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Card Management App using React Native and Omise Payment Gateway 🚀

This project is a React Native mobile application that integrates with the Omise Payment Gateway to allow users to make payments using their credit cards. The app provides a set of features such as managing customer data, adding cards, and processing payments.

Features 📱

  • Customer List: Users can add new customers via email or use a default test customer.
  • Card List: Displays a list of cards associated with the selected customer. Random amount and Pay
  • Add Card: Allows users to add new credit cards to the selected customer.

Screenshots 📸

Below are some screenshots showcasing the app's UI:

Empty Customer List Customer List Add Customer
Empty Customer List Customer List Customer List - Add Customer


No Cards Add Card Card List
No Cards Add Card Card List
Pay Modal Payment Success Card List
Pay Modal Payment success Payment Failed

Technologies Used ⚙️


  • React Native: For building the mobile app UI.
  • Omise Payment Gateway: Integrated to handle payment processing.
  • React Navigation: For smooth navigation between app screens.
  • TypeScript: Ensures type safety for more robust code.
  • React Context API: Manages global state, specifically customer data.
  • Custom HooksuseOmise custom hook for API interaction between React Native and Omise.
  • Nativewind: A utility-first CSS framework for styling the components.
  • Expo Fonts: For custom fonts across the app.


  • Node.js with Express: Backend framework for managing API routes and payment handling.
  • Omise API: For processing payments securely.
  • For real-time communication.
  • RabbitMQ: For message queuing and handling scalability.
  • Docker: For running RabbitMQ in a containerized environment.

Application Flow 🌐

This section outlines how data flows through the app, from user actions to payment processing, and explains the roles of and RabbitMQ in managing real-time updates and scalable message delivery.

1. User Interaction 💬

Customer List Screen:

  • The user can:
    • Add a new customer by entering their email. The app validates the email and calls the Omise API to create the customer. Upon success, the app stores the Omise customer ID and email in AsyncStorage for future use.
    • Alternatively, the user can create a default test customer for quick testing.
  • Once a customer is created or selected, the user can proceed to manage cards or make a payment.

Card List Screen:

  • The user can see a list of cards associated with the selected customer.
  • From here, the user can click the Pay button to initiate a payment.

Add Card Screen:

  • The user adds a credit card to the customer’s account.
  • The app calls the Omise API to generate a payment token for the card.
  • This token is then linked to the customer, and the card is added to the customer’s profile for future payments.

2. Payment Process 💳

Initiating Payment:

  • When the user clicks Pay, the frontend (React Native app) sends a payment request to the backend, passing along the customer ID and payment amount.
  • The frontend subscribes to updates using The customer ID is used as a unique identifier for the socket connection, ensuring that the app only receives updates relevant to the current customer.

Backend Processing:

  • The backend (Node.js + Express) receives the payment request and calls the Omise API to attempt the charge.
  • The backend then sends a message to the frontend, notifying the app that the payment process has been initialized.

Payment Status Update:

  • After processing the payment through Omise, the backend updates the payment status (success or failure).
  • message is sent to the frontend in real-time, using the customer ID to target the correct client. The frontend receives this update and shows the status of the payment to the user.
  • If the payment is successful, the frontend displays a success message. If there is an error (e.g., insufficient funds, card decline), the frontend displays an error message.

RabbitMQ Integration:

  • To ensure scalability and reliability, the backend places payment-related messages (e.g., payment status) into a RabbitMQ queue.
  • The RabbitMQ queue ensures that messages are processed in order and without loss, even during high traffic or multiple concurrent requests. This helps the system handle payments and other tasks asynchronously.

3. Communication 📡

  • Frontend (React Native) subscribes to events using the customer ID to ensure each customer receives updates about their payment process in real-time.
    • The frontend establishes a connection to the backend with the customer ID.
    • Backend (Node.js) emits events specific to that customer ID, ensuring that the correct client receives the update (e.g., payment success, failure, or progress).

Setup and Testing Instructions 🛠️

Frontend Setup (React Native with React Navigation & Expo) 📱

  1. Clone the Repository: First, clone the repository from GitHub and to the project directory.

    git clone
    cd card-management-app
  2. Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, install the frontend dependencies.

    npm install
  3. Start the React Native App Using Expo: To run the app on your local device or simulator, you’ll use Expo Go. First, make sure you have Expo Go installed on your phone or use an emulator.

    To start the app:

    npm start

    This will open the Expo CLI in your terminal, where you can scan the QR code using the Expo Go app on your phone (available on iOS and Android), or choose i "Run in iOS simulator" or a "Run in Android emulator".

  4. Run the App on iOS: If you are on macOS and want to run the app directly on an iOS simulator, use:

    npm run ios

    This will build and launch the app in the iOS simulator.

Backend Setup (Node.js with Express & Omise Integration) 💻

  1. Navigate to the Backend Directory: Backend is in a separate folder inside the project directory (/api), navigate to that folder:

    cd card-management-app/api
  2. Install Dependencies: Install all necessary backend dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  3. Start the Backend Server: To start the backend server using Nodemon for live-reloading, run:

    npm start

    Note: Make sure you have Nodemon installed globally or locally as part of the dependencies. If it's not installed, you can add it:

    npm install --save-dev nodemon
  4. Verify Backend is Running: Once the backend is running, you should see output like this in your terminal:

    Server running on http://localhost:3000
    Listening for payment status updates...

RabbitMQ Setup in Docker 🐇

  1. Start RabbitMQ in Docker: RabbitMQ will be used for managing message queues. To start RabbitMQ in a Docker container, run the following commands:

    docker run --rm -it --hostname my-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

This command will pull the RabbitMQ image and run the RabbitMQ container and exposes the necessary ports. - 5672 is the default RabbitMQ AMQP protocol port. - 15672 is the web management console (Access it via http://localhost:15672) with Username and Password as guest. This web console help to verify queues, exchanges, and messages being published/consumed

Environment Variables Setup 🔑

You will need two sets of environment variables for the project:

  1. Frontend (React Native) Environment Variables for Omise Keys and backend URL.
  2. Backend (Node.js) Environment Variables for Omise Keys.

Frontend (.env.development) 🌐

Create a .env.development file in the root directory card-management-app.

Example .env.development file:

EXPO_PUBLIC_OMISE_PUBLIC_KEY = pkey_test_.......
EXPO_PUBLIC_OMISE_SECRET_KEY = skey_test_.......
EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL = http://localhost:3000

Make sure to replace the actual test keys you get from Omise Dashboard.

Backend (.env) 🔐

In the backend folder (/api), create a .env file that includes the Omise API keys.

Example .env file:

OMISE_PUBLIC_KEY = pkey_test_........
OMISE_SECRET_KEY = skey_test_........

Omise Test Keys 🔑

To interact with the Omise API in test mode, you will need test keys from Omise. You can Sign up. You can find the keys at Dashboard → Settings → Keys. The keys will containing _test_ for the test mode.

  • Secret Keyskey_test_.........
  • Public Keypkey_test_.........

Omise Testing Card Numbers 💳

When testing payments, you can use the following Omise test credit card numbers. These cards will simulate different payment scenarios:

  • Successful Payment:

    4242 4242 4242 4242 (Visa card, no expiration, any CVC)

  • Declined Payment (Insufficient Funds):

    4111 1111 1114 0011 

  • Payment Rejected:

    4111 1111 1111 0014 

  • Stolen or lost card:

    4111 1111 1113 0012 

These test cards will allow you to simulate a range of real-world payment scenarios without the need for actual card details. For more information on Omise APIs, test cards, refer to the Omise Testing Documentation.