SPA Sun Position Calc Library for PHP
This library is based on the work of Ibrahim Reda and Afshin Andreas (SPA) Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications ( 2008 National Renewable Energy Laboratory )
There have been many published articles describing solar position algorithms for solar radiation applications. The best uncertainty achieved in most of these articles is greater than ±0.01 / in calculating the solar zenith and azimuth angles. For some, the algorithm is valid for a limited number of years varying from 15 years to a hundred years. This report is a step by step procedure for implementing an algorithm to calculate the solar zenith and azimuth angles in the period from the year -2000 to 6000, with uncertainties of ±0.0003°
Library test data vs Table A.4 of the original study
- PHP 5.6
- PHP 7
composer require abbadon1334/sun-position-spa-php
$SD = new SolarData\SolarData();
/* ARGS : observer latitude, observer longitude, observer altitude */
/* ARGS : Observer Date : Year, Month, Day */
$SD->setObserverDate(2003, 10, 17);
/* ARGS : Observer Time : Hours, Minutes, Seconds */
$SD->setObserverTime(12, 30,30);
/* ARGS : difference in seconds between the Earth rotation time and the Terrestrial Time (TT) */
/* ARGS : Observer Timezone */
/* ARGS : Observer mean pressure in Millibar */
/* ARGS : Observer mean temperature in Celsius */
/* calculate sun position */
$SunPosition = $SD->calculate();
I know this attributes names are not so ortodox. Formulas that are present in the original document are really complex and using the same name for variables is a big aid for debugging
Earth heliocentric longitude (degrees)B°
Earth heliocentric latitude (degrees)R
Earth radius vector, R (in Astronomical Units, AU)Θ°
geocentric longitude (degrees)β°
geocentric longitude (degrees)X
nutation in longitude and obliquityε°
true obliquity of the ecliptic (degrees)Δτ
aberration correction (degrees)λ°
apparent sun longitude (degrees)ν°
apparent sidereal time at Greenwich (degrees)ν0°
apparent mean sidereal time at Greenwich (degrees)α°
geocentric sun right ascension (degrees)α´°
topocentric sun right ascension (degrees)δ°
geocentric sun declination (degrees)δ´°
topocentric sun declination (degrees)H°
Observer hour angle (degrees)H´°
topocentric hour angle (degrees)ξ°
equatorial horizontal parallax of the sun (degrees)Z°
topocentric zenith angle (degrees)Γ°
topocentric astronomers azimuth angle (degrees)Φ°
topocentric azimuth angle, M for navigators and solar radiation users (in degrees)e0°
topocentric elevation angle without atmospheric refraction (in degrees)e°
topocentric elevation angle (in degrees)Eot
Equation Of Time
Example to get angle H° - Observer hour angle (degrees)
$SD = new SolarData\SolarData();
/* ARGS : observer latitude, observer longitude, observer altitude */
/* ARGS : Observer Date : Year, Month, Day */
$SD->setObserverDate(2003, 10, 17);
/* ARGS : Observer Time : Hours, Minutes, Seconds */
$SD->setObserverTime(12, 30,30);
/* ARGS : difference in seconds between the Earth rotation time and the Terrestrial Time (TT) */
/* ARGS : Observer Timezone */
/* ARGS : Observer mean pressure in Millibar */
/* ARGS : Observer mean temperature in Celsius */
/* calculate sun position */
$SunPosition = $SD->calculate();
to get H° Observer hour angle (degrees)
echo $SunPosition->H°;
*Example to get fraction day for sunrise - transit - sunset *
$SD = new SolarData\SolarData();
/* ARGS : observer latitude, observer longitude, observer altitude */
/* ARGS : Observer Date : Year, Month, Day */
$SD->setObserverDate(2003, 10, 17);
/* ARGS : Observer Time : Hours, Minutes, Seconds */
$SD->setObserverTime(12, 30,30);
/* ARGS : difference in seconds between the Earth rotation time and the Terrestrial Time (TT) */
/* ARGS : Observer Timezone */
/* ARGS : Observer mean pressure in Millibar */
/* ARGS : Observer mean temperature in Celsius */
/* calculate sun position and calculate sun rise transit set angles
ARGS : true = call ->calculate()
$SunPosition = $SD->calculateSunRiseTransitSet(true);
$SunRiseDayFraction = $SunPosition->DayFractionSunrise;
$TransitDayFraction = $SunPosition->DayFractionTransit;
$SunsetDayFraction = $SunPosition->DayFractionSunset;
$SD = new SolarData\SolarData();
/* ARGS : observer latitude, observer longitude, observer altitude */
/* ARGS : Observer Date : Year, Month, Day */
$SD->setObserverDate(2003, 10, 17);
/* ARGS : Observer Time : Hours, Minutes, Seconds */
$SD->setObserverTime(12, 30,30);
/* ARGS : difference in seconds between the Earth rotation time and the Terrestrial Time (TT) */
/* ARGS : Observer Timezone */
/* ARGS : Observer mean pressure in Millibar */
/* ARGS : Observer mean temperature in Celsius */
- no need of calling calculate *
/* ARGS : tilt angle from horizontal plane, rotation angle from real south */
$Surface2SunAngleOfIncidence = $SD->getSurfaceIncidenceAngle(30,-10)