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File metadata and controls

1120 lines (835 loc) · 34.3 KB


Block Supports is the API that allows a block to declare support for certain features.

Opting into any of these features will register additional attributes on the block and provide the UI to manipulate that attribute.

In order for the attribute to get applied to the block the generated properties get added to the wrapping element of the block. They get added to the object you get returned from the useBlockProps hook.

BlockEdit function:

function BlockEdit() {
	const blockProps = useBlockProps();

	return <div { ...blockProps }>Hello World!</div>;

save function:

function BlockEdit() {
	const blockProps =;

	return <div { ...blockProps }>Hello World!</div>;

For dynamic blocks that get rendered via a render_callback in PHP you can use the get_block_wrapper_attributes() function. It returns a string containing all the generated properties and needs to get output in the opening tag of the wrapping block element.

render_callback function:

function render_block() {
	$wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes();

	return sprintf(
		'<div %1$s>%2$s</div>',
		'Hello World!'


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Anchors let you link directly to a specific block on a page. This property adds a field to define an id for the block and a button to copy the direct link. Important: It doesn't work with dynamic blocks yet.

// Declare support for anchor links.
supports: {
	anchor: true


  • Type: boolean or array
  • Default value: false

This property adds block controls, which enable changes to a block's alignment.

supports: {
	// Declare support for block's alignment.
	// This adds support for all the options:
	// left, center, right, wide, and full.
	align: true
supports: {
	// Declare support for specific alignment options.
	align: [ 'left', 'right', 'full' ]

When the block declares support for align, the attributes definition is extended to include an align attribute with a string type. By default, no alignment is assigned. The block can apply a default alignment by specifying its own align attribute with a default. For example:

attributes: {
    align: {
        type: 'string',
        default: 'right'


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

This property allows to enable wide alignment for your theme. To disable this behavior for a single block, set this flag to false.

supports: {
	// Remove the support for wide alignment.
	alignWide: false


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

ARIA-labels let you define an accessible label for elements. This property allows enabling the definition of an aria-label for the block, without exposing a UI field.

supports: {
	// Add support for an aria label.
	ariaLabel: true


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties
    • backgroundImage: type boolean, default value false
    • backgroundSize: type boolean, default value false

This value signals that a block supports some of the CSS style properties related to background. When it does, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values if the theme declares support.

backgroundImage adds UI controls which allow the user to select a background image. backgroundSize adds the FocalPointPicker to pick the position of the background image and allow the user to select the background size (cover, contain, fixed).

supports: {
	background: {
		backgroundImage: true // Enable background image control.
		backgroundSize: true // Enable background image + size control.

When a block declares support for a specific background property, its attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute.

When a background image is selected, the image data is stored in the style.background.backgroundImage.

When a background images is selected and its position or size are changed, the background-position is stored in the style.background.backgroundPosition and its background-size in style.background.backgroundSize attribute.

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned. This is added when backgroundImage or backgroundSize support is declared. It stores the custom values set by the user.
    • background: an attribute of object type.
      • backgroundImage: an attribute of object type, containing information about the selected image
        • url: type string, URL to the image
        • id: type int, media attachment ID
        • source: type string, at the moment the only value is file
        • title: type string, title of the media attachment
      • backgroundPosition: an attribute of string type, defining the background images position, selected by FocalPointPicker and used in CSS as the background-position value.
      • backgroundSize: an attribute of string type. defining the CSS background-size value.

The block can apply a default background image, position and size by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

attributes: {
    style: {
        background: {
            backgroundImage: {
			backgroundPosition:"50% 50%",
            backgroundSize: "cover"


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

By default, the class .wp-block-your-block-name is added to the root element of your saved markup. This helps by providing a consistent mechanism for styling blocks that themes and plugins can rely on. If, for whatever reason, a class is not desired on the markup, this functionality can be disabled.

supports: {
	// Remove the support for the generated className.
	className: false


  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • background: type boolean, default value true
    • button: type boolean, default value false
    • enableContrastChecker: type boolean, default value true
    • gradients: type boolean, default value false
    • heading: type boolean, default value false
    • link: type boolean, default value false
    • text: type boolean, default value true

This value signals that a block supports some of the properties related to color. When this value is present, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values.

Note that the background and text keys have a default value of true, so if the color property is present they will also be considered enabled:

supports: {
	color: {
		// This also enables text and background UI controls.
		gradients: true // Enables the gradients UI control.

It's possible to disable them individually:

supports: {
    color: { // Text UI control is enabled.
        background: false, // Disables the background UI control.
        gradients: true // Enables the gradients UI control.


This property adds UI controls which allow the user to apply a solid background color to a block.

When color support is declared, this property is enabled by default (along with text), so simply setting color will enable background color.

supports: {
    color: true // Enables background and text color support.

To disable background support while keeping other color supports enabled, set to false.

supports: {
    color: {
        // Disables background support. Text color support is still enabled.
        background: false

When the block declares support for color.background, the attributes definition is extended to include two new attributes: backgroundColor and style:

  • backgroundColor: an attribute of string type with no default assigned.

    When a user chooses from the list of preset background colors, the preset slug is stored in the backgroundColor attribute.

    Background color presets are sourced from the editor-color-palette theme support.

    The block can apply a default preset background color by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        backgroundColor: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'some-preset-background-slug',
  • style: attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a custom background color is selected (i.e. using the custom color picker), the custom color value is stored in the style.color.background attribute.

    The block can apply a default custom background color by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                color: {
                    background: '#aabbcc',


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

This property adds block controls which allow the user to set button colors (text, background) in a block. Button colors are disabled by default.

To enable button color support, set color.button to true.

supports: {
	color: {
		button: true

Button color presets are sourced from the editor-color-palette theme support.

When the block declares support for color.button, the attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute:

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a button color is selected, the color value is stored in the style.elements.button.color.text and style.elements.button.color.background attribute.

    The block can apply a default button colors by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                elements: {
                    button: {
                        color: {
                            text: 'var:preset|color|contrast',
    					    background: '#000000',


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

Determines whether the contrast checker widget displays in the block editor UI.

The contrast checker appears only if the block declares support for color. It tests the readability of color combinations and warns if there is a potential issue. The property is enabled by default. Set to false to explicitly disable:

supports: {
	color: {
		enableContrastChecker: false


Note: Deprecated since WordPress 6.3.

This property has been replaced by filter.duotone.


This property adds UI controls which allow the user to apply a gradient background to a block.

supports: {
    color: {
        gradients: true,
        // Default values must be disabled if you don't want to use them with gradients.
        background: false,
        text: false

Gradient presets are sourced from editor-gradient-presets theme support.

When the block declares support for color.gradient, the attributes definition is extended to include two new attributes: gradient and style:

  • gradient: an attribute of string type with no default assigned.

    When a user chooses from the list of preset gradients, the preset slug is stored in the gradient attribute.

    The block can apply a default preset gradient by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        gradient: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'some-preset-gradient-slug',
  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a custom gradient is selected (i.e. using the custom gradient picker), the custom gradient value is stored in the style.color.gradient attribute.

    The block can apply a default custom gradient by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                color: {
                    gradient: 'linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(170,187,204) 0%,rgb(17,34,51) 100%)',


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

This property adds block controls which allow the user to set heading colors in a block. Heading colors are disabled by default.

To enable heading color support, set color.heading to true.

supports: {
	color: {
		// Enable heading color support.
		heading: true

Heading color presets are sourced from the editor-color-palette theme support.

When the block declares support for color.heading, the attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute:

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a heading color is selected, the color value is stored in the style.elements.heading.color.text and style.elements.heading.color.background attribute.

    The block can apply default heading colors by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                elements: {
                    heading: {
                        color: {
                            text: 'var:preset|color|contrast',
    					    background: '#000000',

This property adds block controls which allow the user to set link colors in a block. Link colors are disabled by default.

To enable link color support, set to true.

supports: {
	color: {
		link: true

Link color presets are sourced from the editor-color-palette theme support.

When the block declares support for, the attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute:

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a link color is selected, the color value is stored in the and attribute.

    The block can apply default link colors by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                elements: {
                    link: {
                        color: {
                            text: 'var:preset|color|contrast',
    					":hover": {
    						color: {
    							text: "#000000"


This property adds block controls which allow the user to set text color in a block.

When color support is declared, this property is enabled by default (along with background), so simply setting color will enable text color.

supports: {
	color: true // Enables background and text, but not link.

To disable text color support while keeping other color supports enabled, set color.text to false.

supports: {
	color: {
		// Disable text color support.
		text: false

Text color presets are sourced from the editor-color-palette theme support.

When the block declares support for color.text, the attributes definition is extended to include two new attributes: textColor and style:

  • textColor: an attribute of string type with no default assigned.

    When a user chooses from the list of preset text colors, the preset slug is stored in the textColor attribute.

    The block can apply a default preset text color by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        textColor: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'some-preset-text-color-slug',
  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a custom text color is selected (i.e. using the custom color picker), the custom color value is stored in the style.color.text attribute.

    The block can apply a default custom text color by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                color: {
                    text: '#aabbcc',


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

This property adds a field to define a custom className for the block's wrapper.

supports: {
	// Remove the support for the custom className.
	customClassName: false


Note: Since WordPress 6.2.

  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • minHeight: type boolean, default value false

This value signals that a block supports some of the CSS style properties related to dimensions. When it does, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values if the theme declares support.

supports: {
	dimensions: {
		aspectRatio: true // Enable aspect ratio control.
		minHeight: true // Enable min height control.

When a block declares support for a specific dimensions property, its attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute.

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned. This is added when aspectRatio or minHeight support is declared. It stores the custom values set by the user. For example:
attributes: {
    style: {
        dimensions: {
            aspectRatio: "16/9",
            minHeight: "50vh"


  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • duotone: type boolean, default value false

This value signals that a block supports some of the properties related to filters. When it does, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values.


This property adds UI controls which allow the user to apply a duotone filter to a block or part of a block.

supports: {
    filter: {
        // Enable duotone support
        duotone: true
selectors: {
    filter: {
        // Apply the filter to img elements inside the image block
        duotone: '.wp-block-image img'

The filter can be applied to an element inside the block by setting the selectors.filter.duotone selector.

Duotone presets are sourced from color.duotone in theme.json.

When the block declares support for filter.duotone, the attributes definition is extended to include the attribute style:

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    The block can apply a default duotone color by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
                color: {
                    duotone: [


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

By default, a block's markup can be edited individually. To disable this behavior, set html to false.

supports: {
	// Remove support for an HTML mode.
	html: false


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

By default, all blocks will appear in the inserter, block transforms menu, Style Book, etc. To hide a block from all parts of the user interface so that it can only be inserted programmatically, set inserter to false.

supports: {
	// Hide this block from the inserter.
	inserter: false


  • Type: boolean or object
  • Default value: false
  • Subproperties:
    • clientNavigation: type boolean, default value false
    • interactive: type boolean, default value false

Indicates if the block is using Interactivity API features.

The clientNavigation sub-property indicates whether a block is compatible with the Interactivity API client-side navigation. Set it to true only if the block is not interactive or if it is interactive using the Interactivity API. Set it to false if the block is interactive but uses vanilla JS, jQuery or another JS framework/library other than the Interactivity API.

The interactive sub-property indicates whether the block is using the Interactivity API directives.


  • Type: boolean or Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • default: type Object, default value null
    • allowSwitching: type boolean, default value false
    • allowEditing: type boolean, default value true
    • allowInheriting: type boolean, default value true
    • allowSizingOnChildren: type boolean, default value false
    • allowVerticalAlignment: type boolean, default value true
    • allowJustification: type boolean, default value true
    • allowOrientation: type boolean, default value true
    • allowCustomContentAndWideSize: type boolean, default value true

This value only applies to blocks that are containers for inner blocks. If set to true the layout type will be flow. For other layout types it's necessary to set the type explicitly inside the default object.


  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null

Allows setting the type property to define what layout type is default for the block, and also default values for any properties inherent to that layout type. For example, for a flex layout, a default value can be set for flexWrap.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Exposes a switcher control that allows toggling between all existing layout types.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

Determines display of layout controls in the block sidebar. If set to false, layout controls will be hidden.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

For the flow layout type only, determines display of the "Inner blocks use content width" toggle.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

For the flex layout type only, determines display of sizing controls (Fit/Fill/Fixed) on all child blocks of the flex block.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

For the flex layout type only, determines display of the vertical alignment control in the block toolbar.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

For the flex layout type, determines display of the justification control in the block toolbar and block sidebar. For the constrained layout type, determines display of justification control in the block sidebar.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

For the flex layout type only, determines display of the orientation control in the block toolbar.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

For the constrained layout type only, determines display of the custom content and wide size controls in the block sidebar.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

A block may want to disable the ability to toggle the lock state. It can be locked/unlocked by a user from the block "Options" dropdown by default. To disable this behavior, set lock to false.

supports: {
	// Remove support for locking UI.
	lock: false


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

A non-multiple block can be inserted into each post, one time only. For example, the built-in 'More' block cannot be inserted again if it already exists in the post being edited. A non-multiple block's icon is automatically dimmed (unclickable) to prevent multiple instances.

supports: {
	// Use the block just once per post
	multiple: false


Note: Since WordPress 6.2.

  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • sticky: type boolean, default value false

This value signals that a block supports some of the CSS style properties related to position. When it does, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values if the theme declares support.

Note that sticky position controls are currently only available for blocks set at the root level of the document. Setting a block to the sticky position will stick the block to its most immediate parent when the user scrolls the page.

supports: {
	position: {
		sticky: true // Enable selecting sticky position.

When the block declares support for a specific position property, its attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute.

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned. This is added when sticky support is declared. It stores the custom values set by the user. For example:
attributes: {
    style: {
        position: {
            type: "sticky",
            top: "0px"


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

By default, a block can be renamed by a user from the block 'Options' dropdown or the 'Advanced' panel. To disable this behavior, set renaming to false.

supports: {
	// Don't allow the block to be renamed in the editor.
	renaming: false,


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: true

A block may want to disable the ability of being converted into a reusable block. By default all blocks can be converted to a reusable block. If supports reusable is set to false, the option to convert the block into a reusable block will not appear.

supports: {
	// Don't allow the block to be converted into a reusable block.
	reusable: false,


Note: Since WordPress 6.5.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

This property adds block controls which allow the user to set a box shadow for a block. Shadows are disabled by default.

supports: {
	shadow: true // Enable the box-shadow picker.

Shadow presets are sourced from the shadow presets defined in theme.json.

When the block declares support for shadow, the attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute:

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned.

    When a shadow is selected, the color value is stored in the style.shadow.

    The block can apply a default shadow by specifying its own attribute with a default. For example:

    attributes: {
        style: {
            type: 'object',
            default: {
    			shadow: "var:preset|shadow|deep"


  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • margin: type boolean or array, default value false
    • padding: type boolean or array, default value false
    • blockGap: type boolean or array, default value false

This value signals that a block supports some of the CSS style properties related to spacing. When it does, the block editor will show UI controls for the user to set their values if the theme declares support.

supports: {
    spacing: {
        margin: true,  // Enable margin UI control.
        padding: true, // Enable padding UI control.
        blockGap: true,  // Enables block spacing UI control for blocks that also use `layout`.

When the block declares support for a specific spacing property, its attributes definition is extended to include the style attribute.

  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned. This is added when margin or padding support is declared. It stores the custom values set by the user. For example:
attributes: {
    style: {
        margin: 'value',
        padding: {
            top: 'value',

A spacing property may define an array of allowable sides – 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' – that can be configured. When such arbitrary sides are defined, only UI controls for those sides are displayed.

Axial sides are defined with the vertical and horizontal terms, and display a single UI control for each axial pair (for example, vertical controls both the top and bottom sides). A spacing property may support arbitrary individual sides or axial sides, but not a mix of both.

Note: blockGap accepts vertical and horizontal axial sides, which adjust gap column and row values. blockGap doesn't support arbitrary sides.

supports: {
    spacing: {
        margin: [ 'top', 'bottom' ],             // Enable margin for arbitrary sides.
        padding: true,                           // Enable padding for all sides.
        blockGap: [ 'horizontal', 'vertical' ],  // Enables axial (column/row) block spacing controls


  • Type: Object
  • Default value: null
  • Subproperties:
    • fontSize: type boolean, default value false
    • lineHeight: type boolean, default value false
    • textAlign: type boolean or array, default value false

The presence of this object signals that a block supports some typography related properties. When it does, the block editor will show a typography UI allowing the user to control their values.

supports: {
    typography: {
        // Enable support and UI control for font-size.
        fontSize: true,
        // Enable support and UI control for line-height.
        lineHeight: true,
        // Enable support and UI control for text alignment.
        textAlign: true,


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

This value signals that a block supports the font-size CSS style property. When it does, the block editor will show an UI control for the user to set its value.

The values shown in this control are the ones declared by the theme via the editor-font-sizes theme support, or the default ones if none are provided.

supports: {
    typography: {
        // Enable support and UI control for font-size.
        fontSize: true,

When the block declares support for fontSize, the attributes definition is extended to include two new attributes: fontSize and style:

  • fontSize: an attribute of string type with no default assigned. It stores any preset value selected by the user. The block can apply a default fontSize by specifying its own fontSize attribute with a default. For example:
attributes: {
    fontSize: {
        type: 'string',
        default: 'some-value',
  • style: an attribute of object type with no default assigned. It stores the custom values set by the user and is shared with other block supports such as color. The block can apply a default style by specifying its own style attribute with a default. For example:
attributes: {
    style: {
        type: 'object',
        default: {
            typography: {
                fontSize: 'value'


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

This value signals that a block supports the line-height CSS style property. When it does, the block editor will show an UI control for the user to set its value if the theme declares support.

supports: {
    typography: {
        // Enable support and UI control for line-height.
        lineHeight: true,

When the block declares support for lineHeight, the attributes definition is extended to include a new attribute style of object type with no default assigned. It stores the custom value set by the user. The block can apply a default style by specifying its own style attribute with a default. For example:

attributes: {
    style: {
        type: 'object',
        default: {
            typography: {
                lineHeight: 'value'


Note: Since WordPress 6.6.

  • Type: boolean or array
  • Default value: false

This property adds block toolbar controls which allow to change block's text alignment.

supports: {
    typography: {
        // Declare support for block's text alignment.
        // This adds support for all the options:
        // left, center, right.
        textAlign: true
supports: {
    typography: {
        // Declare support for specific text alignment options.
        textAlign: [ 'left', 'right' ]

When the block declares support for textAlign, the attributes definition is extended to include a new attribute style of object type with no default assigned. It stores the custom value set by the user. The block can apply a default style by specifying its own style attribute with a default. For example:

attributes: {
    style: {
        type: 'object',
        default: {
            typography: {
                textAlign: 'value'


When set to true, Enter will split the block into two blocks. Note that this is only meant for simple text blocks such as paragraphs and headings with a single RichText field. RichText in the edit function must have an identifier prop that matches the attribute key of the text, so that it updates the selection correctly and we know where to split.