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z2 deployer

z2 deployer allows you to create a deployment configuration file for a zq2 network, and perform a seamless and automated upgraded.

z2 deployer --help
Group of subcommands to deploy and configure a Zilliqa 2 network

Usage: z2 deployer [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  new                    Generate the deployer config file
  install                Install the network defined in the deployer config file
  upgrade                Update the network defined in the deployer config file
  get-config-file        Generate in output the validator config file to join the network
  get-deposit-commands   Generate in output the commands to deposit stake amount to all the validators
  deposit                Deposit stake amounts to the internal validators
  deposit-top-up         Top up stake to the internal validators
  unstake                Unstake funds of the internal validators
  withdraw               Withdraw unstaked funds to the internal validators
  stakers                Show network stake information
  rpc                    Run RPC calls over the internal network nodes
  ssh                    Run command over SSH in the internal network nodes
  backup                 Backup a node data dir in the persistence bucket
  restore                Restore a node data dir from a backup in the persistence bucket
  reset                  Reset a network stopping all the nodes and cleaning the /data folder
  restart                Restart a network stopping all the nodes and starting the service again
  monitor                Monitor the network nodes specified metrics
  api                    Perform operation over the network API nodes
  generate-private-keys  Generate the node private keys. --force to replace if already existing
  generate-genesis-key   Generate the genesis key. --force to replace if already existing
  generate-stats-key     Generate the Stats Dashboard key. --force to replace if already existing
  help                   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

To use it:

  • Log in to Zilliqa GCP landing zone: gcloud auth login --update-adc

Create a new deployer upgrader configuration file

The generated configuration file will be named: zq2-<network-name>.yaml

z2 deployer new --help
Generate the deployer config file

Usage: z2 deployer new [OPTIONS]

      --network-name <NETWORK_NAME>
          ZQ2 network name

      --eth-chain-id <ETH_CHAIN_ID>
          ZQ2 EVM chain ID

      --roles <ROLES>
          Virtual Machine roles

          Possible values:
          - bootstrap:   Virtual machine bootstrap
          - validator:   Virtual machine validator
          - api:         Virtual machine api
          - private-api: Virtual machine private api
          - apps:        Virtual machine apps
          - checkpoint:  Virtual machine checkpoint
          - persistence: Virtual machine persistence
          - sentry:      Virtual machine sentry

  -v, --verbose...
          Increase logging verbosity

  -q, --quiet...
          Decrease logging verbosity

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Usage example

Scenario 1

Generate the deployer configuration file to upgrade the validator nodes of the zq2-prototestnet with chain ID 33333 and running on a GCP project named gcp-tests.

Network name: `zq2-prototestnet`
Project Id: `gcp-tests`
Roles: validators
z2 deployer new --network-name zq2-prototestnet --eth-chain-id 33333 --roles validator

Output: zq2-prototestnet.yaml

name: zq2-prototestnet
eth_chain_id: 33333
- validator
  zq2: 5522b056

Scenario 2

Generate the deployer configuration file for upgrade the app node of the zq2-prototestnet with chain ID 33333 and running on a GCP project named gcp-tests.

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Eth Chain ID: 33333
Project ID: gcp-tests
Roles: apps
z2 deployer new --network-name zq2-prototestnet --eth-chain-id 33333 --roles apps

Output: zq2-prototestnet.yaml

name: zq2-prototestnet
eth_chain_id: 33333
- apps
  stats_dashboard: v0.0.3
  stats_agent: v0.0.1
  spout: v1.3.72
  otterscan: latest

Scenario 3

Generate the deployer configuration file for upgrade both validators and app nodes of the zq2-prototestnet with chain ID 33333 and running on a GCP project named gcp-tests.

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Eth Chain ID: 33333
Project ID: gcp-tests
Roles: apps,validator
z2 deployer new --network-name zq2-prototestnet --eth-chain-id 33333 --roles apps,validator

Output: zq2-prototestnet.yaml

name: zq2-prototestnet
eth_chain_id: 33333
- validator
- apps
  zq2: fbee9ec5
  stats_dashboard: v0.0.3
  stats_agent: v0.0.1
  spout: v1.3.72
  otterscan: latest

By default, the z2 deployer new will generate a configuration file with the current Github release. If there are no release available the value are defaulted to the 8 characters of the latest commit SHA in the main branch.

Note: Make sure to provide the correct values when the defaults are not suitable.

Upgrade the network

z2 deployer upgrade --help
Update the network defined in the deployer config file

Usage: z2 deployer upgrade [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select                       Enable nodes selection
      --max-parallel <MAX_PARALLEL>  Define the number of nodes to process in parallel. Default: 1
  -v, --verbose...                   Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...                     Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help                         Print help

Usage example

Scenario - Upgrade all the nodes

Upgrade to a new version the zq2-prototestnet nodes

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer upgrade zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Scenario - Upgrade only selected nodes

Upgrade to a new version the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer upgrade --select zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Install the network

z2 deployer install --help
Install the network defined in the deployer config file

Usage: z2 deployer install [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

          Enable nodes selection
      --max-parallel <MAX_PARALLEL>
          Define the number of nodes to process in parallel. Default: 50
      --persistence-url <PERSISTENCE_URL>
          gsutil URI of the persistence file. Ie. gs://my-bucket/my-folder
      --checkpoint-url <CHECKPOINT_URL>
          gsutil URI of the checkpoint file. Ie. gs://my-bucket/my-file. By enabling this option the install will be performed only on the validator nodes
  -v, --verbose...
          Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...
          Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help
          Print help

Same as upgrade subcommand, but skipping the check if the nodes are receiving new blocks

Retrieve the commands to deposit stake amount to all the validators

z2 deployer get-deposit-commands --help
Generate in output the commands to deposit stake amount to all the validators

Usage: z2 deployer get-deposit-commands [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Retrieve the commands to deposit the stake amounts to the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer get-deposit-commands zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Deposit the stake amounts to all the validators

z2 deployer deposit --help
Deposit stake amounts to the internal validators

Usage: z2 deployer deposit [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Deposit the stake amounts to the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer deposit zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Top up stake deposit to the internal validators

z2 deployer deposit-top-up --help
Top up stake to the internal validators

Usage: z2 deployer deposit-top-up [OPTIONS] --amount <AMOUNT> [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select           Enable nodes selection
      --amount <AMOUNT>  Specify the amount in millions
  -v, --verbose...       Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...         Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help             Print help

Usage example


Top up the stake deposit amounts to the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer deposit-top-up --amount 10 zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Unstake funds of the internal validators

z2 deployer unstake --help
Unstake funds of the internal validators

Usage: z2 deployer unstake [OPTIONS] --amount <AMOUNT> [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select           Enable nodes selection
      --amount <AMOUNT>  Specify the amount in millions
  -v, --verbose...       Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...         Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help             Print help

Usage example


Unstake deposit amounts to the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer unstake --amount 10 zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Withdraw unstaked funds to the internal validators

z2 deployer withdraw --help
Withdraw unstaked funds to the internal validators

Usage: z2 deployer withdraw [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Withdraw unstaked funds to the zq2-prototestnet validators

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer withdraw zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Show network stake information

z2 deployer stakers --help
Show network stake information

Usage: z2 deployer stakers [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Show the stake and future stake amount of the zq2-prototestnet network

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer stakers zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Run RPC calls over all the nodes

z2 deployer rpc --help
Run RPC calls over the internal network nodes

Usage: z2 deployer rpc [OPTIONS] --method <METHOD> <CONFIG_FILE>

  <CONFIG_FILE>  The network deployer config file

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>  Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the entire request. Default: 30
  -m, --method <METHOD>    Method to run
      --params <PARAMS>    List of parameters for the method. ie "[\"string_value\",true]"
      --select             Enable nodes selection
  -p, --port <PORT>        The port where to run the rpc call on [possible values: default, admin]
  -v, --verbose...         Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...           Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help               Print help

Usage example


Get the current block height in the zq2-prototestnet nodes

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer rpc -m eth_blockNumber zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Run SSH commands over all the nodes

z2 deployer ssh --help
Run command over SSH in the internal network nodes

Usage: z2 deployer ssh [OPTIONS] <CONFIG_FILE> [COMMAND]...

  <CONFIG_FILE>  The network deployer config file
  [COMMAND]...   Method to run

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Start the zilliqa service in the zq2-prototestnet nodes

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer ssh zq2-prototestnet.yaml -- "sudo systemctl start zilliqa.service"

Generate in output the config file to join the network

z2 deployer get-config-file --help
Generate in output the validator config file to join the network

Usage: z2 deployer get-config-file [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

          The network deployer config file

      --role <ROLE>
          Node role. Default: validator

          Possible values:
          - bootstrap:   Virtual machine bootstrap
          - validator:   Virtual machine validator
          - api:         Virtual machine api
          - private-api: Virtual machine private api
          - apps:        Virtual machine apps
          - checkpoint:  Virtual machine checkpoint
          - persistence: Virtual machine persistence
          - sentry:      Virtual machine sentry

      --out <OUT>
          File to output to

  -v, --verbose...
          Increase logging verbosity

  -q, --quiet...
          Decrease logging verbosity

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Usage example


Get the config file for a node role api in the zq2-prototestnet nodes

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer get-config-file --role api zq2-prototestnet.yaml


Save the config file for a node role validator in the zq2-prototestnet nodes

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer get-config-file --role validator zq2-prototestnet.yaml --out ./z2/resources/chain-specs/zq2-prototestnet.toml

Backup a node data dir

z2 deployer backup --help
Backup a node data dir in the persistence bucket

Usage: z2 deployer backup [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

  -n, --name <NAME>  The name of the backup folder. If zip is specified, it represents the name of the zip file
      --zip          If specified, create a zip file containing the backup
  -v, --verbose...   Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...     Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help         Print help

Usage example


Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer backup --file /tmp/ zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Restore a node's data dir from a backup

z2 deployer restore --help
Restore a node data dir from a backup in the persistence bucket

Usage: z2 deployer restore [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

  -n, --name <NAME>                  The name of the backup folder. If zip is specified, it represents the name of the zip file
      --zip                          If specified, restore the persistence from a zip file
      --max-parallel <MAX_PARALLEL>  Define the number of nodes to process in parallel. Default: 50
  -v, --verbose...                   Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...                     Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help                         Print help

Usage example


Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer restore --file /tmp/ zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Reset network nodes

z2 deployer reset --help
Reset a network stopping all the nodes and cleaning the /data folder

Usage: z2 deployer reset [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer reset zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Restart network nodes

z2 deployer restart --help
Restart a network stopping all the nodes and starting the service again

Usage: z2 deployer restart [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --select      Enable nodes selection
  -v, --verbose...  Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...    Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help        Print help

Usage example


Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer restart zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Perform operations over the API nodes

z2 deployer api --help
Perform operation over the network API nodes

Usage: z2 deployer api [OPTIONS] --operation <OPERATION> [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

  -o, --operation <OPERATION>  The operation to perform over the API nodes [possible values: attach, detach]
  -v, --verbose...             Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...               Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help                   Print help

Usage example

Scenario detach an API node from the load balancer

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer api -o detach zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Scenario attach an API node to the load balancer

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer api -o attach zq2-prototestnet.yaml

Monitor the network nodes specified metrics

z2 deployer monitor --help
Monitor the network nodes specified metrics

Usage: z2 deployer monitor [OPTIONS] [CONFIG_FILE]

  [CONFIG_FILE]  The network deployer config file

      --metric <METRIC>  The metric to display. Default: block-number [possible values: block-number, consensus-info]
      --select           Enable nodes selection
      --follow           After showing the metrics, watch for changes
  -v, --verbose...       Increase logging verbosity
  -q, --quiet...         Decrease logging verbosity
  -h, --help             Print help

Usage example

Monitor the nodes blocknumber

Network name: zq2-prototestnet
Configuration file: zq2-prototestnet.yaml
z2 deployer monitor --metric block-number --follow zq2-prototestnet.yaml