Releases: ZebraDevs/zeta_flutter
Releases · ZebraDevs/zeta_flutter
0.20.0 (2024-12-12)
✨ New Features
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where avatar lower badge was not showing (#218) (a1742a3)
- removed defaults to true on showValues (7257c40)
- removed large thumbs (7257c40)
- removed rounded from widgetbook (7257c40)
- Top app bar padding (#215) (7b374b7)
📈 Documentation
- widgetbook and example for range selector (7257c40)
⛓️ Dependencies
🧪 Tests
0.19.0 (2024-11-18)
✨ New Features
- Added shrink items to navigation bar so the items can expand to fill the space and shrink (5a785f0)
- UX-1096: Added shrink items to navigation bar so the items can expand or shrink. To match web (#210) (5a785f0)
🪲 Bug Fixes
- add SafeArea to ZetaNavigationBar (#211) (aa7a1e4)
- added shrink items to widgetbook (5a785f0)
- breadcrumb now removes the items after the one that is clicked (d97440b)
- breadcrumb select index (d97440b)
- Changed font size of medium indicator from 12 to 11 (9f6ed48)
- Extra verbose semantic label (9f6ed48)
- hover color on navigation item (9f6ed48)
- indicator semantic labels (9f6ed48)
- intruduced a value listenable builder to handle hover and pressed states on breadcrumb item (d97440b)
- made NavigationItem visible for testing (9f6ed48)
- navigation bar semantic labels (9f6ed48)
- removed active icon prop (d97440b)
- rounded now affects breadcrumb icons (d97440b)
- set navigation item highlight shape to rectangle (9f6ed48)
- The icon that was passed in now shows on breadcrumb (d97440b)
- truncated only hides any breadcrumbs over the maxItemsShown number (d97440b)
- typo ";abel" => "label" (d97440b)
- UX-1232: Breadcrumb Issues (#214) (d97440b)
- UX-1315: Update license (#208) (bfbfa23)
- UX-1316: Update macro desciption (bfbfa23)
⛓️ Dependencies
🧪 Tests
- added more tests for navigation bar (9f6ed48)
- breadcrumb items are spaced equally (d97440b)
- breadcrumb label and icon default colors (d97440b)
- edited test to pass after merge (9f6ed48)
- fixed debug fill props avatar (9f6ed48)
- hardcoded offset (9f6ed48)
- Navigation Bar (#213) (9f6ed48)
- navigation item calls onTap when an item is tapped off center (9f6ed48)
- ran test counter (9f6ed48)
- Uncommented text contrast tests (9f6ed48)
- writing tests for navigation bar (9f6ed48)
- wrote content and accessibility tests (d97440b)
🧹 Miscellaneous Chores
0.18.0 (2024-11-11)
✨ New Features
- Added disabled variant to chip (321b57d)
- Added label prop to progress circle which overrides default percentage label (e035a47)
- added maxValue to progress circle (e035a47)
- Added mouse region to avatar for give click pointer (37b0f8e)
- Added NavRail focus state (39c5cdf)
- Added NavRail hover state (#204) (39c5cdf)
- added onTap to widgetbook (321b57d)
- Added onTaps to chips in example app (321b57d)
- added rounded to widgetbook (321b57d)
- created status chip (c69d3b7)
- implemented status chip widgetbook use case (c69d3b7)
- UX-1233: Added disabled variant to chip (#203) (321b57d)
- UX-1234: Status Chip (#201) (c69d3b7)
- UX-1247: extend ZetaProgressCircle (#199) (e035a47)
- UX-1310: Added more customization options to ZetaListItem (#205) (6e13502)
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Banner title alignment when centered (044ed2e)
- changed _updateControllerState to _handleDisabledState (321b57d)
- converted child widget function to a stateless widget class in status chip (c69d3b7)
- Removed hit test behavior from avatar rail (37b0f8e)
- removed hit test behaviour from avatar rail (#197) (37b0f8e)
- set rounded to default to true (c69d3b7)
- used variable (321b57d)
- UX-1161: banner title alignment when centered (#200) (044ed2e)
- UX-1298: ZetaDialog button overflow (51b4172)
- UX-1303: Update avatar boarder width (#202) (51b4172)
- UX-1309: Wrapped initials with FittedBox inside ZetaAvatar so that the text scales correctly with device text scaling (6e13502)
📈 Documentation
- added description for status chip (c69d3b7)
- added more info to global header. Info about where to use the header (#206) (c9c84c0)
⛓️ Dependencies
🧪 Tests
0.17.0 (2024-10-28)
✨ New Features
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Added MainAxisSize.min to avatar column to regulate height (823370e)
- Widgetbook max lines avatar rail (823370e)
🧪 Tests
- Changed the word 'Dimension' to 'Dimensions' (#194) (17a6995)
- Created tests for avatar rail (823370e)
- Fixed parent folder for stepper (823370e)
🧹 Miscellaneous Chores
- automated: Lint commit and format (823370e)
0.16.0 (2024-10-22)
✨ New Features
- added swipe-able actions to notification list item (057defd)
- comms buttons (af95815)
- updated notification list item to match latest design (057defd)
- UX-1064: Comms Buttons (#182) (af95815)
- UX-1073: List Item notification (#172) (057defd)
🪲 Bug Fixes
- _getSlidableExtend() now won't return over 1.0 (057defd)
- A variety of small bug fixes (#168) (cb37705)
- Add PlatformIs to not use dart:io (cb37705)
- added different constructors to zetacommsbutton (af95815)
- added golden group to testing_conventions.mdx (7fba9b2)
- added some commas (ef050af)
- added styles to banner text (7fba9b2)
- Border sizes (cb37705)
- changed avatar xs so it shows two initals (ef050af)
- changed Colors.transparent to Zeta.of(context).colors.surfaceDefault (af95815)
- changed example back (ef050af)
- changed storybook to widgetbook in name of deploy preview in pull request github action (ba4901d)
- chat item (#174) (3ac64a7)
- chat item actions _getSlidableExtend now won't return over 1.0 (3ac64a7)
- Components using the internal text input are now sized correctly (38b865b)
- get initials now returns the first and last name initials rather than first and second names. (ef050af)
- moved analyzer package from dependencies to dev dependencies (5987c21)
- put dev dependencies in alphabetical order (5987c21)
- removed '$componentName' from all test files (ba4901d)
- removed analyzer from dependencies (ba4901d)
- set toggle related properties on non-toggle constructors to null (af95815)
- Spacings in example app (cb37705)
- UX-1105: Updated search bar to use internal text field (#186) (38b865b)
- UX-1141: Update Spacing tokens (#159) (d22898f)
- UX-1207: The search box on the search app bar now gets closed when the back button is pressed. (58fc7f5)
- UX-1241: Fixed inkwell on ZetaStepper (#190) (60a137f)
- UX-1242: Fixed extended app bar alignment (#189) (58fc7f5)
- UX-922: FAB-redesign (#181) (11f266b)
📈 Documentation
- abstracted functions in test_counter (5987c21)
- added brief docs for fontSize function in avatar (ef050af)
- added comments to the class about named constructors (af95815)
- added doc comments to test_counter script and utils file (5987c21)
- added figma and widgetbook links to all components (#180) (e1d2ba0)
- added helper function section to TESTING_README (ba4901d)
- added info about how to run the script to testing read me (5987c21)
- added link to excel sheet in TESTING_README (ba4901d)
- added testing_conventions.mdx to keep track how we are testing in flutter (7fba9b2)
- changed comms button example to use assorted constructors (af95815)
- created test counter script (ba4901d)
- moved helper functions from test_counter to utils file (5987c21)
- set initial values for comms button on widgetbook (af95815)
- test counter (#187) (5987c21)
- test_counter script improvements (ba4901d)
- testing counter script (5987c21)
⛓️ Dependencies
- automated: Update icons (#191) (0c09633)
- automated: Update icons 2024-10-14 (18ea9a2)
- automated: Update tokens - 2024-08-27 (#163) (b499e22)
- automated: Update tokens (#170) (361b1c7)
- automated: Update tokens (#176) (2bd38de)
- Update widgetbook dep for text scale addon (#193) (1852502)
🧪 Tests
- Add new GoldenFiles class to simplify generating golden file Uris (a77211a)
- added background color test (7fba9b2)
- added debugFillProperties test helper function (ba4901d)
- added loop for zetaavatar with border color for $size ([ef050af](ef050af9af8caf9552aa2b7aa1a44...
0.15.0 (2024-07-30)
✨ New Features
- Added focus node and keyboard type properties to ZetaTextInput (d99d40c)
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Add min/max values in slider (7905388)
- Dropdown menus now scroll (d99d40c)
- FAB expanded state (7905388)
- Make Navigation rail and list item stateless (7905388)
- UX-1129: Accordion, Chip, StepperInput didUpdateState (7905388)
- UX-1129: Add didUpdateStates to StatefulWidgets (#138) (7905388)
📈 Documentation
⛓️ Dependencies
- Update flutter-code-quality to v1.0.6 (074e11a)
🧪 Tests
- Accordion, Chip, StepperInput didUpdateState, (7905388)
- FAB expanded state (7905388)
- Improve existing accordion tests (7905388)
- Min/max values in slider (7905388)