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Core model attributes

Sam Howell edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 43 revisions

The following extend the Backbone model:

  • configModel (configModel.js)
  • lockingModel (lockingModel.js)
  • notifyModel (notifyModel.js)
  • routerModel (routerModel.js)
  • adaptModel (adaptModel.js)

All core models extend adaptModel (adaptModel.js), and so contain its attributes:

  • courseModel (courseModel.js)
  • contentObjectsModel (contentObjectsModel.js)
  • articleModel (articleModel.js)
  • blockModel (blockModel.js)
  • componentModel (componentModel.js)

In addition, questionModel (questionModel.js) extends componentModel (componentModel.js).

An asterisk denotes that an attribute is required.

Adapt Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_canShowFeedback true
_classes ""
_canReset false
_isComplete Whether the item has been completed. false
_isInteractionComplete false
_requireCompletionOf -1
_isEnabled Controls the availability of the item. If _isEnabled is false, the item is disabled. true
_isResetOnRevisit false
_isAvailable true
_isHidden Controls the display of the item. If _isHidden is true, the item will not be displayed false
_isOptional If set to true, the user will not be required to complete the component in order to complete the course. The completion of the component will still be tracked, but it will be ignored during any completion calculations. false
_isVisible true
_isLocked Menus and other plug-ins can set its value using “_lockType”. Reference Locking objects with '_isLocked' and '_lockType' false
_questionWeight The weight of a particular question, which is used when calculating the score. 1
_buttons An object to store the label values for template buttons. Buttons can then be referenced in templates using {{{_buttons.submit}}} See fig.1.

Figure 1

"_buttons": { 
   "submit": "Submit", 
   "reset": "Reset", 
   "showCorrectAnswer": "ModelAnswer", 
   "hideCorrectAnswer": "My Answer" 

Course Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_id* A unique identifier. In the authoring tool, this is randomly generated.
_type* The type of the particular item. Examples include block and component.
title* Used in document title.
_children "contentObjects"
_isReady This is used to determine if the current item is ready (i.e. has been initialised). This needs to be set manually for custom components. For instance, this may be set to true post-render. false

ContentObjects Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_parent "course"
_siblings "contentObjects"
_children "contentObjects"
_ariaLevel If you need to override the default contentObject ARIA level (as set in config.json), set this to any number greater than 0 0
_onScreen Attribute for attaching predefined animation to the contentObject when the element comes into view See documentation below

Article Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_parent "contentObjects"
_siblings "articles"
_children "blocks"
_ariaLevel If you need to override the default article ARIA level (as set in config.json), set this to any number greater than 0 0
_onScreen Attribute for attaching predefined animation to the article when the element comes into view See documentation below

Block Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_parent "articles"
_siblings "blocks"
_children "components"
_ariaLevel If you need to override the default block ARIA level (as set in config.json), set this to any number greater than 0 0
_onScreen Attribute for attaching predefined animation to the block when the element comes into view See documentation below

Component Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_parent "blocks"
_siblings "components"
_ariaLevel If you need to override the default component ARIA level (as set in config.json), set this to any number greater than 0 0
_disableAccessibilityState Disables the hidden label that describes the state of the component to screenreader users. Useful if the component is of no interest to a screenreader user - such as an optional decorative graphic component. false
_onScreen Attribute for attaching predefined animation to the component when the element comes into view See documentation below

Question Model Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
_isQuestionType true
_shouldDisplayAttempts false
_canShowModelAnswer true
_canShowFeedback true
_canShowMarking true

_onScreen documentation

_onScreen (object): The onScreen object that contains values for _isEnabled, _classes, and _percentInviewVertical. The _onScreen feature is best used with blocks and components though it can also be used with contentObjects and articles.

_isEnabled (boolean): Turns _onScreen functionality on and off. Acceptable values are true and false.

_classes (string): CSS class name to be applied to the location that _onScreen is attached to. The class name is responsible for attaching the animation, and any associated styling required, to the element and must be predefined in one of the Less files. The standard values found in Vanilla's _animations.less are fade-in, fade-in-top, fade-in-bottom, fade-in-left, and fade-in-right. The direction in each of the class names defines the animation start point, e.g. fade-in-right states that the animation fades in from right to left until the element sits within its natural position.

_percentInviewVertical (number): This value determines the percentage on screen the element must be before the animation is triggered. The default value is 33.

"_onScreen": { 
   "_isEnabled": true, 
   "_classes": "fade-in-right", 
   "_percentInviewVertical": 33
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