Here is the list of tags used for adding scripts and styles to the HTML elements and document.
: Link Tag, Adds external resource to the current HTML document.<style>
: Style Tag, Specifies the style for the current HTML document.<script>
: Script Tag, Adds scripts in the current HTML document.<noscript>
: No Script Tag, Specifies the no script section in the current HTML document.<object>
: Object Tag, Adds external resources to the current HTML document.
- For rich web application and pages, The scripting and styling is more important.
- Style Tag is used to describing the CSS styles for the current page. But Link Tag can be used to add external resource such as styles and icons.
- Script Tag is used to add scripts to the HTML document via document itself or by referring external resources. No Script Tag is act as a section in the HTML document that describe things when there is no support for the script in their browser or devices.
- Object Tag is used to add wide range of external resources and control over it. Such as multi-media contents, browser plug-ins, Java applets, ActiveX controls, maps, Bank ID verifications and much more.