1st: Introduction
- Overview: Environment and nutrition
- Some tools for research: Feedly, Pocket, and Zotero
- Beef cattle nutrition and environment: download
- Dairy cattle nutrition and environment: download
- Small ruminant nutrition and environment: download
- Poultry nutrition and environment
- Swine nutrition and environment
- Canine and feline nutrition and environment
- Swine odor reduction strategy: download
- IR camera tech for animal science: download
- Microbial treatment for environment
6th: Introduction to meta-analysis 1
7th: Introduction to meta-analysis 2
- Homework: Install the R and Rstudio
- Caution! Please use the username of OS (windows, mac, or linux) in ENGLISH (NOT Korean) during the installation
8th: Mid-term exam
9th: Basic R programming
10th: Basic meta-analysis programming using R
11th: Review 1
- Duffield, T.F., Rabiee, A.R., Lean, I.J., 2008. A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Monensin in Lactating Dairy Cattle. Part 1. Metabolic Effects. Journal of Dairy Science 91, 1334–1346.
- Duffield, T.F., Rabiee, A.R., Lean, I.J., 2008. A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Monensin in Lactating Dairy Cattle. Part 2. Production Effects. Journal of Dairy Science 91, 1347–1360.
- Sales, J., 2014. Effects of access to pasture on performance, carcass composition, and meat quality in broilers: A meta-analysis1. Poultry Science 93, 1523–1533.
12th: Review 2
- Sales, J., Jančík, F., 2011. Effects of dietary chromium supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of growing-finishing swine: A meta-analysis1. Journal of Animal Science 89, 4054–4067.
- Duffield, T.F., Merrill, J.K., Bagg, R.N., 2012. Meta-analysis of the effects of monensin in beef cattle on feed efficiency, body weight gain, and dry matter intake1. Journal of Animal Science 90, 4583–4592.
13th: Disccusion for preparing the Metathon
- Preparation for Metathon: download
14th: Metathon day! 🐮 💻 🏃
"People power sparks great ideas!"
- Metathon == Meta-analysis + Marathon
- The goal of a metathon is to write the publishable meta-analysis paper by the end of the event (within 24 hours).
- Time: 2019-05-04 09:00 to 2019-05-05 09:00 -> Google Calendar
- Location: 204 Animal Sci. Building. Konkuk University. Seoul. South Korea.
- (Research Subject) A meta-analysis: Acidifiers and probiotics as a non-antibiotic feed additive in swine diets.
15th: Refresh day after metathon
16th: Final exam