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File metadata and controls

79 lines (71 loc) · 6.41 KB

You want to contribute to Lingua? That's great!

In case you want to contribute something to Lingua, then I encourage you to do so. Do you have ideas for improving the API? Are there some specific languages that you want to have supported early? Or have you found any bugs so far? Feel free to open an issue or send a pull request. It's very much appreciated.

For pull requests, please make sure that all unit tests pass and that the code is formatted according to the official Kotlin style guide. You can check this by running the Kotlin linter ktlint using ./gradlew ktlintCheck. Most issues which the linter identifies can be fixed by running ./gradlew ktlintFormat. All other issues, especially lines which are longer than 120 characters, cannot be fixed automatically. In this case, please format the respective lines by hand. You will notice that the build will fail if the formatting is not correct.

All kinds of pull requests are welcome. The pull requests I favor the most are new language additions. If you want to contribute new languages to Lingua, here comes a detailed manual explaining how to accomplish that.

Thank you very much in advance for all contributions, however small they may be.

How to add new languages?

An important notice beforehand: In order to execute the steps below, you will need Java 8 or greater. Even though the library itself runs on Java >= 6, the FilesWriter classes make use of the java.nio api which was introduced with Java 8.

  1. Clone Lingua's repository to your own computer as described in README's section 8.
  2. Open enums IsoCode639_1 and IsoCode639_3 and add the language's iso codes. Among other sites, Wikipedia provides a comprehensive list.
  3. Open enum Language and add a new entry for your language. If the language is written with a script that is not yet supported by Lingua's Alphabet enum, then add a new entry for it there as well.
  4. If your language's script contains characters that are completely unique to it, then add them to the respective entry in the Language enum. However, if the characters occur in more than one language but not in all languages, then add them to the CHARS_TO_LANGUAGES_MAPPING constant in class LanguageDetector instead.
  5. Use LanguageModelFilesWriter to create the language model files. The training data file used for ngram probability estimation is not required to have a specific format other than to be a valid txt file.
  6. Create a new subdirectory in /src/main/resources/language-models and put the generated language model files in there. Do not rename the language model files. The name of the subdirectory must be the language's ISO 639-1 code, completely lowercased.
  7. Use TestDataFilesWriter to create the test data files used for accuracy report generation. The input file from which to create the test data should have each sentence on a separate line.
  8. Put the generated test data files in /src/test/resources/language-testdata. Do not rename the test data files.
  9. For accuracy report generation, create an abstract base class for the main logic in /src/test/kotlin/com/github/pemistahl/lingua/report/config. Look at the other languages' files in this directory to see how the class must look like. It should be pretty self-explanatory.
  10. Create a concrete test class in /src/test/kotlin/com/github/pemistahl/lingua/report/lingua. Look at the other languages' files in this directory to see how the class must look like. It should be pretty self-explanatory. If one of the other language detector libraries supports your language already, you can add test classes for those as well. Each library has its own directory for this purpose.
  11. Fix the existing unit tests by adding your new language.
  12. Add your new language to property linguaSupportedLanguages in /
  13. Run ./gradlew writeAccuracyReports and add the updated accuracy reports to your pull request.
  14. Run ./gradlew drawAccuracyPlots and add the updated plots to your pull request.
  15. Run ./gradlew writeAccuracyTable and add the updated accuracy table to your pull request.
  16. Be happy! :-) You have successfully contributed a new language and have thereby significantly widened this library's fields of application.