A copy of github.com/adriabama06/image-to-ascii but it's in C++
The same of image-to-ascii, only use std, no extra libraries
Please first read the original github to know how complie the code, limitations and other things: https://github.com/adriabama06/image-to-ascii#readme
ffmpeg -i <video> -pix_fmt bgr24 -vf scale=64x36 input/%04d.bmp
ffmpeg -i <video> -pix_fmt bgr24 -vf scale=64x18 input/%04d.bmp
Then you can use multiples of this number keeping the aspect radio, like:
64 * 2 -> 128 * 2 -> 256 ...
18 * 2 -> 36 * 2 -> 72 ...
$ > image-to-ascii-cpp --help
image-to-ascii-cpp -i <input file/folder>
--help (Optional) - Show this menu
-i <file/folder> - Input file or folder, if the input is a folder you can use multithread or play, only supports bitmap (.bmp) format at 8bit per pixel and
-o <file/folder> (Optional) - Output file or folder, optional if you just want to play it, if you play the input it will not save any file
-fps <number> - (Optional only if "-o" is not set) Set framerate in frames per second, example: 30, 24, 60, 23.976023976 (for cinema using float numbers
use: "1000 / (1001 / fps)")
-pallete <string> (Optional) - Set custom color pallete for ascii, the default is: " .,-~:=$#@"
-no-clear-console (Optional) - Prevent clear console everyframe, good for ssh connections
-t <number> (Optional) - Threads for paralel frame conversion, sometimes can be slow than single thread, recomended on slow computers or if the folder has plenty
of files
-preload (Optional) - Set if preload the files in memory before play, if you no set this the playback will be converted in realtime
-txt (Optional) - Set this to true if the input is a preconverted bmp file as txt
-v (Optional) - Verbose output
$ > image-to-ascii-cpp -i imgs -o txts
$ > image-to-ascii-cpp -i imgs -fps 30
Change -fps
to the correct speed of the video, can use float numbers, like 23.976023976 (24000 / 1001, the cinema fps)