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84 Commits

Repository files navigation


grgry (pronounced "gregory") is a CLI tool designed to perform git operations en masse, allowing you to bulk execute git commands across multiple repositories. It is heavily inspired by ghorg and written in Rust as an introduction to the language.

Why grgry?

grgry is particularly helpful if you need to:

  1. Make changes across multiple repositories simultaneously.

  2. Onboard new team members by setting up their repositories.

  3. Manage multiple git providers and accounts simultaneously.

Supported Providers

  1. Github

  2. Gitlab



You can install grgry by downloading the binaries directly.

After that you can move it into your /usr/local/bin directory to make it executable on linux:

tar -xvzf grgry-v1.1.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
sudo mv grgry-v1.1.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/grgry /usr/local/bin/
rm -rf grgry-v1.1.1*
grgry --version

or add it to your environment variables on windows with powershell (as admin):

$zipUrl = ""
$zipFileName = "grgry-v1.1.1-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
$zipFile = "$"
$extractDir = "$zipFileName-extracted"
$destinationPath = "C:\Program Files\grgry"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $zipUrl -OutFile $zipFile
Expand-Archive -Path $zipFile -DestinationPath $extractDir

if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $destinationPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destinationPath }
Move-Item -Path "$extractDir\$zipFileName\grgry.exe" -Destination $destinationPath -Force

Remove-Item -Path $zipFile 
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $extractDir

$env:Path += ";$destinationPath" 
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) + ";$destinationPath", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

grgry --version


To update grgry you can either install it again following the example above or you can make use of the update command which automatically switches to the latest version.

In unix systems this can be done by:

sudo -E grgry update

Create Config File

The configuration file should be created the first time you execute the grgry command.

If you want to manually create a configuration file, add a file named grgry.toml inside the .config folder in your $HOME directory


mkdir $HOME/.config

touch  $HOME/.config/grgry.toml
touch  ~/.config/grgry.toml

or Windows:

New-Item $HOME\.config\grgry.toml -Force

This config file stores your profiles, which you can switch between to access the correct provider with the appropriate user.

Chef's recommendation

To simplify workflow aliases can be created that map the great grgry functionality into git commands. For grgry clone and grgry quick it is straightfoward, for grgry mass a special command alias can be used providing a smoother usage, instead of writing grgry mass "status --porcelain" --regex ".*" the alias allows you to run git mass status --porcelain --regex ".*" without any apostrophes whatsoever.


git config --global alias.gclone '!grgry clone'
git config --global alias.quick '!grgry quick'
git config --global alias.mass '!grgry alias'


git config --global alias.gclone "!grgry clone"
git config --global alias.quick "!grgry quick"
git config --global alias.mass "!grgry alias"

Available Commands


The grgry clone command can clone a group, user, or organization. It accepts the following parameters:

  • directory: (Required) Name of the group/org/user to clone .
  • -f , --force Specify if the base directory should be removed before cloning or only a pull is necessary (default false).
  • -u, --user: (Optional) Specify if the directory is a user directory or not (default false).
  • -b, --branch: (Optional) Clone specific branch (if not specified the deefault branch is cloned).
  • --regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern.
  • --rev-regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern exclusion.

If a repository does not match the provided branch or regex pattern, it will be skipped. If the repo already exists it will be pulled by default, to reclone from scratch the -f, --force parameter can be set.


The grgry quick command performs git pull --rebase, git add, git commit, and git push on one or many repositories together. It accepts the following parameters:

  • message: (Required) Commit message same as git commit -m message.

  • --regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern.

  • --rev-regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern exclusion.

  • -s, --skip-interactive: Don't ask for permission to execute command per repository (default is false).

If a repository does not match the regex pattern or has no changes, it will be skipped.

If a local branch is not on the origin it will be pushed using --set-upstream.

If you want to know more about what changed you can type m on the interactive mode which returns the git diff of the repository.


The grgry mass command can be used for executing single line git commands for multiple repositories at once (e.g. git status --porcelain --> grgry "status --porcelain") It accepts the following parameters:

  • command: (Required) This is the command to execute as if it was a git command without git prefix.

  • --regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern.

  • --rev-regex: (Optional) Filter repositories to clone using a regex pattern exclusion.

  • -s, --skip-interactive: Don't ask for permission to execute command per repository (default is false).


The grgry profile command manages different profiles stored in the grgry.toml configuration file. A profile might look like this:

["Gitlab Profile"]
active = false
pulloption = "ssh"
username = "Your Name"
email = ""
baseaddress = ""
provider = "gitlab"
token = "glp-1234..."
targetbasepath = "/your/base/repo/path"

["Github Profile"]
active = true
pulloption = "https"
username = "Your Name"
email = ""
baseaddress = ""
provider = "github"
token = "token github_pat_1233..."
targetbasepath = "/your/base/repo/path"

Profile commands:

  • activate: Activate a specific profile to be used for cloning.

  • add: Add a new profile interactively. Note: You'll be prompted to provide a personal access token for the provider. Without the token, you'll only be able to clone public repositories.

  • delete: Delete a profile that is not in use or is incorrectly configured.

  • show: Show the current activated profile. All profiles can be listed by adding -a, --all


The grgry update command gets the latest release from GitHub and replaces the binary at the correct place. This feature is experimental for now and only works if executed with sudo -E rights.


Contributions, improvements, and feature requests are welcome! Keep in mind that this project was created for personal use and as a learning project for Rust. The goal was to make it adaptable and fast.

Tasks in progress

  • Create submodules to structure the code / refactoring
  • grgry show with parameter --all showing the current activated profile or all profiles
  • add option to pull --rebase in grgry quick
  • open issue with walkdir to stop at .git folder instead of traversing into the folder (speedup)
  • quick default en mass instead of default singular
  • try for a grgry update functionallity
  • check if git is installed (if not assert break)
  • create alias for git to use instead of mass
  • force clone to remove targetbasepath and reclone from scratch
  • try to work with to speeden up the git clone --> implemented --filter=blob:none
  • Change the command about and long about to something clearer
  • Release pipeline for cargo
  • add an option to --ammend commits
  • add configurable grgry quick for people that don't want to follow the same workflow
  • quick, clone, mass in three different ways: interactive, multiselect, skip-interactive (regex still working in addition) (default interactive)
  • parameter to exclude archived projects from grgry clone
  • update news if there is a new version available
  • grgry update check if current version <> newest version and show a select of all newer versions to decide which to upgrade to
  • possibility of skip interactive during interaction for grgry mass and grgry quick
  • updating the print lines to be more cheerful


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