Game for js13k 2024 Triskaidekaphobia
Use cards to attack enemy and defense yourself.
Pick a card to collect attack or defense points. If you will collect 13 or more points in hand you lose your cards.
There are point cards from 1 to 11. 13th card is a Death card. 12th card is a Shamrock card. It will protect you from Death card.
You are granted one Shamrock card at start.
Good luck and win with as many green bombs as you can.
- DONE Change icons (swords, shield, shamrock, death, app icon to SVG)
- DONE App icon as SVG
- DONE Hands icon as SVG
- DONE // Game context (screen) adjustments for mobile with correct aspect ratio
- DON'T BOTHER // If possible set the default context to 100% height and centered
- DONE // Add webmanifest
- DONE Enemy portrait
- DONE Enemy animation (floating and breathing)
- DONE Player portrait (Knight)
- DONE Info about CPU turn and player turn (get rid of highlight and add arrow with text)
- DONE Exp, Level up, progression through stages and different enemies
- DONE Vibrations
Progress save in local storage
Introduction window with game rules and objective (force confirmation to enable sound effects)
Enemy and Player texts messages
Enemy Boss Shakhaar
Enemy Boss Lilith
Enemy face expressions (surpries when got hit, angdy when low health, dead)
Player face expressions
FIXED // Sometimes (pretty often) after some action (dunno when but probably combination of turn change and action bar action) it is a CPU turn but he doesn't do anything. Probably something with timeouts and action flags.
FIXED // Sometimes defense card have incorrect pattern color (probably Shamrock card)
FIXED // Incorrect background - change to SVG image instead of gradient // SVG image was not necessary. It was a matter of incorrect body size
FIXED // Incorrect size on mobile - adjust width and height - currently only height is checked
FIXED No icons (death, shield) on mobile and mac - change to SVG shapes included in game
FIXED // Action timer is not working in Safar web browser on Mac OS - find how to handle / change to regular JS animation or just get rid of the timer
Safari - stops after card is selected - the card is not going into the spot. Probably something with the animations
Sounds made with