- Properly parse URL path in aiohttp.web.Request #489
- Add missing coroutine decorator, the client api is await-compatible now
- Remove Content-Length header on compressed responses #450
- Support Python 3.5
- Improve performance of transport in-use list #472
- Fix connection pooling #473
- Don't forget to pass data argument forward #462
- Fix multipart read bytes count #463
- Fix multidict comparsion to arbitrary abc.Mapping
- Make StaticRoute support Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers #386
- Add Request.if_modified_since and Stream.Response.last_modified properties
- Fix deflate compression when writing a chunked response #395
- Request`s content-length header is cleared now after redirect from POST method #391
- Return a 400 if server received a non HTTP content #405
- Fix keep-alive support for aiohttp clients #406
- Allow gzip compression in high-level server response interface #403
- Rename TCPConnector.resolve and family to dns_cache #415
- Make UrlDispatcher ignore quoted characters during url matching #414 Backward-compatibility warning: this may change the url matched by your queries if they send quoted character (like %2F for /) #414
- Use optional cchardet accelerator if present #418
- Borrow loop from Connector in ClientSession if loop is not set
- Add context manager support to ClientSession for session closing.
- Add toplevel get(), post(), put(), head(), delete(), options(), patch() coroutines.
- Fix IPv6 support for client API #425
- Pass SSL context through proxy connector #421
- Make the rule: path for add_route should start with slash
- Don't process request finishing by low-level server on closed event loop
- Don't override data if multiple files are uploaded with same key #433
- Ensure multipart.BodyPartReader.read_chunk read all the necessary data to avoid false assertions about malformed multipart payload
- Dont sent body for 204, 205 and 304 http exceptions #442
- Correctly skip Cython compilation in MSVC not found #453
- Add response factory to StaticRoute #456
- Don't append trailing CRLF for multipart.BodyPartReader #454
- Skip compilation on Windows if vcvarsall.bat cannot be found #438
- Get rid of all comprehensions and yielding in _multidict #410
- Don't clear current exception in multidict's __repr__ (cythonized versions) #410
- Fix StaticRoute vulnerability to directory traversal attacks #380
- Update python version required for __del__ usage: it's actually 3.4.1 instead of 3.4.0
- Add check for presence of loop.is_closed() method before call the former #378
- Fix regression in static file handling #377
- Unset waiter future after cancellation #363
- Update request url with query parameters #372
- Support new fingerprint param of TCPConnector to enable verifying SSL certificates via MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 digest #366
- Setup uploaded filename if field value is binary and transfer encoding is not specified #349
- Implement ClientSession.close() method
- Implement connector.closed readonly property
- Implement ClientSession.closed readonly property
- Implement ClientSession.connector readonly property
- Implement ClientSession.detach method
- Add __del__ to client-side objects: sessions, connectors, connections, requests, responses.
- Refactor connections cleanup by connector #357
- Add limit parameter to connector constructor #358
- Add request.has_body property #364
- Add response_class parameter to ws_connect() #367
- ProxyConnector doesn't support keep-alive requests by default starting from now #368
- Add connector.force_close property
- Add ws_connect to ClientSession #374
- Support optional chunk_size parameter in router.add_static()
- Fix graceful shutdown handling
- Fix Expect header handling for not found and not allowed routes #340
- Flow control subsystem refactoring
- HTTP server performace optimizations
- Allow to match any request method with *
- Explicitly call drain on transport #316
- Make chardet module dependency mandatory #318
- Support keep-alive for HTTP 1.0 #325
- Do not chunk single file during upload #327
- Add ClientSession object for cookie storage and default headers #328
- Add keep_alive_on argument for HTTP server handler.
- Pass Autobahn Testsuit tests
- Fixed websocket fragmentation
- Fixed websocket close procedure
- Fixed parser buffer limits
- Added timeout parameter to WebSocketResponse ctor
- Added WebSocketResponse.close_code attribute
- Client WebSockets support
- New Multipart system #273
- Support for "Except" header #287 #267
- Set default Content-Type for post requests #184
- Fix issue with construction dynamic route with regexps and trailing slash #266
- Add repr to web.Request
- Add repr to web.Response
- Add repr for NotFound and NotAllowed match infos
- Add repr for web.Application
- Add repr to UrlMappingMatchInfo #217
- Gunicorn 19.2.x compatibility
- Fix issue with error during constructing of url with regex parts #264
- Use path='/' by default for cookies #261
- Connections leak in BaseConnector #253
- Do not swallow websocket reader exceptions #255
- web.Request's read, text, json are memorized #250
- HttpMessage._add_default_headers does not overwrite existing headers #216
- Expose multidict classes at package level
- add aiohttp.web.WebSocketResponse
- According to RFC 6455 websocket subprotocol preference order is provided by client, not by server
- websocket's ping and pong accept optional message parameter
- multidict views do not accept getall parameter anymore, it returns the full body anyway.
- multidicts have optional Cython optimization, cythonized version of multidicts is about 5 times faster than pure Python.
- multidict.getall() returns list, not tuple.
- Backward imcompatible change: now there are two mutable multidicts (MultiDict, CIMultiDict) and two immutable multidict proxies (MultiDictProxy and CIMultiDictProxy). Previous edition of multidicts was not a part of public API BTW.
- Router refactoring to push Not Allowed and Not Found in middleware processing
- Convert ConnectionError to aiohttp.DisconnectedError and don't eat ConnectionError exceptions from web handlers.
- Remove hop headers from Response class, wsgi response still uses hop headers.
- Allow to send raw chunked encoded response.
- Allow to encode output bytes stream into chunked encoding.
- Allow to compress output bytes stream with deflate encoding.
- Server has 75 seconds keepalive timeout now, was non-keepalive by default.
- Application doesn't accept **kwargs anymore (#243).
- Request is inherited from dict now for making per-request storage to middlewares (#242).
- Add aiohttp.web.StreamResponse.started property #213
- Html escape traceback text in ServerHttpProtocol.handle_error
- Mention handler and middlewares in aiohttp.web.RequestHandler.handle_request on error (#218)
- StreamResponse.charset converts value to lower-case on assigning.
- Chain exceptions when raise ClientRequestError.
- Support custom regexps in route variables #204
- Fixed graceful shutdown, disable keep-alive on connection closing.
- Decode HTTP message with utf-8 encoding, some servers send headers in utf-8 encoding #207
- Support aiohtt.web middlewares #209
- Add ssl_context to TCPConnector #206
- Deep refactoring of aiohttp.web in backward-incompatible manner. Sorry, we have to do this.
- Automatically force aiohttp.web handlers to coroutines in UrlDispatcher.add_route() #186
- Rename Request.POST() function to Request.post()
- Added POST attribute
- Response processing refactoring: constructor does't accept Request instance anymore.
- Pass application instance to finish callback
- Exceptions refactoring
- Do not unquote query string in aiohttp.web.Request
- Fix concurrent access to payload in RequestHandle.handle_request()
- Add access logging to aiohttp.web
- Gunicorn worker for aiohttp.web
- Removed deprecated AsyncGunicornWorker
- Removed deprecated HttpClient
- Support named routes in aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher #179
- Make websocket subprotocols conform to spec #181
- Don't unquote environ['PATH_INFO'] in wsgi.py #177
- aiohttp.web.HTTPException and descendants now files response body with string like 404: NotFound
- Fix multidict __iter__, the method should iterate over keys, not (key, value) pairs.
- Add aiohttp.web subpackage for highlevel HTTP server support.
- Add reason optional parameter to aiohttp.protocol.Response ctor.
- Fix aiohttp.client bug for sending file without content-type.
- Change error text for connection closed between server responses from 'Can not read status line' to explicit 'Connection closed by server'
- Drop closed connections from connector #173
- Set server.transport to None on .closing() #172
- Fix compatibility with asyncio 3.4.1+ #170
- Improve redirect handling #157
- Send raw files as is #153
- Better websocket support #150
- Added MultiDict support for client request params and data #114.
- Fixed parameter type for IncompleteRead exception #118.
- Strictly require ASCII headers names and values #137
- Keep port in ProxyConnector #128.
- Python 3.4.1 compatibility #131.
- Better client basic authentication support #112.
- Fixed incorrect line splitting in HttpRequestParser #97.
- Support StreamReader and DataQueue as request data.
- Client files handling refactoring #20.
- Backward incompatible: Replace DataQueue with StreamReader for request payload #87.
- Change ProxyConnector authorization parameters.
- Publish TCPConnector properties: verify_ssl, family, resolve, resolved_hosts.
- Don't parse message body for HEAD responses.
- Refactor client response decoding.
- Make ProxyConnector.proxy immutable property.
- Make UnixConnector.path immutable property.
- Fix resource leak for aiohttp.request() with implicit connector.
- Rename Connector's reuse_timeout to keepalive_timeout.
- Use case insensitive multidict for server request/response headers.
- MultiDict.getall() accepts default value.
- Catch server ConnectionError.
- Accept MultiDict (and derived) instances in aiohttp.request header argument.
- Proxy 'CONNECT' support.
- Add support for utf-8 values in HTTP headers
- Allow to use custom response class instead of HttpResponse
- Use MultiDict for client request headers
- Use MultiDict for server request/response headers
- Store response headers in ClientResponse.headers attribute
- Get rid of timeout parameter in aiohttp.client API
- Exceptions refactoring
- Simple HTTP proxy support.
- Get rid of __del__ methods
- Use ResourceWarning instead of logging warning record.
- Do not unquote client request urls.
- Allow multiple waiters on transport drain.
- Do not return client connection to pool in case of exceptions.
- Rename SocketConnector to TCPConnector and UnixSocketConnector to UnixConnector.
- Connection flow control.
- HTTP client session/connection pool refactoring.
- Better handling for bad server requests.
- Added client session reuse timeout.
- Better client request cancellation support.
- Better handling responses without content length.
- Added HttpClient verify_ssl parameter support.
- Log content-length missing warning only for put and post requests.
- Better support for server exit.
- Read response body until EOF if content-length is not defined #14
- Fix trailing char in allowed_methods.
- Start slow request timer for first request.
- Added utility method HttpResponse.read_and_close()
- Added slow request timeout.
- Enable socket SO_KEEPALIVE if available.
- Better handling for process exit.
- Allow to use custom HttpRequest client class.
- Use gunicorn keepalive setting for asynchronous worker.
- Log leaking responses.
- python 3.4 compatibility
- Resolve only AF_INET family, because it is not clear how to pass extra info to asyncio.
- Allow to wait completion of request with HttpResponse.wait_for_close()
- Handle exception in client request stream.
- Prevent host resolving for each client request.
- Added client support for expect: 100-continue header.
- Added custom wsgi application close procedure
- Fixed concurrent host failure in HttpClient
- Added PortMapperWorker
- Added HttpClient
- Added TCP connection timeout to HTTP client
- Better client connection errors handling
- Gracefully handle process exit
- Fix packaging