Not necessarily a todo list, but a list of everything that should be inside the bot.
exp <user?>
- Removed in favour of inventory command
inventory <user?>
- Show your (or others') inventory
show [plant]
- Show an image of the plant
showother [user] [plant]
- Show an image of the plant
- Show all of the plants
- Show the shop
- Refresh the shop
water [plant]
- Water the plant if timeout is over,
- if it's not watered,
- and if it's not dead
- Give the user exp
- Water all of the plants
waterother [user] [plant]
- Water another user's plant if their timeout is over,
- and if it's not dead,
- and if they have a key to the user's garden.
- [-] Give both users exp.
- Nah idc any more
deleteplant [plant]
- Delete a plant
revive [plant]
- Revive a dead plant
immortalize [plant]
- Make a plant immortal
rename [plant] [name]
- Rename a plant
herbiary <plant?>
- Show a list of all plants if no plant given
- Show info about a plant if plant given
tradeplant [user]
- Show a dropdown of plants
- Trade a plant to another user
- Other user must specify another plant to trade
- Both users must accept the trade
giveitem [user]
- Show a dropdown of the user's items
- Give an item to another user
key give [user]
key remove
- Give you a dropdown of users who currently have keys to your garden so as to remove them.
- Death count
- Max plant lifetime
- [-] Adopted plant count (by plant)
- Nah we're fine without
- Item give count
- Plant water count
- Plant trade count
- Plant revive count
- Plant immortalize count