serial number of your monitor.

You get the following response:

  "wifi": -46,
  "serialno": "ecda3b1eaaaf",
  "rco2": 447,
  "pm01": 3,
  "pm02": 7,
  "pm10": 8,
  "pm003Count": 442,
  "atmp": 25.87,
  "atmpCompensated": 24.47,
  "rhum": 43,
  "rhumCompensated": 49,
  "tvocIndex": 100,
  "tvocRaw": 33051,
  "noxIndex": 1,
  "noxRaw": 16307,
  "boot": 6,
  "bootCount": 6,
  "ledMode": "pm",
  "firmware": "3.1.3",
  "model": "I-9PSL",
  "monitorDisplayCompensatedValues": true
Properties Type Explanation
serialno String Serial Number of the monitor
wifi Number WiFi signal strength
pm01 Number PM1.0 in ug/m3 (atmospheric environment)
pm02 Number PM2.5 in ug/m3 (atmospheric environment)
pm10 Number PM10 in ug/m3 (atmospheric environment)
pm02Compensated Number PM2.5 in ug/m3 with correction applied (from fw version 3.1.4 onwards)
pm01Standard Number PM1.0 in ug/m3 (standard particle)
pm02Standard Number PM2.5 in ug/m3 (standard particle)
pm10Standard Number PM10 in ug/m3 (standard particle)
rco2 Number CO2 in ppm
pm003Count Number Particle count 0.3um per dL
pm005Count Number Particle count 0.5um per dL
pm01Count Number Particle count 1.0um per dL
pm02Count Number Particle count 2.5um per dL
pm50Count Number Particle count 5.0um per dL (only for indoor monitor)
pm10Count Number Particle count 10um per dL (only for indoor monitor)
atmp Number Temperature in Degrees Celsius
atmpCompensated Number Temperature in Degrees Celsius with correction applied
rhum Number Relative Humidity
rhumCompensated Number Relative Humidity with correction applied
tvocIndex Number Senisiron VOC Index
tvocRaw Number VOC raw value
noxIndex Number Senisirion NOx Index
noxRaw Number NOx raw value
boot Number Counts every measurement cycle. Low boot counts indicate restarts.
bootCount Number Same as boot property. Required for Home Assistant compatability. (deprecated soon!)
ledMode String Current configuration of the LED mode
firmware String Current firmware version
model String Current model name

Compensated values apply correction algorithms to make the sensor values more accurate. Temperature and relative humidity correction is only applied on the outdoor monitor Open Air but the properties _compensated will still be send also for the indoor monitor AirGradient ONE.

Get Configuration Parameters (GET)

"/config" path returns the current configuration of the monitor.

  "country": "TH",
  "pmStandard": "ugm3",
  "ledBarMode": "pm",
  "abcDays": 7,
  "tvocLearningOffset": 12,
  "noxLearningOffset": 12,
  "mqttBrokerUrl": "",
  "temperatureUnit": "c",
  "configurationControl": "local",
  "postDataToAirGradient": true,
  "ledBarBrightness": 100,
  "displayBrightness": 100,
  "offlineMode": false,
  "model": "I-9PSL",
  "monitorDisplayCompensatedValues": true,
  "corrections": {
    "pm02": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "epa_2021",
      "slr": {}

Set Configuration Parameters (PUT)

Configuration parameters can be changed with a PUT request to the monitor, e.g.

Example to force CO2 calibration

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"co2CalibrationRequested":true}' http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config 

Example to set monitor to Celsius

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"temperatureUnit":"c"}' http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config 

If you use command prompt on Windows, you need to escape the quotes:

-d "{\"param\":\"value\"}"

Avoiding Conflicts with Configuration on AirGradient Server

If the monitor is set up on the AirGradient dashboard, it will also receive the configuration parameters from there. In case you do not want this, please set configurationControl to local. In case you set it to cloud and want to change it to local, you need to make a factory reset.

Configuration Parameters (GET/PUT)

Properties Description Type Accepted Values Example
country Country where the device is. String Country code as ALPHA-2 notation {"country": "TH"}
model Hardware identifier (only GET). String I-9PSL-DE {"model": "I-9PSL-DE"}
pmStandard Particle matter standard used on the display. String ugm3: ug/m3
us-aqi: USAQI
{"pmStandard": "ugm3"}
ledBarMode Mode in which the led bar can be set. String co2: LED bar displays CO2
pm: LED bar displays PM
off: Turn off LED bar
{"ledBarMode": "off"}
displayBrightness Brightness of the Display. Number 0-100 {"displayBrightness": 50}
ledBarBrightness Brightness of the LEDBar. Number 0-100 {"ledBarBrightness": 40}
abcDays Number of days for CO2 automatic baseline calibration. Number Maximum 200 days. Default 8 days. {"abcDays": 8}
mqttBrokerUrl MQTT broker URL. String {"mqttBrokerUrl": "mqtt://"}
temperatureUnit Temperature unit shown on the display. String c or C: Degree Celsius °C
f or F: Degree Fahrenheit °F
{"temperatureUnit": "c"}
configurationControl The configuration source of the device. String both: Accept local and cloud configuration
local: Accept only local configuration
cloud: Accept only cloud configuration
{"configurationControl": "both"}
postDataToAirGradient Send data to AirGradient cloud. Boolean true: Enabled
false: Disabled
{"postDataToAirGradient": true}
co2CalibrationRequested Can be set to trigger a calibration. Boolean true: CO2 calibration (400ppm) will be triggered {"co2CalibrationRequested": true}
ledBarTestRequested Can be set to trigger a test. Boolean true : LEDs will run test sequence {"ledBarTestRequested": true}
noxLearningOffset Set NOx learning gain offset. Number 0-720 (default 12) {"noxLearningOffset": 12}
tvocLearningOffset Set VOC learning gain offset. Number 0-720 (default 12) {"tvocLearningOffset": 12}
monitorDisplayCompensatedValues Set the display show the PM value with/without compensate value (only on 3.1.9) Boolean false: Without compensate (default)
true: with compensate
{"monitorDisplayCompensatedValues": false }
corrections Sets correction options to display and measurement values on local server response. (version >= 3.1.11) Object see corrections section see corrections section


  • offlineMode : the device will disable all network operation, and only show measurements on the display and ledbar; Read-Only; Change can be apply using reset button on boot.
  • disableCloudConnection : disable every request to AirGradient server, means features like post data to AirGradient server, configuration from AirGradient server and automatic firmware updates are disabled. This configuration overrides configurationControl and postDataToAirGradient; Read-Only; Change can be apply from wifi setup webpage.


The corrections object allows configuring PM2.5, Temperature and Humidity correction algorithms and parameters locally. This affects both the display, local server response and open metrics values.

Example correction configuration:

  "corrections": {
    "pm02": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "<Option In String>",
      "slr": {
        "intercept": 0,
        "scalingFactor": 0,
        "useEpa2021": false
    "atmp": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "<Option In String>",
      "slr": {
        "intercept": 0,
        "scalingFactor": 0
    "rhum": {
      "correctionAlgorithm": "<Option In String>",
      "slr": {
        "intercept": 0,
        "scalingFactor": 0

PM 2.5

Field Name: pm02

Algorithm Value Description SLR required
Raw "none" No correction (default) No
EPA 2021 "epa_2021" Use EPA 2021 correction factors on top of raw value No
PMS5003_20240104 "slr_PMS5003_20240104" Correction for PMS5003 sensor batch 20240104 Yes
PMS5003_20231218 "slr_PMS5003_20231218" Correction for PMS5003 sensor batch 20231218 Yes
PMS5003_20231030 "slr_PMS5003_20231030" Correction for PMS5003 sensor batch 20231030 Yes


  • Set useEpa2021 to true if want to apply EPA 2021 correction factors on top of SLR correction value, otherwise false
  • intercept and scalingFactor values can be obtained from this article
  • If configurationControl is set to local (eg. when using Home Assistant), correction need to be set manually, see examples below


  • PMS5003_20231030
curl --location -X PUT 'http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"corrections":{"pm02":{"correctionAlgorithm":"slr_PMS5003_20231030","slr":{"intercept":0,"scalingFactor":0.02838,"useEpa2021":true}}}}'
  • PMS5003_20231218
curl --location -X PUT 'http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"corrections":{"pm02":{"correctionAlgorithm":"slr_PMS5003_20231218","slr":{"intercept":0,"scalingFactor":0.03525,"useEpa2021":true}}}}'
  • PMS5003_20240104
curl --location -X PUT 'http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"corrections":{"pm02":{"correctionAlgorithm":"slr_PMS5003_20240104","slr":{"intercept":0,"scalingFactor":0.02896,"useEpa2021":true}}}}'

Temperature & Humidity

Field Name:

  • Temperature: atmp
  • Humidity: rhum
Algorithm Value Description SLR required
Raw "none" No correction (default) No
AirGradient Standard Correction "ag_pms5003t_2024" Using standard airgradient correction (for outdoor monitor) No
Custom "custom" custom corrections constant, set intercept and scalingFactor manually Yes

Table above apply for both Temperature and Humidity


curl --location -X PUT 'http://airgradient_84fce612eff4.local/config' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"corrections":{"atmp":{"correctionAlgorithm":"custom","slr":{"intercept":0.2,"scalingFactor":1.1}}}}'