extracTR is a tool for identifying and analyzing tandem repeats in genomic sequences. It works with raw sequencing data (FASTQ) or assembled genomes (FASTA), using k-mer based approaches to detect repetitive patterns efficiently.
- Efficient tandem repeat detection from raw sequencing data
- Support for single-end and paired-end FASTQ files
- Support for genome assemblies in FASTA format
- Customizable parameters for fine-tuning repeat detection
- Output in easy-to-analyze CSV format
- Multi-threaded processing for improved performance
- Python 3.7 or later
- Jellyfish 2.3.0 or later
- Conda (for easy environment management)
We recommend installing extracTR in a separate Conda environment to manage dependencies effectively.
- Create a new Conda environment:
conda create -n extractr_env python=3.9
- Activate the environment:
conda activate extractr_env
- Install Jellyfish:
conda install -c bioconda jellyfish
- Install extracTR using pip:
pip install extracTR
To deactivate the environment when you're done:
conda deactivate
Before running extracTR, ensure that you have removed adapters from your sequencing reads and activated the Conda environment:
conda activate extractr_env
Basic usage:
For paired-end FASTQ files:
extracTR -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq -o output_prefix -c 30
For single-end FASTQ file:
extracTR -1 reads.fastq -o output_prefix -c 30
For genome assembly in FASTA format:
extracTR -f genome.fasta -o output_prefix -c 1
Advanced usage with custom parameters:
extracTR -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq -o output_prefix -t 64 -c 30 -k 25
-1, --fastq1
: Input file with forward DNA sequences in FASTQ format-2, --fastq2
: Input file with reverse DNA sequences in FASTQ format (optional for paired-end data)-f, --fasta
: Input genome assembly in FASTA format-o, --output
: Prefix for output files-t, --threads
: Number of threads to use (default: 32)-c, --coverage
: Coverage to use for indexing (required)-k, --k
: K-mer size to use for indexing (default: 23)--lu
: Coverage cutoff for k-mers (default: 100 * coverage)
Note: You must provide either FASTQ file(s) or a FASTA file as input.
extracTR generates the following output files:
: Main output file containing detected tandem repeats{output_prefix}.sdat
: Intermediate file with k-mer frequency data- Additional files for detailed analysis and debugging