diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c791b991..688d7aa3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -41,36 +41,6 @@ - [`/packages/it-to-browser-readablestream`](./packages/it-to-browser-readablestream) Takes an async iterator and turns it into a browser readable stream - [`/packages/it-to-buffer`](./packages/it-to-buffer) Takes an async iterator that yields buffers and concatenates them all together - - -- [blob-to-it](./packages/blob-to-it) Turn a Blob into an iterable -- [browser-readablestream-to-it](./packages/browser-readablestream-to-it) Turn a browser ReadableStream into an iterable -- [it-all](./packages/it-all) Collect the contents of an iterable into an array -- [it-batch](./packages/it-batch) Batch up the contents of an iterable into arrays -- [it-buffer-stream](./packages/it-buffer-stream) Creates an iterable of buffers -- [it-drain](./packages/it-drain) Consume an iterable and ignore any output -- [it-filter](./packages/it-filter) Skip some items in an iterable based on a filter function -- [it-first](./packages/it-first) Return the first item in an iterable -- [it-flat-batch](./packages/it-flat-batch) Take an iterable of variable length arrays and make them all the same length -- [it-foreach](./packages/it-foreach) Invoke a function for every member of an iterable -- [it-glob](./packages/it-glob) Glob matcher for file systems -- [it-last](./packages/it-last) Return the last item in an iterable -- [it-length](./packages/it-length) Consume an iterable and return its length -- [it-map](./packages/it-map) Map the output of an iterable -- [it-merge](./packages/it-merge) Treat multiple iterables as one -- [it-multipart](./packages/it-multipart) Parse multipart message bodies as an iterable -- [it-ndjson](./packages/it-ndjson) Parse multipart message bodies as an iterable -- [it-parallel](./packages/it-parallel) Take an iterable of functions that return promises and run them in parallel up to a concurrency limit -- [it-parallel-batch](./packages/it-parallel-batch) Take an iterable of functions that return promises and run them in parallel in batches -- [it-peekable](./packages/it-peekable) Peek/push an iterable -- [it-reduce](./packages/it-reduce) Reduce the output of an iterable -- [it-skip](./packages/it-skip) Skip items at the start of an iterable -- [it-sort](./packages/it-sort) Sort an iterable using a passed sort function -- [it-split](./packages/it-split) Split an iterable of buffers by linebreaks -- [it-take](./packages/it-take) Limit the number of items you want from an iterable -- [it-to-browser-readablestream](./packages/it-to-browser-readablestream) Turns an iterable into a WhatWG [ReadableStream](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream) -- [it-to-buffer](./packages/it-to-buffer) Takes an iterable of Buffers and concatenates them - ## License Licensed under either of