- Drop deprecated WSClientDisconnectedError (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
- Use yarl.URL in client API. The change is 99% backward compatible but ClientResponse.url is an yarl.URL instance now. #1217
- Close idle keep-alive connections on shutdown #1222
- Modify regex in AccessLogger to accept underscore and numbers #1225
- Use yarl.URL in web server API. web.Request.rel_url and web.Request.url are added. URLs and templates are percent-encoded now. #1224
- Accept yarl.URL by server redirections #1278
- Return yarl.URL by .make_url() testing utility #1279
- Properly format IPv6 addresses by aiohttp.web.run_app #1139
- Use yarl.URL by server API #1288
- Introduce resource.url_for(), deprecate resource.url().
- Implement StaticResource.
- Inherit SystemRoute from AbstractRoute
- Drop old-style routes: Route, PlainRoute, DynamicRoute, StaticRoute, ResourceAdapter.
- Revert resp.url back to str, introduce resp.url_obj #1292
- Raise ValueError if BasicAuth login has a ":" character #1307
- Fix bug when ClientRequest send payload file with opened as open('filename', 'r+b') #1306
- Enhancement to AccessLogger (pass extra dict) #1303
- Show more verbose message on import errors #1319
- Added save and load functionality for CookieJar #1219
- Websockets: Stop async for iteration when connection is closed #1144
- Ensure TestClient HTTP methods return a context manager #1318
- Raise ClientDisconnectedError to FlowControlStreamReader read function if ClientSession object is closed by client when reading data. #1323
- Fix StreamReader._read_nowait to return all available data up to the requested amount #1297
- Fix FlowControlStreamReader.read_nowait so that it checks whether the transport is paused #1206
- Make CookieJar compatible with 32-bit systems #1188
- Add missing WSMsgType to web_ws.__all__, see #1200
- Fix CookieJar ctor when called with loop=None #1203
- Fix broken upper-casing in wsgi support #1197
- Restore aiohttp.web.MsgType alias for aiohttp.WSMsgType for sake of backward compatibility #1178
- Tune alabaster schema.
- Use text/html content type for displaying index pages by static file handler.
- Fix AssertionError in static file handling #1177
- Fix access log formats %O and %b for static file handling
- Remove debug setting of GunicornWorker, use app.debug to control its debug-mode instead
- Change default size for client session's connection pool from unlimited to 20 #977
- Add IE support for cookie deletion. #994
- Remove deprecated WebSocketResponse.wait_closed method (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
- Remove deprecated force parameter for ClientResponse.close method (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE)
- Avoid using of mutable CIMultiDict kw param in make_mocked_request #997
- Make WebSocketResponse.close a little bit faster by avoiding new task creating just for timeout measurement
- Add proxy and proxy_auth params to client.get() and family, deprecate ProxyConnector #998
- Add support for websocket send_json and receive_json, synchronize server and client API for websockets #984
- Implement router shourtcuts for most useful HTTP methods, use app.router.add_get(), app.router.add_post() etc. instead of app.router.add_route() #986
- Support SSL connections for gunicorn worker #1003
- Move obsolete examples to legacy folder
- Switch to multidict 2.0 and title-cased strings #1015
- {FOO}e logger format is case-sensitive now
- Fix logger report for unix socket 8e8469b
- Rename aiohttp.websocket to aiohttp._ws_impl
- Rename aiohttp.MsgType tp aiohttp.WSMsgType
- Introduce aiohttp.WSMessage officially
- Rename Message -> WSMessage
- Remove deprecated decode param from resp.read(decode=True)
- Use 5min default client timeout #1028
- Relax HTTP method validation in UrlDispatcher #1037
- Pin minimal supported asyncio version to 3.4.2+ (loop.is_close() should be present)
- Remove aiohttp.websocket module (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) Please use high-level client and server approaches
- Link header for 451 status code is mandatory
- Fix test_client fixture to allow multiple clients per test #1072
- make_mocked_request now accepts dict as headers #1073
- Add Python 3.5.2/3.6+ compatibility patch for async generator protocol change #1082
- Improvement test_client can accept instance object #1083
- Simplify ServerHttpProtocol implementation #1060
- Add a flag for optional showing directory index for static file handling #921
- Define web.Application.on_startup() signal handler #1103
- Drop ChunkedParser and LinesParser #1111
- Call Application.startup in GunicornWebWorker #1105
- Fix client handling hostnames with 63 bytes when a port is given in the url #1044
- Implement proxy support for ClientSession.ws_connect #1025
- Return named tuple from WebSocketResponse.can_prepare #1016
- Fix access_log_format in GunicornWebWorker #1117
- Setup Content-Type to application/octet-stream by default #1124
- Deprecate debug parameter from app.make_handler(), use Application(debug=True) instead #1121
- Remove fragment string in request path #846
- Use aiodns.DNSResolver.gethostbyname() if available #1136
- Fix static file sending on uvloop when sendfile is available #1093
- Make prettier urls if query is empty dict #1143
- Fix redirects for HEAD requests #1147
- Default value for StreamReader.read_nowait is -1 from now #1150
- aiohttp.StreamReader is not inherited from asyncio.StreamReader from now (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1150
- Streams documentation added #1150
- Add multipart coroutine method for web Request object #1067
- Publish ClientSession.loop property #1149
- Fix static file with spaces #1140
- Fix piling up asyncio loop by cookie expiration callbacks #1061
- Drop Timeout class for sake of async_timeout external library. aiohttp.Timeout is an alias for async_timeout.timeout
- use_dns_cache parameter of aiohttp.TCPConnector is True by default (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1152
- aiohttp.TCPConnector uses asynchronous DNS resolver if available by default (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1152
- Conform to RFC3986 - do not include url fragments in client requests #1174
- Drop ClientSession.cookies (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1173
- Refactor AbstractCookieJar public API (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1173
- Fix clashing cookies with have the same name but belong to different domains (BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE) #1125
- Support binary Content-Transfer-Encoding #1169