CLI tool to convert a Meteor app into a "standard" Node.js application. The resulting app contains a package.json file with all required dependencies and can be easily ported to your own servers or Node.js PAAS providers.
Note that version 3 of Demteorizer changes the output structure, which may cause
issues depending on how/where you are deploying your application. With the new
structure, the generated node application is available in
Demeteorizer bundles your Meteor application using meteor build
then updates
the generated package.json
to include all of the necessary properties for
running the application on a PaaS provider.
Install Demeteorizer globally using npm
$ npm install -g demeteorizer
$ cd /path/to/meteor/app
$ demeteorizer [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output <path> Output folder for converted application [.demeteorized]
-a, --architecture <arch> Build architecture to be generated
-d, --debug Build the application in debug mode (don't minify, etc)
-j, --json <json> JSON data to be merged into the generated package.json
Demeteorizer works on Windows; however, errors will occur when repeatedly running demeteorizer in Node.js versions prior to 0.12.4.
The workaround on earlier versions on Node.js is to delete to generated
directory before rerunning demeteorizer.
Meteor version 0.8.1 and below are only supported in Demeteorizer version v0.9.0 and Modulus CLI v1.1.0. For all other versions, use the latest version of Demeteorizer.
This is because the bundle
command changed in 0.9 which makes backward
compatibility impossible. :(
Meteor applications make use of the following environment variables:
MAIL_URL='smtp://user:password@mailhost:port/' (optional)
PORT=8080 (optional, defaults to 80)
Note that demeteorized applications still require a MongoDB connection in order to correctly run. To run your demeteorized application locally, you will need MongoDB installed and running.
Run the app:
$ cd /your/output/directory/bundle/programs/server
$ npm install
$ MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/test PORT=8080 ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8080 npm start
Convert the Meteor app in the current directory and output to ./.demeteorized
$ demeteorizer
Convert the Meteor app in the current directory and output to
$ demeteorizer -o ~/meteor-app/converted
The following steps will create a Meteor example app, convert it, and run it.
$ git clone
$ cd leaderboard
$ demeteorizer
$ cd .demeteorized/bundle/programs/server
$ npm install
$ MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/test PORT=8080 ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8080 npm start
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
The --json
option will allow you to pass arbitrary JSON data that will be
added to the generated package.json. You can use this to override settings in
package.json or to add arbitrary data.
"key": "some-key-data",
"services": {
"some-service": {
"key": "another-key"
Add settings.json data to the generated package.json
$ demeteorizer --json "{ \"settings\": $(cat settings.json) }"
The resulting package.json will have a settings
property that includes the
JSON from settings.json.
You can also use this to override settings
$ demeteorizer --json "{ \"engines\": { \"node\": \"0.12.x\" } }"
This will result in a package.json with the node engine set to 0.12.x.
The --debug option is passed to the meteor build command indicating to meteor that the application should not be minified.
$ demeteorizer --debug
Demeteorizer has been tested with the current Meteor example apps. If you find an app that doesn't convert correctly, throw an issue in Github -
See releases.