
- Add
Plug 'aben20807/vim-commenter'
to your vimrc file.
- Reload your vimrc or restart.
- Run
- Add
Plugin 'aben20807/vim-commenter'
to your vimrc file.
- Reload your vimrc or restart
- Run
- c, conf, cpp, css, gnuplot, html, htmlm4, java, javascript, lex,
- lisp, make, prolog, python, rust, sh, tmux, vader, vim, yacc
2.b. Block comment
- In v or ^v(ctrl-v) mode will use block comment.
- e.g. C:
/* comment here */
" Use key mappings setting from this plugin by default.
let g:commenter_use_default_mapping = 1
" Use <M-/> namely Alt+/ to toggle comment in n, i, v mode by default.
" Feel free to change mapping you like.
let g:commenter_n_key = "<M-/>"
let g:commenter_i_key = "<M-/>"
let g:commenter_v_key = "<M-/>"
" Not keep selected part after commenting by default.
let g:commenter_keep_select = 0
" Use block comment by default, if 0 then only use line comment.
let g:commenter_use_block_comment = 1
" Not allow nest block comment by default.
" But some language (e.g. Rust) allow to use.
let g:commenter_allow_nest_block = 0
" Custom comment map by setting g:commenter_custom_map, not setting by default.
" ll: line comment left, bl: block comment left, br: block comment right.
" e.g.
let g:commenter_custom_map =
\ {'ouo': { 'll': 'QuQ', 'bl': '/OuO ', 'br': ' OuO/' }}
" Show the comment information by default.
let g:commenter_show_info = 1
" Trim leading and trailing white spaces when searching comment by default.
" For example: `/* ` will search `/*`, it is good to avoid without space
" in sometimes leaded comment not be detected.
let g:commenter_trim_whitespace = 1
" Allow comment the empty line by default
let g:commenter_comment_empty = 1