- Upgrade Angular version: upgrade angular version to v8.
- remove height 0 with init: fix problem with itit height and width.
- Add
: can set url with youtube url that is similar with[videoId]
can setstring
, and can change video with this[input]
; - Server side render support: Now when support server side render with player, and we can set option with
by below options.
| '0.jpg'
| '1.jpg'
| '2.jpg'
| '3.jpg'
| 'default.jpg'
| 'hqdefault.jpg'
| 'mqdefault.jpg'
| 'sddefault.jpg'
| 'maxresdefault.jpg';
- Resize problem with non container init height: fix problem with resize when resize occur and the height out of bound problem.
- Server side render: When set container with
and hasheight
, because server doesn't know the 100% acturl is what, so we only can use the height to caculate the width, but when the ration * height is more than width, the init view will see the error init view size.
- Add
: add videoId to set player video withstring
, and can change video with this[input]
; - Implement all youtube api options: Now when children elements length is equal zero, stop drag event.
- Optimizate with event: Bind youtube api event only when element output event has actual binding with method.
- NgxY2PlayerOptions: remove videoId, using
- Change peerDependencies to more than 6.0.0: Change peerDependencies to more than 6.0.0
- refactory code with rxjs and more maintainable
Change Resize detect with resize-observer-polyfill
- Change Resize detect with [resize-observer-polyfill]
- Fix Resize problem with window.
- Add Example with custom player.
- Using ng g lib to generate lib
- Upgrade to Angular 6+ and Rxjs6+
- Make player can resize with conatiner
- An youtube player for Angular with YT API