Shabo is a small CSS framework written on SCSS. Included some scripts on pure coffeescript (without jquery).
Shabo is fork of Kube Web Framework. At this moment, I am just owerwriting Kube from stylus and js+jquery to scss and pure coffeescript.
- Typography
- Grid
- Blocks
- Tables
- Forms
- Navigation
- Buttons
- Labels
- Search
- Notifications
- Customization colors
- Mixins and helpers
- Ready to use any icon fonts
- Accordion
- Autocomplete
- Buttons
- Check All
- Dropdown
- Filterbox
- Navigation Fixed
- Infinite Scroll
- Livesearch
- Message
- Modal
- Navigation Toggle
- Progress Bar
- Tabs
- TextFit
- Tooltip
- Upload
Shabo licensed under MIT. Shabo Framework is absolutely free for personal or commercial use.
####License FAQ
Q: Can I use Shabo in my open-source project?
A: Yes, you can!
Q: Can I fork Shabo on Github for any needs whatsoever?
A: Sure!
Q: Can I redistribute my modification of Shabo?
A: Yes, you can!
Q: Can I sell Shabo or my modification of Shabo?
A: No problem, go ahead!
Q: Can I rename Shabo to Mube and distribute it as if it was my product?
A: Well yes, if you absolutely have to… We don't appreciate such things though.