This is the Client side portion of my personal project ScriptSplitter. The idea of the application is to split single speaker video scripts into captions for easy importing into your Video Editing Software of choice. The API portion houses all of the saved data. So Reading and Writing functionality is all given here.
To get the project running we would need both the Client Side application and the API downloaded on your system. You will also need to have PostgreSQL downloaded on your system.
Once you have both applications downloaded, you will need 2 terminals open. One inside of the root folder of each application.
First, in the terminal, you want to enter bundle
While that is going, you can go into PostgreSQL and initialize a server.
After that has completed, enter rails s -p 3001
in the terminal
After that, your API should be up and running.
Once you have your API up and running, enter npm start
on a seperate terminal and the application will open up.
- Ruby on Rails - As the API
- React - For Front End components
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- William Mena - Initial work - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details